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Posts Tagged: 'r:+jahan+puri'

Feb. 25th, 2018



WHO: Calla and Jahan Puri, with Dahlia
WHEN: Afternoon of February 25
WHERE: The Puri residence
SUMMARY: Dahlia says her first word that she actually knows what it means -- and it isn't "mama" or "dada".

'Lyra! Lyra-Lyra!' )

Feb. 24th, 2018



Cut for image )

Excuse you, meme. When did Remington become a men’s name? I’m pretty sure I wear it better.

Though, honestly, I am fine with owing you a back rub.

And I’m getting ready to do something probably stupid and brave.

Firstly, I love you all, and I don’t think I’ve told you that as much as I should have recently.

There’s something I need to tell you, and it’s honestly been kind of terrifying for me to admit it. I have…a lot of things that I keep pretty close to the chest, and this is one of the biggest ones. It’s one that I’m ready to talk about, though. It’s something that I can finally accept, where I never could before.

I’ve been kind of seeing someone, in unofficial terms, since New Years. That person is a girl, and I am…unequivocally gay. It’s not something I’m ready to be public about yet, but it is something I don’t want to continue hiding from you three. Please still love me

Feb. 12th, 2018



Okay, but imagine having this much time on your hands? Granted, I imagine this bloke--or guy, even (I watch way too much European soccer, sometimes my brain thinks I'm British) does something I wouldn't understand in sound technology or audio mixing or whatever the word is. But I can tell you for damn sure that he doesn't have a toddler, because this is not the sort of thing parents of toddlers have time for. Speaking of toddlers, mine cried and covered her ears when I played this. On the bright side, it probably turned her off furbies!

Feb. 11th, 2018



In case you were able to hear the screaming from the Puri household, don't fret. I'm just a little too into figure skating.

Feb. 10th, 2018



There's this guy on my Facebook feed that used to kind of be a family friend when he worked with Dad at the plant. This joker just went off on Rippon and Kenworthy for "pushing their political agenda on America's dime" after I shared an article about their recent Instagram posts.

I take issue with two things here:
1. An American with any access to a public platform has a moral duty to speak out against gross inequalities and prejudices, imo. I will share the hell out of your message, friends.

2. Was I supposed to get a dime??? All I got was a penny and it was one of those shitty pressed ones you get in those machines at the Grand Ole Opry. If I'd known I was owed a dime, maybe I wouldn't have had to "retire"!!!! So salty. (But, no, he literally argued with me about how much Olympians get paid LOL.)

Anyway, he got blocked. Guess he can't brag about knowing me anymore. Poor guy.

Feb. 4th, 2018



instagram post! )

Jan. 30th, 2018



WHO: Calla and Jahan Puri → Lily Evans and James Potter, with a cameo of the Dursleys
WHEN: TBD → Shortly after Vernon proposed to Petunia
WHERE: TBD → A restaurant in London
SUMMARY: Lily and James have dinner with the future Mr. and Mrs. Dursley. It does not go well. [Placeholder! The rest will be added when it's completed.]

'Come, Petunia. I told you that this was a bad idea. I won't be talked to like this, not from /these/ sorts.' )

Nov. 17th, 2017



Sent to friends and family of the Puris, anyone with kids around Dahlia's age, etc )

Nov. 3rd, 2017




Nov. 1st, 2017



Cut for image! )

What you can't see is the contents of the rest of the silverware drawer just off camera. It's a good thing she's so cute.

I know that you're honeymooning and I'm not going to keep you from that, but I just had to tell you that I love you. I hope you're having a good time!

Oct. 31st, 2017



Phone Call: Jahan to Vee )



WHO: Jahan and Calla Puri → James and Lily Potter
WHEN: October 31, 2017 → October 31, 1981
WHERE: Their home whilst sleeping → their home whilst… not sleeping
SUMMARY: Jahan and Calla are gifted memories of a particularly awful Halloween.
WARNINGS: Death. :(

There was really only one person who came to Godric’s Hollow of their own accord, and James knew Sirius would never force the door like that. )

Oct. 14th, 2017



Mostly presented without comment: Picture! )

Oct. 13th, 2017




Oct. 8th, 2017



Dear residents of Dunhaven, VA. This is me suggesting that all of you have a chili cook-off so that I can eat twenty bowls of chili. Thank you.

How was Homecoming?

Hey. Sorry I kind of fell off the radar. It's been a busy week or so. How are things?

I'm heading over to Stella's to work on an essay I have due in English tomorrow. I don't know if you've got any homework right now or not, but I figured I'd ask if you'd want to join me. I'll grab one of the roomier tables.

Oct. 5th, 2017



This. I'd say it's the people who put up with us that are the real MVP, except I just finished grading a stack of essays and I started them yesterday.

Sep. 30th, 2017



WHO: Calla Adams & Jahan Puri → Lily Evans & James Potter
WHEN: Fall 2009 → Fall 1977
WHERE: Dunhaven University → Hogwarts
SUMMARY: Just two enemies starting to fall in love.
WARNINGS: None! Still in progress with the Jily stuff.

He wanted her to like him in return, even if it was only on terms of friendship, because Jahan thought there would be nothing 'only' about being real, true friends with Calla. He thought that’d be a pretty incredible experience, in fact. )

Sep. 21st, 2017



I think that what everyone needs on this Thursday is a reminder of just how cute the cutest Puri really is. Seriously.

Oh, all right. This Puri is cute, too. Cut for image! )

[pretend link is on calla's instagram pls]

Sep. 18th, 2017



Shout-out to all my new, first-time parents: if you ever feel like you're doing a terrible job and failing your child, just remember that you've probably never done something as bad as stumble upon an "It" clown prank, and then run away...leaving your kid there. like these fucks.


Sep. 7th, 2017



early afternoon

» Hey.
» How are you doing?
» If I can schedule some sort of meal with my sister this weekend, you're good to watch Dahlia solo, yeah?