August 2013




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Feb. 17th, 2013


LOG: Love letters to Rupert Gordon.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Rupert Gordon, Gil Catchlove, Bilius Weasley, Marcus Lane, Lo Dunstan, Poldie Lochlin, and a large audience.
WHEN: Rupert's birthday party back in May!
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Unrestrained debauchery, basically.

Still, when Rhys had an idea, it was generally very difficult to dissuade him without stunning spells or Helen. )

Jul. 25th, 2012


LOG: Healthy coping mechanisms.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Bilius Weasley, Rupert Gordon, Helen Greengrass, Poldie Lochlin, Marcus Lane, Gun Kettleburn, Betty Braithwaite, Payton Prewitt, Gil Catchlove.
WHEN: February 21, the night of Jedediah's wake. Before all that business with the nearly sodomized Muggle Studies professor.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Ludo, you should really hire Fort Freedom at Lumos. They do great grief counseling.

Oh hell. I know what happens when Rhys starts pouring my drinks. )

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Anonymous owl to Marina Hayes. )


Anonymous owl to Arthur Moseley. )


Anonymous owl to Rose Lempke. )


Anonymous owl to Bilius Weasley. )


Anonymous owl to Sirius Black. )


Anonymous owl to James Potter. )


Anonymous owls to Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. )


Anonymous owls to Ava Ruiz, Ted Tonks, Barney Cauldwell, and Lee Mackenzie. )


Anonymous owl to Gil Catchlove. )


Anonymous owl to Frank Longbottom. )


Anonymous owl to Annie Lufkin. )


Anonymous owl to Alice Prewitt. )


Anonymous owl to Matt Jepsen. )


Anonymous owl to Rupert Gordon. )


Anonymous owl to Lily Evans. )


Anonymous owl to Neil Lane. )


Anonymous owl to Lexy Lane. )


Anonymous owl to Devin Lyle. )


Anonymous owl to Mary Macdonald. )


Anonymous owl to Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington. )


Anonymous owl to Lindy Lupin. )


Anonymous owl to Sophia Campbell. )


Anonymous owl to Camden Shepherd. )


Anonymous owl to Gasp Shingleton. )


Anonymous owls to Marcy Shuff and Viola Vicente-Castenada. )


Anonymous owl to the Moodys. )


Anonymous owl to Nigel Darring. )


Anonymous owl to Sam Bigglesworth. )


Anonymous owl to Jove Lufkin. )


Anonymous owl to Payton Prewitt. )


Anonymous owl to Molly Weasley. )