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Oct. 18th, 2012


Owl to Regulus Black. )

Oct. 1st, 2012


LOG: This was supposed to be porn, Jasper, you asshole.

WHO: Cod Haddock and Eel Mackerel.
WHEN: A little bit into spring hols, so sometime... the week before last.
WHERE: Lee's place, Edinburgh.
WHAT: Jasper is the fucking worst.

Lately, the only people she’d felt comfortable around were Cody and Lex, and even that was changing. Sometimes, the way they looked at her... )

Sep. 30th, 2012


LOG: Marina/Arthur

WHO: Marina and Arthur
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: The Love-in
WHAT: Marina's issues are bigger than Arthur, not that he knows it.
NOTES: Sigh.

I don’t think I like you. )


LOG: Poor Barbarys. :(

WHO: Olwen and Iwan Barbary.
WHEN: April 29, at the Love-In.
WHERE: The Party Dungeon!
WHAT: Gdi, Alcyone.

Iwan didn't even know why he was here. Yes, it was for Matt, and he'd liked Matt, but he frankly couldn't see how having a bloody party for him was supposed to make anything better. The boy was dead. He wasn't coming back. He wasn't even here to enjoy it. )


LOG: Emotional damage in two different styles

WHO: Lexy Lane and Marina Hayes.
WHEN: April 1976, during the Love In Party.
WHERE: The party dungeon.
WHAT: Lexy tries to be nice; does it wrong.

Nothing’s wrong, Lexy. Not everyone is hiding something. )

Sep. 6th, 2012


LOG: Memory modification is a bitch.

WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Sirius Black.
WHEN: April 6, 1976 (... happy sweet sixteen, Lee?)
WHERE: A random hallway near Gryffindor Tower.
WHAT: Thanks a lot, Jasper, you dick.

It wasn’t as if Lee really even cared what happened to Sirius Black, anyway. )

Sep. 3rd, 2012


Owl to Sophie Campbell )

Aug. 16th, 2012


LOG: Iwan, Marina, Owen, Lee

WHO: Iwan, Marina, Owen, Lee
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: V-Day Party
WHAT: A little fantasy talk
NOTES: Man I'm cleaning out logs I never posted. I am the queen of log slacking. xD

I mean, they're kind of troll-like, but smarter, maybe? )

Aug. 10th, 2012


IC/OOC: The Death Eaters meet

WHO: Lord Voldemort and his marked Death Eaters.
WHEN: March 10, 1976. (Happy birthday, Tim and Remus!)
WHERE: A graveyard in Kent.
WHAT: It's time to show daddy how good you are, DEs.

The Dark Lord was not pleased, though he knew he could have been. (Should have been...?) Malfoy was making an excellent puppet of a Minister. Too proud by far, he knew, but as yet, not so proud that he warranted an Imperius. No, all that Voldemort had needed to do was spend an evening having a little chat with Septimus — illustrating to him, vividly, what would happen should Septimus decide to forget who had put him in his precious seat — to ensure the man's complete obedience. In only a week, the MPA would go into effect, and his Death Eaters could give Britain a true taste of what lay ahead. Bellatrix, he knew, was already preparing his next generation, and his most recent visit to Fenrir Greyback and his pack had been most profitable.

There was much to be happy about, and yet, he was not.

He waited in silence, in a graveyard in Kent, as his Death Eaters appeared around him, one by one. Every month, the ranks of his marked followers swelled, their unmarked brethren more so.

There was much to be happy about, and yet, he was not.

"My Death Eaters," he said, his voice already strained with something otherworldly, the mark of the several Horcruxes he'd already created. "We are together once more."

Jul. 21st, 2012


LOG: Iwan/Alcyone

WHO: Alcyone Burke and Iwan Barbary.
WHEN: 29 January 1976, right after the BB Team Evil Challenge.
WHERE: The corridors.
WHAT: Just a little pathological lying between friends.

If it were humanly possible, Iwan would have been emitting little cartoon hearts all over the place. )

Jul. 12th, 2012


LOG: Bellatrix/Rabastan

WHO: Bellatrix Lestrange and Rabastan Lestrange
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Rabastan's home.
WHAT: Bellatrix and Rabastan have tea, discuss work, family, and how to best see to the children. They're always thinking of the children.

It is his privilege to do so, and ours to serve. )

Jun. 29th, 2012


LOG: Team Evil Apprentice has many valued partners in the community.

WHO: Adrian Mulciber & a v. special guest!
WHEN: Now.
WHERE: Corridor, abandoned classroom; the usual.
WHAT: Adrian secures a valuable resource for Team Evil Apprentice.

Well, it was entirely possible Adrian was behaving a little recklessly. But he was in dire need of a fix, and Bellatrix’s instructions would be much easier to follow if he and his friends had a little help.  )