August 2013




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Sep. 26th, 2012


LOG: Sorry Lily.

WHO: Severus Snape and Adrian Mulciber.
WHEN: Tonightish!
WHERE: Slytherin Commons.
WHAT: Adrian just likes corrupting people. In that respect, he is not unlike Annie.

Even if the dungeons weren't always free from attack (as evidenced by the swamp incident), as a general rule, they were something of a safe haven, especially from Black and his crowd. Black, it seemed, had been on the warpath recently, and when he was on the warpath, it was usually bad news for Severus. )

Sep. 9th, 2012


IC/OOC Log: Careers Advice.

WHO: The Heads of House and their fifth years.
WHEN: April 8, 1976, before Cam's family was attacked.
WHERE: In the Heads of Houses' offices.
WHAT: Lol, you need to keep taking Potions to be an Auror, Harry.

The insistence of Headmaster after Headmistress after Headmaster on offering mandatory Careers Advice to every fifth year, year after year, was very possibly an exercise in advanced administrative sadism, Minerva suspected. This was not to say that she didn't understand the value of such a meeting, particularly in choosing one's NEWT courses. However, it was difficult to maintain a detached, professorly air when the increased need for Order activity had seen Minerva with less and less time and thus less and less sleep, and, furthermore, she had a lurking suspicion that Potter and Black would resoundingly fail to take this seriously. She had, to her credit, warded her office against Dunbombs for the occasion — any Gryffindor who entered with one on their person would find themselves suddenly suspended in mid-air, in her doorway — but still, it had only been two years since CJ Costantin had spent the entirety of his Careers Advice flirting with her, and she wasn't quite ready to find out what Potter had prepared yet. She strongly suspected she would not be prepared for several years.

Aug. 16th, 2012


LOG: Sam/Snape

WHO: Sam and Snape
WHEN: Back in 1975. xD
WHERE: Potions Class
WHAT: So, we have been working on this a while. xD
NOTES: Potions ingredients make great drugs.

I wouldn't know. I don’t use potions ingredients to get high. )

Apr. 28th, 2012


WHO: Severus Snape and Remus Lupin
WHERE: Hogwarts at night.
NOTES: Lol Werewolf.

With a sort of cruel satisfaction, he ticked that away in his mental file of ever growing evidence that Remus Lupin was hiding a very significant secret indeed. )


LOG: Gawain/Snape

WHO: Severus Snape and Gawain Robards
WHEN: November 1975
WHERE: In a discreet room, somewhere in Hogwarts
NOTES: Gawain Robards is dreamy. Snape doesn't think so, Kat does. Also, Elena wants to know when he's interrogating her.

He’d already been fighting off a terrible migraine, and being called in for pointless questioning wasn’t doing anything for his mood. )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


OCTOBER 1975: The Masque!

WHO: Fourth years and up! Also, staff. Obviously.
WHEN: Friday, October 31, 1975 (8 pm-11 pm).
WHERE: The Great Hall.
WHAT: Masque tiiiiiime.

Sometimes, Albus's whims utterly baffled Minerva. )

(OOC: Have at! We'll run this until people stop commenting, and probably have the big reveal next week, after Kat's back! Don't forgot to keep costumes secret and use [info]dissenanon! If anyone's forgotten the password, email me for it.)

Feb. 17th, 2012


LOG: And all of Slytherin spoke in unison: trolololololol.

WHO: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Adrian Mulciber, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Elena Pangborn, Cici Jorkins, Severus Snape, and Devin Lyle, with some ineffectual stammering care of Horace Slughorn and some innocent bystandery pain leveled on Bertram Aubrey.
WHEN: Before Lexy posted! After Adrian posted.
WHERE: In fifth year Potions.
WHAT: BOOM. Christian, why do you always end up making BOOM?

All things considered, Remus really enjoyed Potions. )

Feb. 7th, 2012


LOG: Lily likes the word toerag. Snape likes Lily.

WHO: Lily Evans and Severus Snape
WHEN: September 1, 1975
WHERE: Hogwarts Express
WHAT: Lily and Snape discuss the year ahead.

Subtly. A subtle version of what I’d usually do. )


LOG: Hogwarts, meet yr Prefects.

WHO: Frank Longbottom, Frances Monaghan, Tim Harbourne, Cathy Lufkin, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Viola Vicente Castenada, Arthur Moseley, Marina Hayes, Remus Lupin.
WHEN: September 1, 1975 (11-11:30 am)
WHERE: The Hogwarts Express, and more specifically the Prefects compartment.
WHAT: Our inaugural Prefects introduce themselves, and our Head Boy and Girl announce their plans for cooperative world domination. Plus, more or less chronological links to the other train logs at the bottom!

My name is Frances Monaghan, I’m a seventh year Hufflepuff, and my favourite historian is Gately Babbling. )