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Oct. 5th, 2012



WHO: Maeve Macmillan.
WHEN: Uh. It varies?
WHERE: Ravenclaw 6th girls' dormitory.
WHAT: Happy birthday Kat, pt. 1.

It was rare that Maeve felt the compulsion to stimulate herself. )

Sep. 30th, 2012


LOG: Maeve/Cassie

WHO: Cassie and Maeve
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: Love in!
WHAT: Cassie and Maeve comment on people, get bored, go shag.

No one fucks us up quite like family. )

Sep. 18th, 2012


LOG: By the way your boyfriend is evil.

WHO: Maeve Macmillan and Bronwen Robards.
WHEN: Friday, April 14, 1976.
WHERE: One of Maeve's secret lairs.
WHAT: Lookit that, Maeve's getting a conscience, and Bronwen's getting more neuroses!

Maeve was entirely too sick of watching her dormmate swoon over a skinny little prick of a blossoming Death Eater to put up with it any longer. This was even worse than when she was fixated on OWENS. )

Aug. 1st, 2012


Delivered to Christian Presson, Faustus Selwyn, Elena Pangborn, Evan Rosier, Roslyn Jones, Cassie Quirrel, Edie Bulstrode, Alcyone Burke, Nastia Karkaroff, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, Regulus Black, Fiona Avery, Jasper Avery, Sebastian Wilkes, Lucy Goyle, Ajax Burke, Maeve Macmillan, Adrian Mulciber, Doug Parkinson )

Jul. 14th, 2012



Jun. 29th, 2012


LOG: Team Evil Apprentice has many valued partners in the community.

WHO: Adrian Mulciber & a v. special guest!
WHEN: Now.
WHERE: Corridor, abandoned classroom; the usual.
WHAT: Adrian secures a valuable resource for Team Evil Apprentice.

Well, it was entirely possible Adrian was behaving a little recklessly. But he was in dire need of a fix, and Bellatrix’s instructions would be much easier to follow if he and his friends had a little help.  )

Jun. 22nd, 2012


Owl to Gawain Robards, charmed to look like a copy of a (fascinating!) article on hippogriff evolution to a) anyone else who tries reading it, and b) Gawain, after he reads it through. )


LOG: Hymens we have known

WHO: Jeana Wood and half the school (if you know someone who is invited, you're invited).
WHEN: 22 January 1976.
WHERE: North Tower
WHAT: The Fuck It The World Is Scary Dance Party.

The party space had all the markers of a Jeana party: twinkly lights, music, dark corners, excellent dance space, and many, many bottles for spinning. Since we're not party logging, this is just to establish that this event happened, and what occurred there, so Cici can gossip about it later. RIP Virginities!

Jun. 16th, 2012


LOG: Maeve and Gawain.

WHO: Maeve Macmillan and Gawain Robards.
WHEN: Back around the start of hols.
WHERE: The Macmillan School.
WHAT: Oh, you know, normal human interaction.

As the heart of purist intellectual thought in Wizarding Britain, the school was an obvious choice for DMLE raids, particularly when the Aurors were feeling frustrated (as they had been for the last five years or so). )

Jun. 14th, 2012


LOG: Sirius and Maeve.

WHO: Sirius Black and Maeve Macmillan.
WHEN: September 1974.
WHERE: A Gryffindor party, followed by the deserted Gryffindor common room.
WHAT: The epic, romantic tale of how Sirius lost his virginity. Including abrupt tense switch partway through!

She was probably a great deal more jaded than any fifteen-year-old had the right to be, but to be fair, Maeve wasn’t a typical fifteen-year-old. )

Jun. 10th, 2012


Package to Vivian Rosier. )

Jun. 3rd, 2012


Owl to Benjy Fenwick, charmed to look like an exceptionally eccentric owl from Annie to anyone but him. )

Apr. 28th, 2012


LOG: Surely this is an explosion waiting to happen.

WHO: CJ Costantin and Maeve Macmillan.
WHEN: The day before the CJ/Clarissa log. CJ's birthday came early?
WHERE: Empty Classroom.
WHAT: Uh. Rehearsal? Decidedly not safe for work.

How do you feel about bondage? )

Apr. 25th, 2012


Unsigned owl to Gawain Robards. )

Apr. 22nd, 2012


LOG: Maeve/Aurors, otp.

