August 2013




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Jul. 8th, 2013


LOG: Let's get these kids some pamphlets or sommat.

WHO: Harry Harbourne and PJ Primpernelle
WHEN: January 1977
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: Harry Harbourne's adventures in poorly handled subspace, featuring PJ Primpernelle and a cameo from Chelsea Baddock. Written prior to Mary stuff, so let's just imagine that trauma edited in.

I don’t remember anything )

Jul. 7th, 2013


LOG: um. i really don't have anything to say.

WHO: Harry Harbourne and Chelsea Baddock
WHEN: January 1977
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: Trigger warnings: explicit sexual content, dubcon, light BDSM, drug use & alcohol. Haha. God. We finished this weeks ago and it's just been living in our docs.

He liked it less when he got an ill-timed erection from roughhousing with Reagan, but those things happened. )

Jul. 6th, 2013


LOG: The beginning of a beautiful, beautiful series of blackmail photos.

WHO: Jehan Delacour, Booker Munch, Pollo Crumb, and Cor Oakby. (Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.)
WHEN: Spring 1973.
WHERE: The former HQ of Les Amis.
WHAT: The beginning of several unlikely photos involving Pollo glowering at a piece of parchment while wearing a flower crown. The continuation of the saga of That Time Booker and Jehan Met And Moved In Together Within 24 Hours (the first installation of which you haven't seen). That awkward moment when you introduce your new boyfriend to your revolutionary friends and find out one of them is prone to making mutual puppy eyes at him. The introduction of the French element to Les Amis. What the fuck were they even called before Jehan? Grumpy Blonde, Mouthy Brunette, and the Sane Corner?

I found your speaking on Saturday to be rather magnificent, like the blinding world beneath the failing city. )

Apr. 16th, 2013


Owl to Rupert Gordon. )

Apr. 14th, 2013


LOG: i really don't want to do my taxes so i'm putting this up instead.

WHO: PJ Primpernelle and Harry Harbourne
WHEN: Sometime in 1976? To be set when dates are decided. After PJ and Callum were incarcerated for fighting.
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: It's fine. It's fine. They're just both emotional wrecks, whatever.

Sorry, we were a bit preoccupied with being held in a cell to tell you — I’ll make sure to owl you from the detention centre next time, yeah? )

Apr. 3rd, 2013


LOG: Chicken or egg: were they this weird before? Or did pop stardom do it?

WHO: Mainly PJ Primpernelle and Harry Harbourne, with Reagan Macdonald towards the end.
WHEN: Last week? October 1976.
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: Um? Drug use, cooking, fire, eyebrow accidents, homosociality.

Helen is about to shit a fucking brick. )

Apr. 1st, 2013


LOG: A noble task indeed.

WHO: Jehan Delacour, Telyn Perkins, Pollo Crumb, Cor Oakby, with brief appearances by Gav Savage and Richard Chambers.
WHEN: September 20, 1976.
WHERE: La Maisain (Musain + Maison = win).
WHAT: Jehan is just all about equality among the people, yo.

Britannia may be his mistress, but Britannia has no lips. )

Feb. 27th, 2013


LOG: fun party?

WHO: Graham Whitby-Spavin and Oliver Barnes, guest staring Telyn Perkins.
WHEN: Late August, 1976
WHERE: London
WHAT: Oh, you know, just the wizarding equivalent of drunk texting. Inebriated Oliver quotes a lot of Shakespeare; wishes he did not have emotions.

I should never have drank rum. Because of the slave trade. I have ruined all my ideals. )

Feb. 17th, 2013


LOG: Love letters to Rupert Gordon.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Rupert Gordon, Gil Catchlove, Bilius Weasley, Marcus Lane, Lo Dunstan, Poldie Lochlin, and a large audience.
WHEN: Rupert's birthday party back in May!
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Unrestrained debauchery, basically.

Still, when Rhys had an idea, it was generally very difficult to dissuade him without stunning spells or Helen. )

Dec. 8th, 2012


LOG: Frankcest!

