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Dec. 10th, 2012


LOG: Pumpkin love.

WHO: Doug Parkinson and Clarissa Crouch.
WHEN: Todayish.
WHERE: The Macmillan School.
WHAT: ...epic log of Ravenclaw sexytimes awkwardness. Also squash.

Strictly speaking, Clarissa hadn't exactly told Doug that she was ready to lose her virginity, at least not on this particular day. )

Oct. 30th, 2012


LOG: Will you remember our dance?

WHO: Rabastan Lestrange and his weirdass mind.
WHEN: Nowish?
WHERE: His bed.

It was fortunate, perhaps, that Rabastan wasn’t one to dwell overmuch on his emotions. )

Oct. 26th, 2012


LOG: The tale of the peaceful purist rally.

WHO: Bellatrix Lestrange and Doug Parkinson, with guest appearances by the Lestrange brothers.
WHEN: Mid-hols, so late April.
WHERE: Bellatrix and Rodolphus's home.
WHAT: Doug gets his marching orders.

Merlin, he wished he’d learned Occlumency. )

Oct. 21st, 2012


LOG: ...gosh, I wish I'd grown up all privileged too!

WHO: Adrian and Ewart Mulciber, with guest inert appearance by their sister Joanna.
WHEN: August 1975.
WHERE: The Mulciber home, Tinworth.
WHAT: For every time you've ever wanted to kick Adrian's ass... Ewart did it for you.

It was not as if Elphard had given his third son express permission to torture his only daughter, but as Tinworth was a magical town, and Elphard was not in the habit of bringing home Muggles for his sons to practice on, Adrian only had so many targets. )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Lance MacDougal & Vivian Rosier
WHEN: May 2, 1976
WHERE: Hogwarts Grounds
WHAT: Lance and Vivian take a walk to talk out that whole... arranged marriage thing.

I'm not unhappy about it. )

Sep. 26th, 2012


LOG: Oh hey btw why is Gramps such a dick?

WHO: Regulus and Orion Black.
WHEN: Shortly after this; probably about April 17?
WHERE: 12 Grimmauld Place, Orion's study.
WHAT: Sirius has so many feels. :(

A part of him didn't truly think Sirius would be upset that Regulus was choosing to confront his father over this - he even thought his brother might be a bit proud of the boldness of the move - but it was still a conversation he preferred to have without interruption. )

Sep. 18th, 2012


LOG: Here, have some PARKINSON FEELS.

WHO: Doug and Regine Parkinson.
WHEN: April 17, 1976.
WHERE: The Parkinson residence.
WHAT: We are logging machines this week, guys. Also, if some Prewitts don't get some unwilling Parkinson feels at this, I haven't done my job.

Read more... )

Sep. 17th, 2012


LOG: Most uptight non-Prefects ever.

WHO: Clarissa Crouch and her amazing dancing purist.
WHEN: Just after this, so around late February 1976?
WHERE: Several places!
WHAT: The History of Magic classroom will never be the same again?

Just as Doug was less than experienced when it came to, say, groping girls, he was still a newcomer to the fine art of pacifying girls. )

Sep. 16th, 2012


Sekrit Death

WHO: You'll see in about two seconds.
WHEN: April 16th, 2012
WHERE: The victim's home.
WHAT: The sekrit death we've been angsting about for a while.
NOTES: Yeah, even I'm cursing the name of Lestrange.

Warning: This is an extremely gory, extremely unpleasant log.

When you have finished up, remove the head. )

Sep. 11th, 2012


because bella wants to mentor all the bb purists.

Owl to Doug Parkinson )

Aug. 1st, 2012


Delivered to Christian Presson, Faustus Selwyn, Elena Pangborn, Evan Rosier, Roslyn Jones, Cassie Quirrel, Edie Bulstrode, Alcyone Burke, Nastia Karkaroff, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, Regulus Black, Fiona Avery, Jasper Avery, Sebastian Wilkes, Lucy Goyle, Ajax Burke, Maeve Macmillan, Adrian Mulciber, Doug Parkinson )

Jul. 2nd, 2012


LOG: Titus/Fiona

WHO: Titus Malfoy and Fiona Avery
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: The Rosier residence
WHAT: Titus and Fiona are introduced.
NOTES: Purist love, ftw.

Normally, however, it wasn’t as formal as this, but as Fiona had just turned fifteen, her family had felt it was time to be slightly more aggressive with her marrying prospects. )

Jun. 29th, 2012


LOG: Team Evil Apprentice has many valued partners in the community.

WHO: Adrian Mulciber & a v. special guest!
WHEN: Now.
WHERE: Corridor, abandoned classroom; the usual.
WHAT: Adrian secures a valuable resource for Team Evil Apprentice.

Well, it was entirely possible Adrian was behaving a little recklessly. But he was in dire need of a fix, and Bellatrix’s instructions would be much easier to follow if he and his friends had a little help.  )

Jun. 28th, 2012


LOG: Doug and Clarissa!

WHO: Doug Parkinson and Clarissa Crouch.
WHEN: Back when everyone was pissed with Evan, just after the Moodys came to visit.
WHERE: The grounds!
WHAT: Doug and Clarissa discuss his friendships, the world, and puddles.

Literature, unsurprisingly, had lied to Clarissa on the subject of romance. )

Jun. 24th, 2012


LOG: Poor Fiona.

WHO: Fiona Avery and Doug Parkinson.
WHEN: Hols!
WHERE: The Malfoy Estate.
WHAT: Fiona and Doug have a dance.

She dearly wanted to dance, something she now realized was more an issue with Regulus on the other side of the room. )

Jun. 22nd, 2012


LOGS: Assorted Characters

WHO: Evan, Sebastian, Charlemagne, Regine, Ajax, Ludo, Judith, Winston, Helen
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Malfoy estate
WHAT: Assorted purist party logs.
NOTES: Ain't no party like a pureblood party because a pureblood party has albino peacocks.

+++ )


LOG: Two people who should never be left alone together.

WHO: Sirius Black, Jove Lufkin, Lucius's hair and cock I mean peacocks, Narcissa Malfoy, Walburga Black.
WHEN: End of December, shortly before this.
WHERE: The Malfoy Estate.
WHAT: ...good, clean fun?

You look like you could use a drink or eleven. )

Jun. 20th, 2012


LOG: Charlemagne is a gentleman, yo.

WHO: Charlemagne de Mimsy-Porpington, Vivian Rosier.
WHEN: Late December 1975.
WHERE: The Malfoy Christmas party.
WHAT: Charlemagne will save Vivian from her twin! Part 1/2.

Sweet Vivian! It is a perilous sin for one so fair to look so bored! )


LOG: You only WISH you got to spend Christmas with Ajax.

WHO: Ajax Burke and Regine Parkinson.
WHEN: Shortly before the New Year.
WHERE: The Malfoy Estate.
WHAT: Regine has the best taste in men.

As usual, Narcissa was the consummate hostess. )

Jun. 10th, 2012


Package to Vivian Rosier. )

Jun. 7th, 2012


LOG: Wondering why Sirius was so quiet over hols?

WHO: Sirius Black, Walburga Black, Pollux Black, with brief guest appearances by Orion, Regulus, and Kreacher.
WHEN: December 29, 1975, in the hours after Jove and Sirius wreak havoc on Cissy's party.
WHERE: 12 Grimmauld Place.
WHAT: Sirius spends some quality time with his family.

Still, he refuses to regret this, as his brother is sent to bed. )

May. 16th, 2012
