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September 6th, 2015

[info]argentpredator in [info]multifariousic

[Drunk post is drunk.]

Cheeessterrr. Come out and play with meeee.

[info]wired in [info]multifariousic


Hey, a bunch of us are going to Six Flags today. You wanna come with me? My treat.

[info]total_milf in [info]multifariousic

We've been here, like, twenty minutes and they've already started attracting girls. God, I'm in trouble when they're older...

Caroline, you and Derek should come down with Lucas. We can make Derek and Ric do all the hard work while we catch some sun. ;)

[info]imademymistakes in [info]multifariousic

Six Flags Action Spam! (Threads here)

[The sun is bright, the air is warm, the park is buzzing with life. The gang wanders Six Flags in pairs or in a group enjoying the carefree summer life, if only just for one more day.]

[info]liquorisquicker in [info]multifariousic


[Rebekah, Vamp-Allison, Anna, Chester]
Guess who just got a job. Go ahead, guess.

Hey, how's it hanging?

[info]moonpooled in [info]multifariousic

21+ singles

I have spent all of this weekend so far studying, and it's just to get ahead. My life is sad.

This is not meant to knock couples, but is there anyone around here, of age, who doesn't have to check their schedule with anyone else, and looking to meet new people?

That's right, this is a post looking for friends. Talk to me, people.

[info]wiccaway in [info]multifariousic

For the love of God, someone please tell me this is actually just the worst joke of all time.

[info]evileddy in [info]multifariousic

I think Esmeralda's having an affair.

Hey, sorry I missed church. I'm swamped.

How would you like a raise?

[info]justaddh2o in [info]multifariousic


[She's sitting on the bed in her Los Angeles apartment with a twenty-month old girl on her lap. Her expression is concentrated, because she was trying to read the bloody welcome letter, but as soon as she gets to the bottom, before she can go back to the top to re-read and make sure she didn't miss anything, the webcam turns on instead. She doesn't realize it's actually live broadcasting as well. The accent is clearly Aussie, although it's mellowed a bit with her time in America.]

Oh, fucking hell, not again.

[She gasps and covers her mouth immediately when she realizes that thought slipped out aloud and she drops her hand away to lean down to kiss the baby's head.]

Mummy didn't say that; you didn't hear that, did you, Burrito? No. [She smirks and laughs a little when the baby girl looks up from their reflections on the screen and covers Rikki's mouth the way her daddy sometimes playfully does when Mum slips up like that.]

I know, I'm so sorry, my love. That was bad. Mummy said bad, no-no words. Daddy'll have to yell at me later, yeah? Shall we go see if he's about? Hmm? [The little girl babbles out a bubbly series of Daddydaddydaddyyyys and Rikki is about to set the tablet down when it makes a sound and the screen changes. ...Christ, that was recording. And posting. Brilliant.]

[info]omgsrsly in [info]multifariousic

[She reads the note in trembling hands but all she can think is that she's been kidnapped. Her dad was right. He knew this would happen, she should've listened to him. She runs to the tablet as fast as she can.]
My name is Carmen O'Grady and I've been kidnapped. I don't know where I am or who took me, but they took me to their apartment in New York. All of my belongings were taken, even my cellphone. Please, whoever is reading this, contact the police.

[info]imthefox in [info]multifariousic


I think I'm about 2 seconds from freaking out when I don't even know if I have the right/reason to be freaking out and why does this place like to mess with our lives so much.

[info]imwingingit in [info]multifariousic


This woman just showed up and she has a kid and the kid is mine but it's not mine and I don't know if I should just avoid her and the baby? Because if I do that I'm going to feel like a jerk, my dad wasn't around and I hated it and I don't want a baby growing up without having it's dad around but I also don't know if that's like, creepy or something? Is it creepy or something?

And I don't know if Kira is going to be okay with me going over to some strange lady's house and playing with her baby who's also my baby but isn't my baby, because she's going to say that she's okay with it but I don't know if she really is and I don't think she would be even though she'd try to be and I don't know what to do.

I have a kid.

I don't have a kid but I have a kid. What do I do???

[info]evilesmeralda in [info]multifariousic

Darcy + Amelia

Hey. Are you guys busy?

[ETA: Eddy]
Can you set aside a half hour every day for us to spend time together? I could come by the office and spend lunch with you, even if you're working through it, I don't mind.

[info]moonpooled in [info]multifariousic

Reunited and it feels so good.

Proud Auntie )

[info]argentpredator in [info]multifariousic

Stiles (overandin) and Chester

So last night is more than a little fuzzy, but what happened with Jakob? Did you guys scare him off? Because he's not answering my calls or texts.

[info]geekwolf in [info]multifariousic


I know it's a month away but Esmeralda won't stop talking about hers and -- I'm thinking that instead of surprising each other with presents for our anniversary, we can just do something together. What if we both choose something we want to do and we just do it?

[info]selfigniting in [info]multifariousic

Whoever is running this place has a terrible sense of humor.

So. Are we going to talk about how you came home reeking like blood and death last night or are we going to pretend that you didn't kill somebody?

[info]needshandcuffs in [info]multifariousic


Hey, handsome. Is it too late at night to meet up for drinks somewhere?

[Attached is a picture of Henley in a low cut top doing her best puppy eyes face.]