WHO: Maeve Michaels and Gawain Robards.
WHEN: Nowishly, whenever nowish is.
WHERE: A Classroom.
WHAT: Another interrogation! Maeve wants to keep Gawain as a pet. Gawain likes Maeve. This can only end well.

His next interview was with Maeve Macmillan, his youngest sister’s dormmate and, he had heard, a rather formidable individual, sixth year or not. )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


OCTOBER 1975: The Masque!

WHO: Fourth years and up! Also, staff. Obviously.
WHEN: Friday, October 31, 1975 (8 pm-11 pm).
WHERE: The Great Hall.
WHAT: Masque tiiiiiime.

Sometimes, Albus's whims utterly baffled Minerva. )

(OOC: Have at! We'll run this until people stop commenting, and probably have the big reveal next week, after Kat's back! Don't forgot to keep costumes secret and use [info]dissenanon! If anyone's forgotten the password, email me for it.)

Mar. 27th, 2012


Owl to Mylo Macmillan, warded private. )

Mar. 2nd, 2012


LOG: Midsummer Begins

FORMAT: IC/OOC Log, threaded. Again, examples here and here!
WHO: The Theatre Club (Jeana Wood, Fiona Avery, Sirius Black, CJ Costantin, Lily Evans, Lucy Goyle, Tim Harbourne, Benjy Fenwick, Matt Jepsen, Cici Jorkins, George Lempke, Annie Lufkin, Devin Lyle, Maeve Macmillan, Lee Mackenzie, Cliffy Maddock, Elena Pangborn, Alice Prewitt, Fabian Prewitt, Viola Vicente-Castenada, other NPCs)
WHEN: Yesterday after dinner.
WHERE: The once and future Hogwarts theatre, which has been cleaned extensively from its decades of disuse.
WHAT: The first rehearsal of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Rupert began the rehearsal by giving some basic Shakespearean context and explaining the overall plot of the play, having the club members give the answers whenever possible.

After the background, he had everyone split up into groups: the tech crew, the Athenians (Theseus, Hippolyta, Egeus, Lysander, Demetrus, Hermia, Helena and Philostrate), the Fae (Oberon, Titania, Puck, Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed) and the Mechanicals (Peter Quince, Nick Bottom, Francis Flute, Robin Starveling, Tom Snout and Snug the Joiner). He had the tech crew begin brainstorming the things they would need to develop for the show. He had each of the groups of actors go through their lines and rewrite them in modern English, to help reading comprehension. They were encouraged to help each other with their translations.

When everyone had finished their interpretations, he organized everyone into a large circle, and they did a read through of the original text, hopefully using the understanding they had gained from their translations.

Feb. 28th, 2012


OTHER: Cast List

Midsummer Cast List — posted to the Entrance Hall Bulletin Board )


LOG: Music Club's First Meeting

FORMAT: IC/OOC Log, threaded. Here is a good example of an IC/OOC log from a game Cait and I were in, it's good for things we don't want to/are too lazy to write out entirely (parties, meetings, Benjy's world domination potluck), but should be plotted anyway.
WHO: The Music Club
WHEN: Last Sunday
WHERE: A classroom... somewhere...
WHAT: The first meeting of the Music Club!

With Professor Fontail and probably Devin's help, Tim had set up the classroom to look hospitable, with lots of big cushions and chairs and things, and lugged a some crates of records in. There's a record player, a piano, and a few other instruments in a corner, as well as some snacks. Tim looked very nervous but also excited to start up the meeting, and waited even for people who were late to begin.

When Tim saw that everyone had sat down he gave a little talk to the effect of, "Hi! I'm um. Tim, if you didn't know. I'm really happy you guys all wanted to join the club. It's going to be really fun, I hope, and we can kind of make it into, um, basically whatever we want it to be. Which is pretty cool. So I have a bunch of records here, most of them are mine but a lot of them are Neil's (thanks, Neil), and uh, I thought we could put one on? Does anyone want to start?"

Tim left the floor open for people to put on the (approved by Dumbledore) records, and play music if they wanted it. Discussion veered away from music a lot of the time, but Tim gently tried to bring it back when it went on particularly strange tangents. Professor Fontail went off to go commune with spirits or something in the middle of the first song, saying she'd be back soon, and left the club to their own devices. She reappeared only towards the tail end of the meeting.

Feb. 24th, 2012


OTHER: Music Appreciation Club Sign-ups

Sign-up Sheet on the Entrance Hall Bulletin Board )

Feb. 22nd, 2012



Feb. 8th, 2012