WHO: Frank Longbottom and Frances Monaghan.
WHEN: The Love-In!
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: One last bit of banter before the death knell.

I think I’ve lost my fluency in fun. )

Nov. 27th, 2012


LOG: well, this is fun.

WHO: Lily Evans and Mary Macdonald
WHEN: Todayish.
WHERE: St Mungo's
WHAT: Mary wakes up.

Do you remember anything? There was an attack at King’s Cross. )


LOG: no one looks good in this fight.

WHO: Oliver Barnes and the illustrious ex, Graham Whitby-Spavin
WHEN: September 1975ish
WHERE: Fort Freedom, eventful party space.
WHAT: Oliver and Graham break up in Luke's bedroom.

You nearly broke the Statute of bloody Secrecy over his well-defined biceps. )

Nov. 3rd, 2012


LOG: Best devirginization ever tbh.

WHO: The illustrious Atticus Brocklehurst and Annie Lufkin, Queen of Hogwarts.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: Winning at life, failing at lasting power? Eh, he'll get better with time. Let's face it: between Annie and Faustus/Edie, there's really no way he'll be able to avoid developing stamina.

L’etat, c’est moi! )

Oct. 27th, 2012


LOG: And then she rode him like a dragon.

WHO: Karen MacFusty and Arthur Moseley
WHEN: Love In Party
WHERE: Party Dungeon
WHAT: Arthur is a guilt machine, Karen disagrees.

Sometimes I think I'm kind of an ass, Karen. )


LOG: A snippet of glorious blonde friendship

WHO: Jeana Wood and Alice Prewitt
WHEN: The Love In Party
WHERE: Party Dungeon
WHAT: Jeana and Alice make a pact.

We’ll jest mayke sure ev’ryone’s pissed enough ta not notece, aye? )

Oct. 26th, 2012


LOG: Naked Hudson is always the right choice.

WHO: Tessa Abbott, Hudson Bones, and the sixthie Gryffindor blondes.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: ...sorry, Detta.

Hey, who wants to play a drinking game? )


LOG: A snippet of awkward purist bros.

WHO: Doug Parkinson, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, and Sebastian Wilkes.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: A snippet of awkwardness. Where's the chamber music in this party, yo?

Call it what you will, it’s horrid and I can assume only rots the brain after so much exposure. )

Oct. 24th, 2012


LOG: I hope you're enjoying yourself, Arthur.

WHO: Karen MacFusty and Arthur Moseley
WHEN: Over Easter hols.
WHERE: The Hebrides, then London.
WHAT: Karen drags Arthur into a sex shop. Discuss.

As a Ravenclaw, there was no chance she was letting this potential for learning go un-learned. It just so happened that she was interested in learning about dildos. )

Oct. 17th, 2012


LOG: CJ is good at distracting himself.

WHO: CJ Costantin and Ludo MacDougal.
WHEN: 17 April 1976.
WHERE: Ludo's flat in London.
WHAT: Violations of ethics, finally.

So it came to pass that at one in the morning on the seventeenth of April 1976, Police officer Anthea Mulgrove escorted a terrible-looking CJ to the door of Ludo’s flat in Hampstead, gripping him rather more roughly by the arm than police procedure generally dictated, and knocked three times. )

Oct. 1st, 2012


LOG: Well, this is going to be fun trouble.

WHO: Regulus Black and Emily Pepper.
WHEN: Love In party, April 29, 1976.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: A romance blooms.

God, he hoped his brother wasn't watching this. )

Sep. 30th, 2012


LOG: CJ just can't help himself.

WHO: CJ Costantin and Clarissa Crouch.
WHEN: Love In party, April 29, 1976.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: CJ and Clarissa have a chat.

Our illegal activities are probably far more unconventional. )


LOG: Ravenclaws are crazy, guys.

WHO: Benjy Fenwick and Sirius Black.
WHEN: Love In party, April 29, 1976.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: Benjy lays the foundations for a glorious foray into same-sex snogging, years in advance.

