August 2013




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Oct. 26th, 2012


LOG: No one hates Adrian the way I hate Adrian.

WHO: Adrian Mulciber and Elena Pangborn.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: ...sigh.

Read more... )

Sep. 9th, 2012


IC/OOC Log: Careers Advice.

WHO: The Heads of House and their fifth years.
WHEN: April 8, 1976, before Cam's family was attacked.
WHERE: In the Heads of Houses' offices.
WHAT: Lol, you need to keep taking Potions to be an Auror, Harry.

The insistence of Headmaster after Headmistress after Headmaster on offering mandatory Careers Advice to every fifth year, year after year, was very possibly an exercise in advanced administrative sadism, Minerva suspected. This was not to say that she didn't understand the value of such a meeting, particularly in choosing one's NEWT courses. However, it was difficult to maintain a detached, professorly air when the increased need for Order activity had seen Minerva with less and less time and thus less and less sleep, and, furthermore, she had a lurking suspicion that Potter and Black would resoundingly fail to take this seriously. She had, to her credit, warded her office against Dunbombs for the occasion — any Gryffindor who entered with one on their person would find themselves suddenly suspended in mid-air, in her doorway — but still, it had only been two years since CJ Costantin had spent the entirety of his Careers Advice flirting with her, and she wasn't quite ready to find out what Potter had prepared yet. She strongly suspected she would not be prepared for several years.

Aug. 16th, 2012


LOG: Lucy and Elena

WHO: Lucy and Elena
WHEN: Summer 1975
WHERE: Pangborn house
WHAT: Girls' night!
NOTES: Lucy and Elena talk shit about, literally, every played character in their year. Except Delia, who wasn't in play when we finished. xD

She's probably got loads of STDs. I bet all Knockturn people are born with, like, eight of them, at least. )

Aug. 8th, 2012


LOG: Albus/Elena

WHO: Albus and Elena
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Party party party
WHAT: Gasp has significantly mellowed Elena out.
NOTES: It's all the pot. And sex. And post-coital pot.

So you've got kissing cousins too? )

Aug. 1st, 2012


LOG: Elena/Fabian

WHO: Elena and Fabian
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Hallway
WHAT: Hallway run-in
NOTES: this was a challenge log that we slacked the hell on. And then it got short because we were both braindead.



Delivered to Christian Presson, Faustus Selwyn, Elena Pangborn, Evan Rosier, Roslyn Jones, Cassie Quirrel, Edie Bulstrode, Alcyone Burke, Nastia Karkaroff, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, Regulus Black, Fiona Avery, Jasper Avery, Sebastian Wilkes, Lucy Goyle, Ajax Burke, Maeve Macmillan, Adrian Mulciber, Doug Parkinson )

Jun. 22nd, 2012


LOG: Cliffy/Elena

WHO: Cliffy and Elena
WHEN: Early December last year?
WHAT: Cliffy dared Elena to go out with her when she was dating Adrian.
NOTES: Yeah, remember that?

Shall we go see what secrets lay in Filch’s files? )


LOG: Hymens we have known

WHO: Jeana Wood and half the school (if you know someone who is invited, you're invited).
WHEN: 22 January 1976.
WHERE: North Tower
WHAT: The Fuck It The World Is Scary Dance Party.

The party space had all the markers of a Jeana party: twinkly lights, music, dark corners, excellent dance space, and many, many bottles for spinning. Since we're not party logging, this is just to establish that this event happened, and what occurred there, so Cici can gossip about it later. RIP Virginities!

Jun. 19th, 2012


LOG: Assorted peoples.

WHO: Anna/Iwan, Viola/Fabian, Karen/Cam, Elena/Marina, Conor/Sophie, Mia/Matt, Elena/CJ, guest appearances by Amelie and Cherry.
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records party
WHAT: Various logs involving my characters because I'm too sexy for multiple posts.
NOTES: Condensing LIKE A BOSS.

+++ )

Jun. 3rd, 2012


Left on Elena's pillow. )

Jun. 1st, 2012


LOG: Team Evil is actually evil, guys.

WHO: Adrian Mulciber, Elena Pangborn.
WHEN: Around the start of hols, maybe around the 20th?
WHERE: The Mulciber home.
WHAT: A log that made me physically ill to tag? 99 reasons why it's a good thing Elena caught Adrian's attention when he was still only fledgling evil? A prime example of why we should all feel bad for Joanna Mulciber? Something for friends of Mary and Bronwen to look at when they want to get very, very angry?
WARNINGS: Imperius. Elena is forced to do things she would not consensually do. Some of them are sexual in nature. This is a sexual assault log, and it will not leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.

