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Apr. 19th, 2013


Mock-election 2.0


However, as I'm only putting this up now and I'll be out/offline from about 4-god knows when your guys' time...
Polling will close tomorrow (Saturday) at 7 pm EST.

Have a character who wishes they could vote, but isn’t old enough to? Several Hogwarts students are manning a mock polling station for the second time this year in the Entrance Hall. If your character’s feeling civic-minded — or just wants to troll the fake booth — come on by and fill out a ballot. Voters of all ages are welcome, if your 17+ chars just couldn’t stop at the one ballot.

If you haven’t already, please review the information on the candidates and then cast a ballot for any of your Hogwarts chars who want to participate.

To vote, please copy/paste the following ballot template and reply in the comments with each of your voting characters. You will note that each section of the template has a capital “X” five times. Delete the “X” in every section but the one for the candidate your character is voting for.

If your character does not endorse any of the candidates, but still wants to participate, feel free to comment noting they spoiled their ballot. If they did so creatively, do let us know.

All comments are screened until the election is over.


Election day.


However, as I'm only putting this up now and I'll be out/offline from about 4-god knows when your guys' time...
Polling will close tomorrow (Saturday) at 7 pm EST.

The day has arrived and it’s time for your of-age characters to cast their ballots. As a reminder, your candidates are...
Millicent Bagnold - Our resident lefty. Young, anti-purist, in the ICW. Good speaker, passionate.
Hyacinth Brown Monaghan - Think Hilary Clinton. Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, was runner-up last time I believe and is running on a tougher platform than just social justice this go round, although that's still a priority.
Victor Montague - One of the British Seats of the ICW. Conservative, focus on international affairs, "middle class man". Doesn't stick to one side of the political spectrum. Fair but sometimes seen as divided.
Mycroft Orpington - Soft right wing, businessman. Running on an economic platform. Purist leaning, but not openly.
Cecil Bulstrode - Openly purist. On the board at St Mungo's and various other establishments, former barrister.

Cast a ballot for each of your 17+ characters, or leave a comment stating your character didn’t vote. Polling stations were set up across the UK and Ireland for witches and wizards, and one was set up in the Great Hall for 17+ students. As a reminder, voting counts for house points. Why? Because we believe in our civic duties in this game, motherfuckers.

To vote, please copy/paste the following ballot template and reply in the comments with each of your voting characters. You will note that each section of the template has a capital “X” five times. Delete the “X” in every section but the one beside the candidate your character is voting for.

If your character does not endorse any of the candidates, but still wants to participate, feel free to comment noting they spoiled their ballot. If they did so creatively, do let us know.

All comments are screened until the election is over.

Jun. 17th, 2012


LOG: Cato and Evan

WHO: Cato Malfoy and Evan Rosier.
WHEN: The evening following the Moody demonstration.
WHERE: Slytherin 7th year boys dorm.
WHAT: Purist politics is super fun?

Sodding Malfoy and the sodding election. Cato was significantly more of a stick in the mud with his dad having to play nice. )

Jun. 13th, 2012



This is being put up early so people have time to vote.
Polling closes tomorrow (Thursday) night at 11 pm EST.

Have a character who wishes they could vote, but isn’t old enough to? Several Hogwarts students are manning a mock polling station in the Entrance Hall over the course of the day. If your character’s feeling civic-minded — or just wants to troll the fake booth — come on by and fill out a ballot. Voters of all ages are welcome, if your 17+ chars just couldn’t stop at the one ballot.

If you haven’t already, please review the information on the candidates and then cast a ballot for any of your Hogwarts chars who want to participate.

To vote, please copy/paste the following ballot template and reply in the comments with each of your voting characters. You will note that each section of the template has a capital “X” five times. Delete the “X” in every section but the one for the candidate your character is voting for.

If your character does not endorse any of the candidates, but still wants to participate, feel free to comment noting they spoiled their ballot. If they did so creatively, do let us know.

All comments are screened until the election is over.


Election day.


This entry is being put up now so people have time to vote.
Polling will close tomorrow (Thursday) night at 11 pm EST.

The day has arrived and it’s time for your of-age characters to cast their ballots. If you haven’t already, please review the information on the candidates and then cast a ballot for each of your 17+ characters, or leave a comment stating your character didn’t vote. Polling stations were set up across the UK and Ireland for witches and wizards, and one was set up in the Great Hall for 17+ students.

To vote, please copy/paste the following ballot template and reply in the comments with each of your voting characters. You will note that each section of the template has a capital “X” five times. Delete the “X” in every section but the one beside the candidate your character is voting for.

If your character does not endorse any of the candidates, but still wants to participate, feel free to comment noting they spoiled their ballot. If they did so creatively, do let us know.

All comments are screened until the election is over.

May. 2nd, 2012


The Daily Prophet, December 2, 1975: Election on the Horizon. )