August 2013




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Sep. 26th, 2012


LOG: Idk what you're talking about because I'm great at completing logs on time.

WHO: Barney Cauldwell and Payton Prewitt.
WHEN: Wayyy back when Fort Freedomers were all hospitalized and Jedediah was all recently dead and Gun was all planning Fort Freedom reconstruction.
WHERE: A Belfast pub.
WHAT: Barney and Payton are bros. In law. And also their heartsouls.

Read more... )

Sep. 17th, 2012


LOG: Most uptight non-Prefects ever.

WHO: Clarissa Crouch and her amazing dancing purist.
WHEN: Just after this, so around late February 1976?
WHERE: Several places!
WHAT: The History of Magic classroom will never be the same again?

Just as Doug was less than experienced when it came to, say, groping girls, he was still a newcomer to the fine art of pacifying girls. )

Aug. 16th, 2012


LOG: Viola/Cathy

WHO: Viola and Cathy
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: V-Day Party
WHAT: Seriously, be fucking impressed at my inability to post logs in a timely manner.

One day we’ll head to breakfast and see her arm wrestling Fabian. )


LOG: Iwan, Marina, Owen, Lee

WHO: Iwan, Marina, Owen, Lee
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: V-Day Party
WHAT: A little fantasy talk
NOTES: Man I'm cleaning out logs I never posted. I am the queen of log slacking. xD

I mean, they're kind of troll-like, but smarter, maybe? )


LOG: Anna/Christian

WHO: Anna and Christian
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: V-Day Party
WHAT: Christian flirts with wee ones.

It’s not a bad-looking nose, for one that can’t handle commonplace air. But it's still defective. )


LOG: Arthur/Karen

WHO: Karen and Arthur
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: V-Day Party
WHAT: Karen and Arthur flirt.

No one loses points like Gryffindor. )

Aug. 13th, 2012


LOG: ...possibly the most disturbing consensual sex you'll ever read?

WHO: Adrian Mulciber and Crysta Larch.
WHEN: February 15, 1976.
WHERE: The party, and then... er... someone's bed.

Read more... )

Aug. 8th, 2012


LOG: Albus/Elena

WHO: Albus and Elena
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Party party party
WHAT: Gasp has significantly mellowed Elena out.
NOTES: It's all the pot. And sex. And post-coital pot.

So you've got kissing cousins too? )


LOG: Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim!

WHO: Devin Lyle and Tim Harbourne
WHEN: Elena's V-Day party (Feb. 15)
WHERE: Where the party at
WHAT: Mmm, shippiness. Poor bbys. Poor Hufflepuff blondes.

Yeah... Lots and lots of O’s. )

Aug. 4th, 2012


LOG: Recruitment.

WHO: Alastor Moody and Dorcas Meadowes.
WHEN: February 25, 1976.
WHERE: An alleyway, followed by the Order safehouse in Hogsmeade.
WHAT: Moody just likes tying people up and drugging them. This is pretty much how he convinced Petra to marry him.

Most kids her age had a tendency to cripple under this sort of pressure, but Alastor had, in various guises, watched as she'd systematically set up protections on several of her friends' homes in turn, some of which Alastor would not previously believed possible (some of which he was just about positive were illegal, not that he minded that). Caradoc had told her the girl was smart, and believed in the cause, but it was Dorcas who had proven she could put that conviction and that brilliance to good use. She was already doing Order work, on her own. )

Aug. 1st, 2012


LOG: Amelie and Lucy

WHO: Amelie Shingleton and Lucy Goyle
WHEN:Feb. 15, 1976--Valentine's party
WHERE: Party Dungeon
WHAT: It's Amelie. Enough said.

Poofy and sparkly )


LOG: Lindy and Alice

WHO: Lindy Lupin and Alice Prewitt
WHEN: Feb. 15, 1976--Valentine's party
WHERE: Party Dungeon
WHAT: Chatty chat + feels re: the Real World.

