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Posts Tagged: 'c:+esther+shaw'

Feb. 24th, 2020



instagram post! )

Feb. 20th, 2020




I know that I am still relatively knew to this community and the concept of Dreaming ha, but I was thinking about all of it today and it raised a question and I wanted to put it forward, just out of curiosity: When did you start receiving these memories? Was it out of nowhere or did you feel like there was an event that caused them to start?

Like I said, I'm new, so I'm sorry if this has been covered at some point prior to my arrival. I also understand that not everyone is comfortable talking about these at all or just in public, so I get it if you don't want to respond or, if you do, you do so anonymously. I'm just trying to learn more so I can attempt to understand a bit better

What do you know of consecution?

Feb. 17th, 2020



Hot tip: if you ever want to know which of your cats actually loves you, leave them for a week. Cut for image! )

Galadriel, as it turns out, both loves and misses me. On the other paw, I've barely seen Arwen since coming home, so I assume that she has decided that Gabriel is her new owner and that I have been cast aside. This will require treats of the highest quality to bribe for her affections.

PS: I was obviously awake enough to take this picture, so don't think I was attempting to look asleep or pull a fast one. I just blinded myself with the flash. 🙃

Feb. 14th, 2020



instagram post! )

Feb. 10th, 2020



TEXTS TO GABE - sent late afternoon
Cut for images! )



"Ah- Should we make a pros and cons list?”

WHAT A Very Cancun Surprise!
WHEN Feb 10th, Morning
WHERE Cancun!
Read more... )

Feb. 8th, 2020



instagram post! )



Cut for images! )

The Hart residence is decorated for Valentine's Day, courtesy of the younger Hart. I feel as though she has been more excited about this holiday than she was Christmas and that makes me vaguely Mom-worried.

Feb. 7th, 2020



instagram post! )

Feb. 3rd, 2020



hi. i have a lot of feelings so someone should send me pretty, distracting things until i'm okay again.

OH MY FUCKING GOD. you have to tell me if aurae is like...ALIVE. because otherwise i refuse to draw you anything but rosaline making out with drystan. and probably james, too. and then my LITERAL HEART BREAKING, YOU MONSTER.



In one week, I will be enjoying a beach with a handsome man and a high in the mid-80s. If that isn't motivation to get through this week of staring at my laptop, I don't know what is.

Please ignore the pharmacy on the bathroom counter. I've been kind of exhausted and queasy and I'm refusing to let it turn into some kind of illness before vacation. Feel free to join me in thinking good thoughts, as well, to keep the germs at bay.

Jan. 30th, 2020



Hi, Jessie. I went in to have my car serviced today and I had the pleasure of meeting your father -- who is very kind and had so many lovely things to say about you, by the way -- but also got to finally see the mural that you made. I knew it was there, but hadn't had the chance to see it and I just wanted to tell you how beautiful it is. You're incredibly talented and I sincerely hope that you recognize that. You really brought them to life.

That being said, I was wondering if you might be interested in doing a commission, of sorts. Is that something that you would be comfortable with? It would be paid work, obviously, but it wouldn't be of any of the Mighty Nein. Well, not technic

Jan. 26th, 2020



Instagram Post! )

Jan. 25th, 2020



instagram post! )

Jan. 24th, 2020



January term ends on the 29th. In theory, this should be no surprise if you've been studying for your final.

Someone a great deal cooler than me informed me that a lot of you use Instagram to communicate. As someone with a perpetual allergy to social media of any kind (read: snobbery), what will having an Instagram account provide me that having a social media "journal" on this platform can't?

More specifically, I left Facebook due to my inability to keep myself from making acquaintances' great aunts cry over their terrible political opinions. Am I going to have to fight any of you on Instagram? Am I going to be approached by someone working from home who thinks I'd be a great fit for the bottom segment of a pyramid scheme? How are the privacy settings? For those of you still in school: is Instagram sufficiently uncool enough that none of my students are on it?

Thank you for any information you can provide.

Jan. 23rd, 2020



Today is a most auspicious day, because not only is it that classic weekly holiday of Throwback Thursday on the social medias, but it is also the anniversary of the day my sweet Galadriel came into my life. And so, while this is not Instagram, I'm still using it as a space to show my girl's glow up -- though, let's be quite honest, she was glowing pretty much from the start.

A little background: I adopted Galadriel the January before my first book in my current series was released. I was bartending and one of the waitresses had a cat that had kittens and she was giving them away. Between working at the bar (and waitressing at another restaurant) to pay my rent and trying to meet deadlines on my book, I really didn't see much outside of the room I was renting and it was pretty lonely. So, I took one of the kittens and it ended up being one of my best decisions. I like to think of her as my good luck charm, because I've had some great things happen since she came into my life.

Anyway, the reason we're all here. Cut for kitty photos! )

And now I very much would like to see your pets and hear some stories behind them! I'm very much a cat person and have no problem admitting it, but I am accepting of all the rest of the pets out there. Bonus points if you include baby and current pictures.

PS: I would be remiss not to mention Arwen (as for me and my house, we will stan elves of all kinds), so here is a video from literally 45 minutes ago when she decided it was time for Mom to stop working.

[ooc - pls pretend the video is on Esther's instagram ty]

Jan. 21st, 2020



-- I'm going to be gone February 9-16.
-- Are you okay feeding and watering the cats? I can make other arrangements, if not.
-- Also, I was going to steal your phone while you were sleeping to who it is that keeps making you make this face: 🥴
-- But I decided that would be mean and I should just ask, instead.
-- Are you Tindering?



M9 GANG (Includes Esther)
My vacation time was approved, so Esther and I decided the cancun trip will be February 9-16 to escape the hells of winter.

Which of you can I depend on to take care of Grumpkin? I sadly cannot bring him.

Jan. 19th, 2020



Cut for image! )

That sums up my Sunday quite succinctly.

And a question for the readers of Dunhaven! I'm looking for some recommendations of books to add to my TBR pile for 2020, so -- what is your all-time favorite book? Any genre, any author, fiction or non-fiction, I want it all. I know that for some that might be like asking someone to pick a favorite child, which may be me inadvertently downplaying the role of children in one's life in some eyes? I don't actually have one, so I can't really say. 😉

I wanted to say thank you to you all, once again, for coming over on Friday. I can't really express how grateful I am to have gotten to meet you all through Chase and that you've been so welcoming since my brother and I arrived here. It's been quite some time since I've had people in my life that I can call friends, so [...] thank you.

Anyway, now that I am done embarrassing myself, I hope you're having lovely weekends.

Jan. 16th, 2020



-- I don't mean to interrupt your reading.
-- But it's my lunch hour, and I was wondering if you would like to go someplace quiet to get something to eat?
-- Besides crackers and cheese, of course.