August 2013




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Aug. 22nd, 2012


LOG: Dim feels

WHO: The entity known as Dim.
WHEN: The evening of March 4, 1976.
WHERE: The secret lair of Dim.
WHAT: Bb boys bond. Don't worry, Hestia. Not like that.

Two weeks later, it seemed slightly less pressing, all of it. )

Aug. 8th, 2012


LOG: Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim!

WHO: Devin Lyle and Tim Harbourne
WHEN: Elena's V-Day party (Feb. 15)
WHERE: Where the party at
WHAT: Mmm, shippiness. Poor bbys. Poor Hufflepuff blondes.

Yeah... Lots and lots of O’s. )

Jul. 20th, 2012


LOG: CJ/Tim, CJ/Devin, Dim, CJ/Everyone

WHO: CJ Costantin, Tim Harbourne and Devin Lyle.
WHEN: During the tail end of the Valentine's party.
WHERE: The loo near the party.
WHAT: Gaywakening. Gaywankening.

Isn't that what happened to people, when they drank? They became almost like Gryffindors? )

Jun. 24th, 2012


LOG: Dim being dimmy.

WHO: Devin Lyle and Tim Harbourne, the entity known as Dim.
WHEN: December 27, 1975.
WHERE: Steal These Records.
WHAT: Just general overexcited fluffiness.

The Dartford Dhealing Wing. )

Jun. 20th, 2012


LOG: Devin has ALL the ships. All of them.

WHO: Devin Lyle, Tim Harbourne, Anna Lyle, and CJ Costantin.
WHEN: Shortly after Devin was attacked oh so long ago, ie. December 3.
WHERE: The Hospital Wing.
WHAT: I saw Gryffindor was pretty low on points so I thought I'd help them out a little.

He uh. CJ stopped Sal. From, you know. )

Mar. 27th, 2012


LOG: The Great Homo Saga of 1975: Coming Out Part 3

WHO: Devin Lyle and Time Harbourne
WHEN: October 1975
WHERE: Lair of Dim, West Tower, Hogwarts.
WHAT: Devin comes out to Tim, Tim Hufflepuffs all over the place.

Plus, they liked to go and make friends with the owls. What? It’s Dim. )

Feb. 26th, 2012


LOG: Confesssssshhhhunnnnnnnnnns!

WHO: Alice Prewitt and Devin Lyle (and whiskey)!
WHEN: Spring 1975, just after holidays.
WHERE: Empty Classroom™.
WHAT: Devin tells someone what CJ could have told anyone.

What Devin couldn’t sort out himself, the alcohol might solve! Thank God for Prewitts. )


LOG: Spin the bottle: so many hormones.

WHO: Jeana Wood, Annie Lufkin, Lee Mackenzie, CJ Costantin, Sirius Black, Benjy Fenwick, Tim Harbourne, Matt Jepsen, Hestia Jones, Cici Jorkins, Remus Lupin, Devin Lyle, Hazel Morton, James Potter, Lexy Lane, Cody Hadlock, Jolie Keates, Elena Pangborn, Hudson Bones
WHEN: The first weekend of September 1975
WHERE: The Party Dungeon
WHAT: It's a really good thing CJ doesn't have oral herpes, because if he did everyone in the universe would have contracted it during this game.

Even the glassware knows of our forbidden love. )

Jan. 24th, 2012


WHO: Tim Harbourne, Devin Lyle, Jeana Wood, NPCs Anna Lyle and Devin's Summer Girlfriend Dana
WHEN: August 1975
WHERE: Dartford, UK
WHAT: The summer crowd of Dartford hang out, Devin has a new lady friend, Tim has suppressed feelings, Jeana wears a bikini and Anna is the fille awesome.

Of course, when Tim had been in infant school, he had wanted to be a race-car. )