August 2013




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Dec. 10th, 2012


LOG: Dragons in the dark.

WHO: Amelie Shingleton and Dorian Parkinson.
WHEN: June 26, after this.
WHERE: The Shingletons' backyard.
WHAT: Cousinly comfort & truth or dare.

Read more... )

Dec. 3rd, 2012


LOG: In which beans are a v. loaded metaphor.

WHO: Sirius and Amelie.
WHEN: The Hogsmeade weekend in May.
WHERE: Oh, around, sometimes quite quickly.
WHAT: ...tbh I'm still not sure whether or not this was an innocent date. Not sure if Sirius is, either.

Are you actually suggesting there is something I am not capable of, chere? )


LOG: A history of obedience.

WHO: Dorian Parkinson and Amelie Shingleton.
WHEN: August of 1972, the summer before Dori went to Hogwarts.
WHERE: The Shingleton residence.
WHAT: Dorian has been Amelie's bitch for a long, long time.

She was also trying to figure out if she could feasibly hide herself in a trunk, but that was a plan for later. )

Sep. 30th, 2012


LOG: Sure, Amelie. You can "paint" his "broom."

WHO: Amelie Shingleton and Finn Wadcock.
WHEN: Love In party, April 29, 1976.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: Finn cheers up Amelie, agrees to things he may one day regret.

Hello, wee Shingleton. )

Sep. 26th, 2012


LOG: Amelie/Matt

WHO: Amelie and Matt
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: Hogwarts Express
WHAT: Safari time!
NOTES: Hey, remember when Matt was alive and Amelie was happy?'

A fire-breathing unicorn with wings. )


LOG: Amelie/Anna/Owen

WHO: Amelie, Anna, Owen
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: Hogwarts Express
NOTES: Remember before everythign went to shit?

Cannibalism is the only wayyyyyyy. )

Sep. 17th, 2012


LOG: Amelie/George/Dorian/Gasp

WHO: Amelie, George, Dorian.... technically Gasp is in this but his tag got moved to a break with him and George.
WHEN: September 17, 1976
WHERE: Shingleton house
NOTES: Right in the Tim.

Today it just thrummed in her blood, and she shook with it, she didn’t even know if she was angry at the Death Eaters or just angry at the universe itself. )

Aug. 29th, 2012


LOG: Amelie and Remus

WHO: Amelie Shingleton and Remus Lupin
WHEN: March 10, 1976
WHERE: Hallway to the Forbidden Forest!
WHAT: Amelie giving Remus a birthday adventure, nbd.
NOTES: Amelie's involved; what else do you want me to say?

A little birdie had told Amelie that today was Remus's birthday. )


LOG: Amelie/Anna/Dorian/Annie/Cathy

WHO: Amelie, Anna, Dorian, Annie, Cathy
WHEN: March 1976
WHERE: Music room.
WHAT: The Hogwarts education is lacking. ANNIE HAS THE SOLUTION.
NOTES: Basically the greatest log you will ever read, nbd

Welcome to our classroom, children )

Aug. 16th, 2012


Package dropped off in front of Ravenclaw. The package is inexplicably moving and marked DORIAN in giant letters. )

Aug. 4th, 2012


LOG: Third years aren't exactly Crysta in 2.0.

WHO: Anna Lyle and Amelie Shingleton.
WHEN: Right after Amelie's ward.
WHERE: The corridors, between classes.
WHAT: The fate of Hogwarts's underpants.

I do not think my cousin Doug would appreciate it very much, so perhaps we should get Dorian instead. I am going to try and get him to let us into Ravenclaw, but perhaps I won't tell him what we intend to do. )

Aug. 1st, 2012


LOG: Amelie and Lucy

WHO: Amelie Shingleton and Lucy Goyle
WHEN:Feb. 15, 1976--Valentine's party
WHERE: Party Dungeon
WHAT: It's Amelie. Enough said.

Poofy and sparkly )

Jul. 30th, 2012


Careers fair!

WHO: The students and staff of Hogwarts, as well as some select guests representing their careers of choice.
WHEN: February 28, 1976
WHERE: The Great Hall.
WHAT: Careers Fair! Feel free to do wee mini-threads if you want. This is also the day after Hudson streaked across the pitch. Sirius is kind of tempted not to prank today, James.

