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August 30th, 2015

[info]holysmoak in [info]multifariousic

I think shopping for a new pair of heels counted toward extra walking for my workout routine today.

Right? Someone tell me that I can count that? Because it's much easier to motivate myself for shoe shopping than it is for the actual workout process. And I didn't even do it online, I think that makes it definitely count.

I got several pairs too, so I'm calling it a shopping victory and a successful Felicity's Lazy Sunday. I don't normally talk in the third person, but it seemed fitting for that particular moment.

Could I talk you into burgers and a movie, maybe? Burgers being optional and interchangeable? Food and an activity of some sort would also be acceptable. I'm not saying that I am easy, but I am flexible and not in the physical way, though I'm not inflexible there either. You get what I mean, obviously.

[info]geekwolf in [info]multifariousic

Meet Prescott's new big sister Matilda Carson, my Happy Second to last day of August present.

[info]rapid_fire in [info]multifariousic


I feel like I never really talked to Joey that much on set really, but I'm going to miss her :/

[info]argentpredator in [info]multifariousic

I'm not even in school and I'm mourning the end of summer. Anyone want to do something tonight?

[info]compromising in [info]multifariousic

Okay. So, after much work, the animal clinic is officially opening tomorrow morning at ten. Hours are Monday through Friday 10am to 7pm. I...could really use someone full time...preferably someone with some kind of experience in this field, but at this point, I'm not going to be super picky. I can tell I'm going to have to hire another vet outside of the displaced, looks like, but last call if there's another veterinarian out there hiding or who wants a job but missed the first call to arms...

Once again, in case anyone interested missed it and needs to know, I'm Dr. Lila Hoffman and the clinic is called Towne & Country Clinic; it's located in Manhattan. [Address]. If you've got a furry/scaley/feathery baby who needs anything, or if you're looking for a less than glamorous job in a place that'll pay you decently well and promises at least a fun work environment, that's where you can find us. :)

[info]thebitchytwin in [info]multifariousic


I'm a married woman!