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Oct. 4th, 2012


LOG: Luke and Betty

FORMAT: Loggy McLoggerson
WHO: Luke Rasmussen & Betty Braithwaite
WHEN: Early Dec. 1975
WHERE: Macbeth's
WHAT: Just your standard Luke/Betty encounter post-Bettybreakup
NOTES: Here, have some dysfunction. It's good for you.

Haven’t heard from you in a while. What was his name? )

Aug. 21st, 2012


LOG: Hey check it out gay sex!

WHO: Poldie Lochlin and Jove Baddock.
WHEN: Uh. Right after Jove's first post so back in... December? WE STRUGGLED WITH THIS LOG OKAY.
WHERE: Jove's.
WHAT: Best sex log you'll ever read, tbh. Also, Poldie beat ALL OF YOU to the punch. xx


Jove had not been lying on the journals when he’d said he was hanging around his flat naked. )

Jul. 26th, 2012


LOG: This was allegedly already posted but I can't find it so there.

WHO: Bilius Weasley, Rhys Barbary, Jove Lufkin, and Gun Kettleburn.
WHEN: Way back when at the first logged 69er party.
WHERE: Fort Freedom!
WHAT: Gunius has come a surprisingly long way, as a ship.

A stony expression in Bilius was just an intensified version of his usual expressionless visage, but anyone who knew him could recognize that look as a milder version of the face he’d get when he talked about the Falcons, or Bellatrix High Bitch of Cuntianity Black. )

Jul. 2nd, 2012


LOG: Titus/Fiona

WHO: Titus Malfoy and Fiona Avery
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: The Rosier residence
WHAT: Titus and Fiona are introduced.
NOTES: Purist love, ftw.

Normally, however, it wasn’t as formal as this, but as Fiona had just turned fifteen, her family had felt it was time to be slightly more aggressive with her marrying prospects. )

Jun. 26th, 2012


WHO: Remus Lupin and Marina Hayes
WHEN: Early December, 1975
WHERE: Great Hall, Room of Requirements, Kitchen, Ravenclaw Tower. They get around.
WHAT: Remus gets Marina drunk for the first time, she jumps on his back, eats some ice cream, hugs a House Elf. The usual.

But I’m not having sex. Or smoking a marijuana cigarette. )

Jun. 25th, 2012


LOG: Jeana and Remus

WHO: Jeana Wood, Remus Lupin
WHEN: December 1975
WHAT: LOL virginity GONE.
NOTES: Apparently, we never posted this gem that caused so much shit afterward. So. Uh. Here it is.

I could give you lessons... )

Jun. 24th, 2012


LOG: God, just fuck already.

WHO: Gideon and Cathy.
WHEN: Dec. 27, 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records.
WHAT: Sending Viola on the path to bleach and feminism.

He had wondered whether he should wear it to the party that night, and had taken it off and put it on several times (all the while to a constant stereo of Fabian mocking him). )


LOG: Dim being dimmy.

WHO: Devin Lyle and Tim Harbourne, the entity known as Dim.
WHEN: December 27, 1975.
WHERE: Steal These Records.
WHAT: Just general overexcited fluffiness.

The Dartford Dhealing Wing. )


LOG: Poor Fiona.

WHO: Fiona Avery and Doug Parkinson.
WHEN: Hols!
WHERE: The Malfoy Estate.
WHAT: Fiona and Doug have a dance.

She dearly wanted to dance, something she now realized was more an issue with Regulus on the other side of the room. )

Jun. 22nd, 2012


LOG: Ravenclaws infuse all their human interactions with WEIRD.

WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Lexy Lane, Cody Hadlock.
WHEN: Way back when, ie: Decemberish.
WHERE: The dungeons.
WHAT: Idek, these kids. SCIENCE!!!

If nothing else, her and Lexy could find out what Cody was like while drunk. )


LOGS: Assorted Characters

WHO: Evan, Sebastian, Charlemagne, Regine, Ajax, Ludo, Judith, Winston, Helen
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Malfoy estate
WHAT: Assorted purist party logs.
NOTES: Ain't no party like a pureblood party because a pureblood party has albino peacocks.

+++ )


LOG: Two people who should never be left alone together.

WHO: Sirius Black, Jove Lufkin, Lucius's hair and cock I mean peacocks, Narcissa Malfoy, Walburga Black.
WHEN: End of December, shortly before this.
WHERE: The Malfoy Estate.
WHAT: ...good, clean fun?

You look like you could use a drink or eleven. )


LOG: Cliffy/Elena

WHO: Cliffy and Elena
WHEN: Early December last year?
WHAT: Cliffy dared Elena to go out with her when she was dating Adrian.
NOTES: Yeah, remember that?

Shall we go see what secrets lay in Filch’s files? )

Jun. 20th, 2012


LOG: Annie's such a nice girl.

WHO: Annie Lufkin, Clarissa Crouch.
WHEN: End of December.
WHERE: Malfoy Christmas party.
WHAT: Uh. Annie talks at Clarissa. Not so much to. At.

So, you’re dating Doug. )


LOG: Charlemagne is a gentleman, yo.

WHO: Charlemagne de Mimsy-Porpington, Vivian Rosier.
WHEN: Late December 1975.
WHERE: The Malfoy Christmas party.
WHAT: Charlemagne will save Vivian from her twin! Part 1/2.