There was no denying that Minerva McGonagall was unspeakably pissed. It had been a hard year all around, both for serious and less serious reasons. As a professor and Head of House, Minerva had been repeatedly appalled by the behaviour of her students, from Potter's imbecilic attack in Potions in September through Costantin's several infractions through the endless curfew-breaking and debauchery. She had been infinitely more appalled by the things that had happened to her students, from Brownless's attack on Lyle and Costantin through the attack on Bones through the death of Jedediah Dunne, far too young to die and part of a group of students Minerva was unlikely to forget if she lived to Dumbledore's age or older. And, as an Order member, she had been overworked and overtired, slightly terrified by the news of Dorcas Meadoweses' recruitment (nearly of an age with Jedediah, and not someone Minerva particularly wanted to put into danger), overcome with the knowledge of how utterly outnumbered they were, and plagued by a mounting sense of dread with every new day Septimus Malfoy remained in power.

She was, in other words, not in the mood for her students' shit.

The set up had gone well enough, but Minerva knew that was only the beginning of the day's work. She patrolled the edges of the fair, pausing to exchange a comment with a colleague here and an old friend there, ready to execute the prompt removal of any trouble-makers at the first sign of idiocy.

Jul. 22nd, 2012


LOG: Amelie/Dorian/Doug

WHO: Amelie and Dorian, guest appearance by Doug
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: In a closet at the V-Day Party
WHAT: Dorian and Amelie spun each other for seven minutes in heaven. Hilarity and incest ensued.
NOTES: Amelie is her own special, precocious snowflake.

She was fourteen, she had a boyfriend, and if she wanted to snog her cousin in a closet, that was her choice. )

Jun. 22nd, 2012


LOG: Hymens we have known

WHO: Jeana Wood and half the school (if you know someone who is invited, you're invited).
WHEN: 22 January 1976.
WHERE: North Tower
WHAT: The Fuck It The World Is Scary Dance Party.

The party space had all the markers of a Jeana party: twinkly lights, music, dark corners, excellent dance space, and many, many bottles for spinning. Since we're not party logging, this is just to establish that this event happened, and what occurred there, so Cici can gossip about it later. RIP Virginities!


LOG: Amelie/Matt

WHO: Amelie and Matt
WHEN: January 1976
WHERE: Great Hall
WHAT: Amelie discovers boys. DRAGON SLAYING BOYS.
NOTES: Their love is wee-er than yours. Deal with it.

You must snuggle him and let him know that he is your very favorite dragon of all dragons. )

Jun. 19th, 2012


LOG: Assorted peoples.

WHO: Anna/Iwan, Viola/Fabian, Karen/Cam, Elena/Marina, Conor/Sophie, Mia/Matt, Elena/CJ, guest appearances by Amelie and Cherry.
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records party
WHAT: Various logs involving my characters because I'm too sexy for multiple posts.
NOTES: Condensing LIKE A BOSS.

+++ )


LOG: Amelie and Dorian.

WHO: Amelbus Shingledore and Dorerva Parkonagall.
WHEN: Hollllls.
WHERE: The Shingleton residence.
WHAT: Uh. Amelie being Amelie.

...she was just wondering whether or not there was a charm that could help her levitate to the top. )

Jun. 7th, 2012


LOG: Amelie and Cherry

WHO: Amelie and Cherry
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Steal These Records party
WHAT: Amelie and Cherry attempt to turn partygoers into werewolves.
NOTES: Hufflepuffs are batshit fucking crazy, yo.

Also, she had a beer. Yes, she was thirteen, but no one had stopped her, so. )

May. 30th, 2012


LOG: Frank/Amelie

WHO: Amelie and Frank
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Cathy's Party
WHAT: Amelie thinks Frank needs a costume.

I’m quite sure Dumbledore will write you a glowing recommendation on account of your costume. )

May. 4th, 2012



WHO: Extremely anonymous owls, all duplicates, sent to all the mentioned girls.
WHEN: Nowish
WHERE: Hogwarts
WHAT: Evan Rosier thinks Sal Brownless left out a few names. He's a gentleman, so he doesn't want the ladies to feel left out. You're welcome, ladies.
NOTES: These owls were sent ANONYMOUSLY. He wasn't stupid enough to sign his name. Block letters to obscure handwriting. Every girl gets the same full letter. Feel free to have them react/show them to their friends.