August 2013




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Oct. 26th, 2012


LOG: A snippet of awkward purist bros.

WHO: Doug Parkinson, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, and Sebastian Wilkes.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: A snippet of awkwardness. Where's the chamber music in this party, yo?

Call it what you will, it’s horrid and I can assume only rots the brain after so much exposure. )

Aug. 1st, 2012


Delivered to Christian Presson, Faustus Selwyn, Elena Pangborn, Evan Rosier, Roslyn Jones, Cassie Quirrel, Edie Bulstrode, Alcyone Burke, Nastia Karkaroff, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, Regulus Black, Fiona Avery, Jasper Avery, Sebastian Wilkes, Lucy Goyle, Ajax Burke, Maeve Macmillan, Adrian Mulciber, Doug Parkinson )

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Anonymous owl to Marina Hayes. )


Anonymous owl to Arthur Moseley. )


Anonymous owl to Rose Lempke. )


Anonymous owl to Bilius Weasley. )


Anonymous owl to Sirius Black. )


Anonymous owl to James Potter. )


Anonymous owls to Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. )


Anonymous owls to Ava Ruiz, Ted Tonks, Barney Cauldwell, and Lee Mackenzie. )


Anonymous owl to Gil Catchlove. )


Anonymous owl to Frank Longbottom. )


Anonymous owl to Annie Lufkin. )


Anonymous owl to Alice Prewitt. )


Anonymous owl to Matt Jepsen. )


Anonymous owl to Rupert Gordon. )


Anonymous owl to Lily Evans. )


Anonymous owl to Neil Lane. )


Anonymous owl to Lexy Lane. )


Anonymous owl to Devin Lyle. )


Anonymous owl to Mary Macdonald. )


Anonymous owl to Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington. )


Anonymous owl to Lindy Lupin. )


Anonymous owl to Sophia Campbell. )


Anonymous owl to Camden Shepherd. )


Anonymous owl to Gasp Shingleton. )


Anonymous owls to Marcy Shuff and Viola Vicente-Castenada. )


Anonymous owl to the Moodys. )


Anonymous owl to Nigel Darring. )


Anonymous owl to Sam Bigglesworth. )


Anonymous owl to Jove Lufkin. )


Anonymous owl to Payton Prewitt. )


Anonymous owl to Molly Weasley. )

May. 9th, 2012


LOG: Merlin/Christian

WHO: Merlin and Christian
WHEN: Nowish
WHERE: Prefect's Bathroom
WHAT: Porn
NOTES: lolz.

So what other perks do prefects get? )

Apr. 28th, 2012


LOG: Softcore pornography and sexual tension for sixth years

WHO: Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington and Christian Presson.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon.
WHERE: Hogwarts grounds, around the lake.
WHAT: Just a little personal conversation between young men. Some parts NSFW.

This sort of thing happens at boarding schools. Single sex ones have more of it, mostly because it’s your only real option and all, but living in close quarters with other people? It happens. )

Feb. 7th, 2012


LOG: Hogwarts, meet yr Prefects.

WHO: Frank Longbottom, Frances Monaghan, Tim Harbourne, Cathy Lufkin, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Viola Vicente Castenada, Arthur Moseley, Marina Hayes, Remus Lupin.
WHEN: September 1, 1975 (11-11:30 am)
WHERE: The Hogwarts Express, and more specifically the Prefects compartment.
WHAT: Our inaugural Prefects introduce themselves, and our Head Boy and Girl announce their plans for cooperative world domination. Plus, more or less chronological links to the other train logs at the bottom!

My name is Frances Monaghan, I’m a seventh year Hufflepuff, and my favourite historian is Gately Babbling. )