August 2013




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Jan. 20th, 2013


LOG: Sigh.

WHO: Sirius Black & surprise guest.
WHEN: The very early hours of this morning, August 20, 1976.
WHERE: 12 Grimmauld Place, and then...
WHAT: I woke up at 4 from the sleep of the passed-out-drunk, was about to go back to sleep at 7:20, when Sirius unceremoniously informed me it was time, now-or-never time. So. Now it is.

Sirius had, of course, been meaning to leave for years. )

Oct. 18th, 2012


Owl to Regulus Black. )

Oct. 15th, 2012


LOG: Remember when the Black brothers got along for like three weeks in a row?

WHO: Regulus and Sirius Black.
WHEN: Towards the ends of hols, let us say the 22nd of April.
WHERE: Regulus's room, Grimmauld Place.
WHAT: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a younger brother in possession of good behaviour must be in want of some corruption.

We are men. Glasses are for ladies and Hufflepuffs. )

Sep. 26th, 2012


LOG: Oh hey btw why is Gramps such a dick?

WHO: Regulus and Orion Black.
WHEN: Shortly after this; probably about April 17?
WHERE: 12 Grimmauld Place, Orion's study.
WHAT: Sirius has so many feels. :(

A part of him didn't truly think Sirius would be upset that Regulus was choosing to confront his father over this - he even thought his brother might be a bit proud of the boldness of the move - but it was still a conversation he preferred to have without interruption. )

Sep. 16th, 2012


Sekrit Death

WHO: You'll see in about two seconds.
WHEN: April 16th, 2012
WHERE: The victim's home.
WHAT: The sekrit death we've been angsting about for a while.
NOTES: Yeah, even I'm cursing the name of Lestrange.

Warning: This is an extremely gory, extremely unpleasant log.

When you have finished up, remove the head. )

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Howler to Sirius Black, love Mummy )