God bless Hufflepuff )


LOG: Elena/Fabian

WHO: Elena and Fabian
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Hallway
WHAT: Hallway run-in
NOTES: this was a challenge log that we slacked the hell on. And then it got short because we were both braindead.


Jul. 30th, 2012


Careers fair!

WHO: The students and staff of Hogwarts, as well as some select guests representing their careers of choice.
WHEN: February 28, 1976
WHERE: The Great Hall.
WHAT: Careers Fair! Feel free to do wee mini-threads if you want. This is also the day after Hudson streaked across the pitch. Sirius is kind of tempted not to prank today, James.

There was no denying that Minerva McGonagall was unspeakably pissed. It had been a hard year all around, both for serious and less serious reasons. As a professor and Head of House, Minerva had been repeatedly appalled by the behaviour of her students, from Potter's imbecilic attack in Potions in September through Costantin's several infractions through the endless curfew-breaking and debauchery. She had been infinitely more appalled by the things that had happened to her students, from Brownless's attack on Lyle and Costantin through the attack on Bones through the death of Jedediah Dunne, far too young to die and part of a group of students Minerva was unlikely to forget if she lived to Dumbledore's age or older. And, as an Order member, she had been overworked and overtired, slightly terrified by the news of Dorcas Meadoweses' recruitment (nearly of an age with Jedediah, and not someone Minerva particularly wanted to put into danger), overcome with the knowledge of how utterly outnumbered they were, and plagued by a mounting sense of dread with every new day Septimus Malfoy remained in power.

She was, in other words, not in the mood for her students' shit.

The set up had gone well enough, but Minerva knew that was only the beginning of the day's work. She patrolled the edges of the fair, pausing to exchange a comment with a colleague here and an old friend there, ready to execute the prompt removal of any trouble-makers at the first sign of idiocy.

Jul. 26th, 2012


Owl to Marina Hayes. )

Jul. 25th, 2012


LOG: Healthy coping mechanisms.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Bilius Weasley, Rupert Gordon, Helen Greengrass, Poldie Lochlin, Marcus Lane, Gun Kettleburn, Betty Braithwaite, Payton Prewitt, Gil Catchlove.
WHEN: February 21, the night of Jedediah's wake. Before all that business with the nearly sodomized Muggle Studies professor.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Ludo, you should really hire Fort Freedom at Lumos. They do great grief counseling.

Oh hell. I know what happens when Rhys starts pouring my drinks. )


LOG: Gun/Rupert

WHO: Rupert Gordon and Gun Kettleburn, with guest appearance by Poldie Lochlin.
WHEN: February 22, the morning after Jedediah's wake.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Just a little confession between friends.

That sounds even more complicated than my sudden identity crisis. )

Jul. 24th, 2012



WHO: Rupert Gordon and Poldie Lochlin.
WHEN: February 21, the night of Jedediah's wake.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Much-needed stress relief.

A lack of thinking would be good. )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


LOG: Clarissa/Marina

WHO: Clarissa and Marina
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Ravenclaw Girl's Dorm
WHAT: Boys suck.

Are you upset with his inability to hold his tongue or actual beliefs? )


LOG: Christian/Alice

WHO: Christian and Alice
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: A forgotten section of Hogwarts.
WHAT: Christian puts the moves on Alice.
NOTES: Come into my web said the spider to the fly.

Will you hit me for this? )


LOG: Amelie/Dorian/Doug

WHO: Amelie and Dorian, guest appearance by Doug
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: In a closet at the V-Day Party
WHAT: Dorian and Amelie spun each other for seven minutes in heaven. Hilarity and incest ensued.
NOTES: Amelie is her own special, precocious snowflake.

She was fourteen, she had a boyfriend, and if she wanted to snog her cousin in a closet, that was her choice. )

Jul. 21st, 2012


LOG: Iwan/Alcyone

WHO: Alcyone Burke and Iwan Barbary.
WHEN: 29 January 1976, right after the BB Team Evil Challenge.
WHERE: The corridors.
WHAT: Just a little pathological lying between friends.

