August 2013




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Dec. 10th, 2012


LOG: Dragons in the dark.

WHO: Amelie Shingleton and Dorian Parkinson.
WHEN: June 26, after this.
WHERE: The Shingletons' backyard.
WHAT: Cousinly comfort & truth or dare.

Read more... )

Dec. 3rd, 2012


LOG: A history of obedience.

WHO: Dorian Parkinson and Amelie Shingleton.
WHEN: August of 1972, the summer before Dori went to Hogwarts.
WHERE: The Shingleton residence.
WHAT: Dorian has been Amelie's bitch for a long, long time.

She was also trying to figure out if she could feasibly hide herself in a trunk, but that was a plan for later. )

Oct. 17th, 2012


LOG: Dorian Secret Shame!

WHO: Dorian Parkinson and his deft hands.
WHEN: Well, at least a few times a week.
WHERE: The Ravenclaw 4th boys' dormitories.
WHAT: Happy really belated birthday, Kat (pt. 2).

He wasn’t immune to the sight of Marcy Shuff as her uniform grew, well, steadily tighter around her chest, any more than he was immune to Marjorie Blishwick’s delicate features, the pout of Fiona Avery’s lips, or the way Cherry Comstock looked in her party dresses, snug around her thighs. )

Sep. 18th, 2012


Owl to Doug Parkinson )


LOG: Here, have some PARKINSON FEELS.

WHO: Doug and Regine Parkinson.
WHEN: April 17, 1976.
WHERE: The Parkinson residence.
WHAT: We are logging machines this week, guys. Also, if some Prewitts don't get some unwilling Parkinson feels at this, I haven't done my job.

Read more... )

Aug. 29th, 2012


LOG: Amelie/Anna/Dorian/Annie/Cathy

WHO: Amelie, Anna, Dorian, Annie, Cathy
WHEN: March 1976
WHERE: Music room.
WHAT: The Hogwarts education is lacking. ANNIE HAS THE SOLUTION.
NOTES: Basically the greatest log you will ever read, nbd

Welcome to our classroom, children )

Aug. 16th, 2012


Package dropped off in front of Ravenclaw. The package is inexplicably moving and marked DORIAN in giant letters. )

Jun. 19th, 2012


LOG: Régine/Chantal

WHO: Chantal and Régine
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Shingleton Residence
WHAT: Two very different Parkinsons
NOTES: Kat's continued attempt to close out all her open logs.

Be happy. Live life. A man will only suck all of that out of you. )


LOG: Gasp and Doug. Gug? Dsp? Gugdsp.

WHO: Doug Parkinson and Gasp Shingleton.
WHEN: Hols.
WHERE: Shingleton res.
WHAT: Talk of girls and clouds. Also, Gasp gets Doug high. Surprise twist: Doug is still fairly tame when unknowingly high. Give him more brownies next time, Gasp. A brownie IV.

He was about to call for his sister to invite her to play the imaginary cloud scenario game, but she seemed busy with a tree. It looked serious. )


LOG: Amelie and Dorian.

WHO: Amelbus Shingledore and Dorerva Parkonagall.
WHEN: Hollllls.
WHERE: The Shingleton residence.
WHAT: Uh. Amelie being Amelie.

...she was just wondering whether or not there was a charm that could help her levitate to the top. )