I am very interested in the influence of velocity on hormones. )


LOG: Emotional damage in two different styles

WHO: Lexy Lane and Marina Hayes.
WHEN: April 1976, during the Love In Party.
WHERE: The party dungeon.
WHAT: Lexy tries to be nice; does it wrong.

Nothing’s wrong, Lexy. Not everyone is hiding something. )

Sep. 18th, 2012


LOG: The Lane Orphan Asylum

WHO: Camden Sheperd and Isaac Lane.
WHEN: Prior to the spring holidays, post the death of Cam's parents.
WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron, London.
WHAT: Isaac has a lot of orphan feelings. The Lanes get a new member.

Ultimately, what drove him to his decision was the simple truth that Isaac didn’t know Cam’s life story, her favourite subject, her most prized possession, but he knew exactly what her nightmares were like. )


LOG: Just get Rupert drunk and he'll tell you everything.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Bilius Weasley, Payton Prewitt, and a sacrificial lamb. I mean Rupert Gordon
WHEN: April 19th. It's a vision of the fuuuutuuuure.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: A log of levity.

A pamphlet doesn’t have that human touch. )


LOG: By the way your boyfriend is evil.

WHO: Maeve Macmillan and Bronwen Robards.
WHEN: Friday, April 14, 1976.
WHERE: One of Maeve's secret lairs.
WHAT: Lookit that, Maeve's getting a conscience, and Bronwen's getting more neuroses!

Maeve was entirely too sick of watching her dormmate swoon over a skinny little prick of a blossoming Death Eater to put up with it any longer. This was even worse than when she was fixated on OWENS. )

Sep. 17th, 2012


LOG: Amelie/George/Dorian/Gasp

WHO: Amelie, George, Dorian.... technically Gasp is in this but his tag got moved to a break with him and George.
WHEN: September 17, 1976
WHERE: Shingleton house
NOTES: Right in the Tim.

Today it just thrummed in her blood, and she shook with it, she didn’t even know if she was angry at the Death Eaters or just angry at the universe itself. )

Sep. 16th, 2012


LOG: Rupert/Poldie

WHO: Rupert Gordon and Poldie Lochlin.
WHEN: The night of April 15th.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: A symphony for the death of my heart-soul. And then porn.

It felt like that was all they could do, build those ineffectual sandcastles, and that the war was the oncoming tide. And what the hell was he doing? Making a fence? )

Sep. 9th, 2012


IC/OOC Log: Careers Advice.

WHO: The Heads of House and their fifth years.
WHEN: April 8, 1976, before Cam's family was attacked.
WHERE: In the Heads of Houses' offices.
WHAT: Lol, you need to keep taking Potions to be an Auror, Harry.

The insistence of Headmaster after Headmistress after Headmaster on offering mandatory Careers Advice to every fifth year, year after year, was very possibly an exercise in advanced administrative sadism, Minerva suspected. This was not to say that she didn't understand the value of such a meeting, particularly in choosing one's NEWT courses. However, it was difficult to maintain a detached, professorly air when the increased need for Order activity had seen Minerva with less and less time and thus less and less sleep, and, furthermore, she had a lurking suspicion that Potter and Black would resoundingly fail to take this seriously. She had, to her credit, warded her office against Dunbombs for the occasion — any Gryffindor who entered with one on their person would find themselves suddenly suspended in mid-air, in her doorway — but still, it had only been two years since CJ Costantin had spent the entirety of his Careers Advice flirting with her, and she wasn't quite ready to find out what Potter had prepared yet. She strongly suspected she would not be prepared for several years.

Aug. 28th, 2012


LOG: Jeana/Wils

WHO: Jeana/Wils
WHEN: After Jeana's dad bit it.
WHERE: Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts
WHAT: Dartford feels yo.
NOTES: Braindead. Text goes here.

You can't leave. Who would keep me from giving in to my duller impulses, or make sure I go to a party every once in a while? )

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