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June 25th, 2015

[info]rapid_fire in [info]multifariousic

Video Post

[She skims through the letter, then starts reading it over in case she missed something but it disappears so she walks over to the tablet on the desk]
... Hello? [Her voice is thick with fear. She's not sure if she's dreaming, dead, or going insane, but she's going to try to find out whatever she can as soon as possible.] Can anyone hear me?

[info]senseoverload in [info]multifariousic

Anybody feel like going to the Brooklyn Night Bazaar this Friday night? There are some interesting vendors that will be there, maybe some good food.

[info]abiectio in [info]multifariousic


[immediately after Cass responds to Mags, in the hopes of intercepting him before he sees iiiit]

» Hey, let's go out tonight.
» You want to?

[info]abyssdeep in [info]multifariousic

Sadly I have sold some of these. I also feel like #13 is suddenly an option for everyone here given everything. Inaccurate commentary is inaccurate.

I changed my mind - make me badass. I don't want to be - I never want someone to be able to do to me what Damon did again -

[info]notacoffeebitch in [info]multifariousic

Best thing ever. Cersei as Lucille is giving me life right about now. Well, that and the ridiculous amounts of coffee.

[info]wrongbusiness in [info]multifariousic

(( if you feel that I missed someone who could/should be on here please just nudge the contact post in this journal :) ))

You're reading this because we think you are more than capable of handling what we're about to ask of you - whether on the ground or watching our backs. If you feel that this isn't for you there's absolutely no hard feelings.

There's a terrorist cell holed up in the interior of the Ukraine, they're using the border conflicts still occurring to hide their movements and from what we can tell from the intel we have they are looking at making a move in the next few weeks. They've got the manpower - we figure they're at least 200 men strong in the base we're looking at hitting - they've got a small armory of weapons and there's a possibility they have biochemicals. They're not joking around and neither should we. If they're allowed to, they will cause serious damage. I'm not going to let them and I'm hoping you feel the same too.

We've got four days before there's a window to ship out, if you want in, let's get to work.

I know you've got Joey in a suit, up to you how much, if at all, you want her involved in this.

[info]hansolotype in [info]multifariousic

For those of you I haven't met yet, my name is Nate. I'm a medical doctor and Tony Stark has graciously donated me some space to set up a practice here for anyone who needs it. I know some of you are just young kids without your parents, or even adults without insurance or other means to pay for medical care so anything we do for you will be free of charge. As well I am aware there are more than a few of you who are rather unique - I don't claim to be an expert in anything you might throw at me but I will believe you which is more than I can say for the natives here and from there we can muddle through it.
[ address and directions to the Avengers Tower, office hours, cell number, etc ]
Please feel free to contact me on my cell at any time in case of emergency.

According to Tony I'm supposed to see you before Steve clues in that you haven't been to a doctor in a few years. How's tomorrow?

Tony asked that I make sure you get in sometime soon - what works for you?

[info]notallmyfault in [info]multifariousic

Filter to Liv

So...ready to pay up? Ha, told you that we Mercers play dirty ;)

[info]googleyness in [info]multifariousic


You're my only friend, so...
I really, really need to get this out of my system if I'm going to be worth a good goddamn

I can see a filter for Avengers. I'm in an Avengers filter. What is my fucking life right now?!

[info]imanursenota__ in [info]multifariousic

asldfkjahsdfuyasef FUUUUCK I hate it when I lose track of the date omg.

First episode of the summer was on last night and I totally effing dropped the ball. BUT. It's On Demand and second episode is on tonight...tell me we're cranking out the first ep this evening and watching in real time like last year? Please, please tell me that.

[ooc: *unintentionally includes other Big Brother fans that weren't part of their crew last year in the City]

[info]nottheflash in [info]multifariousic



Do you have a second?

[info]lycanwino in [info]multifariousic


[There's a teeny tiny peeking over his arm and her face is taking up most of the frame and she's chanting, "Fruit Ninja! Fruit Ninja! Fruit Ninja!!!"]

Give me a second, Mia, I'm trying... [Under his breath] Oh God, what the hell, what the hell, what the hell...this is a great way for me to lose custody, awesome. Oh God...okay...fucking Fruit Ninja, it's gotta be on here somewhere...

[In the background, she's whining now. "Daddy, Fruit Ninjaaaaaa!"]

I'm workin' on it, calm down.

[info]tvsweetheart in [info]multifariousic


How are you holding up with the new arrival?

[info]betabitch in [info]multifariousic

[ DEREK (any that know her) ]

The full moon is next week. Do you know if there are any Alpha's in the city? Just to help me until I can figure out how to control this.

EDIT: [ LAURA HALE (all) ]

I'm hoping one of you can, and might be willing to help me. I'm Erica, I use to be one of Derek's betas. There's a fool moon coming up, and I've only had the chance to experience one, which did not go well. I'm hoping one of you could help me learn to control it.

[info]trumann in [info]multifariousic

I think I'm a little out of practice when it comes to skating, but I think the old knee is in pretty good shape. Felt good to get back on the board.

Mock me, go ahead, see the stuff below the link. )

Thanks for manning the camera, Joey. Even if I wasn't that impressive.