Sweet Vivian! It is a perilous sin for one so fair to look so bored! )


LOG: You only WISH you got to spend Christmas with Ajax.

WHO: Ajax Burke and Regine Parkinson.
WHEN: Shortly before the New Year.
WHERE: The Malfoy Estate.
WHAT: Regine has the best taste in men.

As usual, Narcissa was the consummate hostess. )


LOG: Devin has ALL the ships. All of them.

WHO: Devin Lyle, Tim Harbourne, Anna Lyle, and CJ Costantin.
WHEN: Shortly after Devin was attacked oh so long ago, ie. December 3.
WHERE: The Hospital Wing.
WHAT: I saw Gryffindor was pretty low on points so I thought I'd help them out a little.

He uh. CJ stopped Sal. From, you know. )

Jun. 19th, 2012


LOG: Assorted peoples.

WHO: Anna/Iwan, Viola/Fabian, Karen/Cam, Elena/Marina, Conor/Sophie, Mia/Matt, Elena/CJ, guest appearances by Amelie and Cherry.
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records party
WHAT: Various logs involving my characters because I'm too sexy for multiple posts.
NOTES: Condensing LIKE A BOSS.

+++ )


LOG: Régine/Chantal

WHO: Chantal and Régine
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Shingleton Residence
WHAT: Two very different Parkinsons
NOTES: Kat's continued attempt to close out all her open logs.

Be happy. Live life. A man will only suck all of that out of you. )


LOG: Marie/Helen

WHO: Marie and Helen
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Fort Freedom Party
WHAT: Famous last words
NOTES: Marie, you failed at your designated task.

Is there anyone in particular you shouldn’t shag? )


LOG: Dorcas/Jove

WHO: Dorcas and Jove
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Fort Freedom party
WHAT: Two words: Booze fountain.
NOTES: Jove hits on the world.

Ma talents are legion. Ma hobbies are vast. Occasionally, Ah save children fae drownin in wells and the like. )


LOG: Gasp and Doug. Gug? Dsp? Gugdsp.

WHO: Doug Parkinson and Gasp Shingleton.
WHEN: Hols.
WHERE: Shingleton res.
WHAT: Talk of girls and clouds. Also, Gasp gets Doug high. Surprise twist: Doug is still fairly tame when unknowingly high. Give him more brownies next time, Gasp. A brownie IV.

He was about to call for his sister to invite her to play the imaginary cloud scenario game, but she seemed busy with a tree. It looked serious. )


LOG: Amelie and Dorian.

WHO: Amelbus Shingledore and Dorerva Parkonagall.
WHEN: Hollllls.
WHERE: The Shingleton residence.
WHAT: Uh. Amelie being Amelie.

...she was just wondering whether or not there was a charm that could help her levitate to the top. )


LOG: A snapshot of 69.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Bilius Weasley, Gun Kettleburn, and Payton Prewitt.
WHEN: December 11, 1975.
WHERE: The Hogwarts Theatre.
WHAT: Bit of 69er &co. banter from Midsummer.

Rhys was thrilled. Rhys was giddy. Rhys vaguely hoped they didn’t actually make Rupert cry (though it’d be kind of funny if they did, after the fact). )

Jun. 16th, 2012


LOG: Maeve and Gawain.

WHO: Maeve Macmillan and Gawain Robards.
WHEN: Back around the start of hols.
WHERE: The Macmillan School.
WHAT: Oh, you know, normal human interaction.

As the heart of purist intellectual thought in Wizarding Britain, the school was an obvious choice for DMLE raids, particularly when the Aurors were feeling frustrated (as they had been for the last five years or so). )

Jun. 7th, 2012


LOG: Amelie and Cherry

WHO: Amelie and Cherry
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records party
WHAT: Amelie and Cherry attempt to turn partygoers into werewolves.
NOTES: Hufflepuffs are batshit fucking crazy, yo.

Also, she had a beer. Yes, she was thirteen, but no one had stopped her, so. )


LOG: Hudson/Detta

WHO: Hudson and Detta
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records party
WHAT: Hudson macks on lower years, natch.

You name it, it’s probably happened at a Gryffindor party. )


LOG: Wondering why Sirius was so quiet over hols?

WHO: Sirius Black, Walburga Black, Pollux Black, with brief guest appearances by Orion, Regulus, and Kreacher.
WHEN: December 29, 1975, in the hours after Jove and Sirius wreak havoc on Cissy's party.
WHERE: 12 Grimmauld Place.
WHAT: Sirius spends some quality time with his family.

Still, he refuses to regret this, as his brother is sent to bed. )

Jun. 4th, 2012


LOG: Jesse/Olwen

WHO: Olwen and Jesse
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records Party
WHAT: Jesse and Olwen discuss their future as the next yodeling sensations and stumble onto a terrible secret about one of the staff.
NOTES: Pupil teeth, yo. They're back.

When he’s glaring at you, his eyes are actually sucking your life blood from you. He’s Dracula. Darracula. )


LOG: Camden/Hazel

WHO: Cam and Hazel
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Cathy's Birthday
WHAT: Quidditch girls rule

People are glowing. You sure we’re not hallucinating? Alcohol’s not supposed to make you do that, right? )

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