If nothing else, it was doubtful any of the other Mulcibers would do her harm, when he was done. )

May. 30th, 2012


LOG: Annie and Elena

WHO: Annie and Elena
WHEN: December, before holidays.
WHERE: Cathy's party.
WHAT: Annie and Elena make nice.
NOTES: Slytherin five officially gets along now.

I know Benjy would blow up buildings for me. )

Apr. 28th, 2012


LOG: Adrian and Elena.

WHO: Adrian Mulciber and Elena Pangborn.
WHEN: Nowish.
WHERE: The Slytherin Commons.
WHAT: Elena is crazy about Adrian, and Adrian's just crazy.

The dark circles under her eyes, the hair that was pulled back into a ponytail instead of carefully styled around her face, the slightly wrinkled robes that hadn’t been charmed completely straight... on most students, this wouldn’t be a cause for concern. )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


OCTOBER 1975: The Masque!

WHO: Fourth years and up! Also, staff. Obviously.
WHEN: Friday, October 31, 1975 (8 pm-11 pm).
WHERE: The Great Hall.
WHAT: Masque tiiiiiime.

Sometimes, Albus's whims utterly baffled Minerva. )

(OOC: Have at! We'll run this until people stop commenting, and probably have the big reveal next week, after Kat's back! Don't forgot to keep costumes secret and use [info]dissenanon! If anyone's forgotten the password, email me for it.)

Mar. 2nd, 2012


LOG: Midsummer Begins

FORMAT: IC/OOC Log, threaded. Again, examples here and here!
WHO: The Theatre Club (Jeana Wood, Fiona Avery, Sirius Black, CJ Costantin, Lily Evans, Lucy Goyle, Tim Harbourne, Benjy Fenwick, Matt Jepsen, Cici Jorkins, George Lempke, Annie Lufkin, Devin Lyle, Maeve Macmillan, Lee Mackenzie, Cliffy Maddock, Elena Pangborn, Alice Prewitt, Fabian Prewitt, Viola Vicente-Castenada, other NPCs)
WHEN: Yesterday after dinner.
WHERE: The once and future Hogwarts theatre, which has been cleaned extensively from its decades of disuse.
WHAT: The first rehearsal of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Rupert began the rehearsal by giving some basic Shakespearean context and explaining the overall plot of the play, having the club members give the answers whenever possible.

After the background, he had everyone split up into groups: the tech crew, the Athenians (Theseus, Hippolyta, Egeus, Lysander, Demetrus, Hermia, Helena and Philostrate), the Fae (Oberon, Titania, Puck, Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed) and the Mechanicals (Peter Quince, Nick Bottom, Francis Flute, Robin Starveling, Tom Snout and Snug the Joiner). He had the tech crew begin brainstorming the things they would need to develop for the show. He had each of the groups of actors go through their lines and rewrite them in modern English, to help reading comprehension. They were encouraged to help each other with their translations.

When everyone had finished their interpretations, he organized everyone into a large circle, and they did a read through of the original text, hopefully using the understanding they had gained from their translations.

Feb. 28th, 2012


OTHER: Cast List

Midsummer Cast List — posted to the Entrance Hall Bulletin Board )

Feb. 26th, 2012


LOG: Spin the bottle: so many hormones.

WHO: Jeana Wood, Annie Lufkin, Lee Mackenzie, CJ Costantin, Sirius Black, Benjy Fenwick, Tim Harbourne, Matt Jepsen, Hestia Jones, Cici Jorkins, Remus Lupin, Devin Lyle, Hazel Morton, James Potter, Lexy Lane, Cody Hadlock, Jolie Keates, Elena Pangborn, Hudson Bones
WHEN: The first weekend of September 1975
WHERE: The Party Dungeon
WHAT: It's a really good thing CJ doesn't have oral herpes, because if he did everyone in the universe would have contracted it during this game.

Even the glassware knows of our forbidden love. )

Feb. 17th, 2012


LOG: And all of Slytherin spoke in unison: trolololololol.

WHO: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Adrian Mulciber, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Elena Pangborn, Cici Jorkins, Severus Snape, and Devin Lyle, with some ineffectual stammering care of Horace Slughorn and some innocent bystandery pain leveled on Bertram Aubrey.
WHEN: Before Lexy posted! After Adrian posted.
WHERE: In fifth year Potions.
WHAT: BOOM. Christian, why do you always end up making BOOM?

All things considered, Remus really enjoyed Potions. )