If it were humanly possible, Iwan would have been emitting little cartoon hearts all over the place. )


LOG: The Lufkin family owns Arthur Moseley, just fyi.

WHO: Annie Lufkin and Arthur Moseley, with guest cockblocking by Frank Longbottom.
WHEN: Right after Arthur broke up with Rose. Like, that night.
WHERE: Abandoned Classroom.
WHAT: Trololol.

As Annie would be happy to tell anyone who asked, she was sodding IMPERVIOUS TO HARM. )


LOG: Helen/Payton

WHO: Helen/Payton
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Payton's. Then a bike. Then a bar.
WHAT: ZOOM.... went Payton's motorcycle.
NOTES: idk bro words

I suppose necking in public isn't exactly polite, hm? )

Jul. 20th, 2012


LOG: CJ/Tim, CJ/Devin, Dim, CJ/Everyone

WHO: CJ Costantin, Tim Harbourne and Devin Lyle.
WHEN: During the tail end of the Valentine's party.
WHERE: The loo near the party.
WHAT: Gaywakening. Gaywankening.

Isn't that what happened to people, when they drank? They became almost like Gryffindors? )

Jul. 18th, 2012


LOG: Have some more 69er feels, world.

WHO: Rhys Barbary and Rupert Gordon.
WHEN: This morning!
WHERE: Rhys's room in St Mungo's.
WHAT: Ew, someone got Hufflepuff everywhere...

Rhys! I've had it with this bollocks and have decided to run off and join the circus! My act will consist of throwing aqueducts at people and giving them prizes if they survive. Also, I am deeply in love with Bilius and think it's high time I confessed, before he goes and has a relationship or something. )



WHO: Gun Kettleburn and Bilius Weasley.
WHEN: THE FUTURE. Slash Feburary 20th.
WHERE: The front porch of Fort Freedom
WHAT: In the midst of rage issues and feelings, the neighbours must realize that the boys are back.

She was pretty sure she'd seen him do basically that at at least six parties, and while she supposed he had his reasons, she was neither drunk enough nor in possession of adequate emotional fortitude to handle such an undertaking tonight. )

Jul. 17th, 2012


LOG: Cody/Lee

WHO: Cody and Lee
WHEN: Nowish, February 1976
WHAT: Cody and Lee plan world domination

Takin’ back the media fir JUSTICE! )

Jul. 16th, 2012


IC/OOC: Order meeting

WHO: The Order of the Phoenix.
WHEN: February 15, 1976, before Hull got all explodey.
WHERE: The Order safehouse in Hogsmeade.
WHAT: Of recruitment and coups.

Once everyone had arrived, Moody took a seat at the heavy wooden table where they usually sat — not quite round, but oval — trying to clear his head of the buzz of frustration it typically entertained. That Caradoc had had a recruitment suggestion was a blessing — so far as he knew, no one else had names to put forward. It had occurred to Alastor, several times, to bring up Gawain Robards, but with the boy the closest thing to parents his siblings had, it wasn't a good fit. Besides, Alastor wasn't entirely sure he could stand to sign Robards's death warrant any more than he could Petra's — the two had both signed up for the DMLE of their own accord, but if Alastor recruited them and they ended up on the worse end of a killing curse, that was on him.

Besides, Dearborn would probably strangle him.

Speaking of Dearborn, Alastor was particularly pleased with the Polyjuice he'd secured for their mole tonight. Instead of looking at that Welsh prat's giant nose, tonight their mole — known by no name to any of the Order save himself and Dumbledore — was wearing Madam Rosmerta for the meeting. She was, all told, infinitely easier on the eyes than Caradoc could ever hope to be.

Comment below if your character showed up to the meeting, with anything they brought up with/if they became overcome with a sudden urge to have Dumbledore, right there, right now, and made sweet love to him on the table while the rest of the Order looked on in horror. Threads will be started for the following topics:
  • recruitment! suggestions? bans?

  • recon! any news to report, good members?

  • the coup! we should stage that thing!

Feel free to start new threads for other topics, etc.

Jul. 14th, 2012



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