August 2013




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Jul. 8th, 2013


LOG: Let's get these kids some pamphlets or sommat.

WHO: Harry Harbourne and PJ Primpernelle
WHEN: January 1977
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: Harry Harbourne's adventures in poorly handled subspace, featuring PJ Primpernelle and a cameo from Chelsea Baddock. Written prior to Mary stuff, so let's just imagine that trauma edited in.

I don’t remember anything )

Jul. 7th, 2013


LOG: um. i really don't have anything to say.

WHO: Harry Harbourne and Chelsea Baddock
WHEN: January 1977
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: Trigger warnings: explicit sexual content, dubcon, light BDSM, drug use & alcohol. Haha. God. We finished this weeks ago and it's just been living in our docs.

He liked it less when he got an ill-timed erection from roughhousing with Reagan, but those things happened. )

Jul. 6th, 2013


LOG: The beginning of a beautiful, beautiful series of blackmail photos.

WHO: Jehan Delacour, Booker Munch, Pollo Crumb, and Cor Oakby. (Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.)
WHEN: Spring 1973.
WHERE: The former HQ of Les Amis.
WHAT: The beginning of several unlikely photos involving Pollo glowering at a piece of parchment while wearing a flower crown. The continuation of the saga of That Time Booker and Jehan Met And Moved In Together Within 24 Hours (the first installation of which you haven't seen). That awkward moment when you introduce your new boyfriend to your revolutionary friends and find out one of them is prone to making mutual puppy eyes at him. The introduction of the French element to Les Amis. What the fuck were they even called before Jehan? Grumpy Blonde, Mouthy Brunette, and the Sane Corner?

I found your speaking on Saturday to be rather magnificent, like the blinding world beneath the failing city. )

Apr. 14th, 2013


LOG: i really don't want to do my taxes so i'm putting this up instead.

WHO: PJ Primpernelle and Harry Harbourne
WHEN: Sometime in 1976? To be set when dates are decided. After PJ and Callum were incarcerated for fighting.
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: It's fine. It's fine. They're just both emotional wrecks, whatever.

Sorry, we were a bit preoccupied with being held in a cell to tell you — I’ll make sure to owl you from the detention centre next time, yeah? )

Apr. 3rd, 2013


LOG: Chicken or egg: were they this weird before? Or did pop stardom do it?

WHO: Mainly PJ Primpernelle and Harry Harbourne, with Reagan Macdonald towards the end.
WHEN: Last week? October 1976.
WHERE: Chez Elixir, London.
WHAT: Um? Drug use, cooking, fire, eyebrow accidents, homosociality.

Helen is about to shit a fucking brick. )

Apr. 1st, 2013



WHO: Pollo Crumb and Richard Chambers.
WHEN: September 24, 1976.
WHERE: Pollo's flat.
WHAT: The log was too long for IJ to post I'm so proud of me and Jess right now. Now with extra masturbation!

Pollo preferred his showers hot to the point of near-scalding, the water burning off the day's worries, leaving no room for excess thought. )



WHO: Pollo Crumb and Richard Chambers.
WHEN: September 23, 1976.
WHERE: Richard's flat, the surrounding area, then Pollo's.
WHAT: The only reason these two are not the gayest ever is because Elixir happened. Thank you, Elixir.

He didn't recall having eaten, but it may have it happened, though probably not. )


LOG: A noble task indeed.

WHO: Jehan Delacour, Telyn Perkins, Pollo Crumb, Cor Oakby, with brief appearances by Gav Savage and Richard Chambers.
WHEN: September 20, 1976.
WHERE: La Maisain (Musain + Maison = win).
WHAT: Jehan is just all about equality among the people, yo.

Britannia may be his mistress, but Britannia has no lips. )


LOG: Everybody knows the dice are loaded.

WHO: Pollo Crumb and Richard Chambers.
WHEN: July 2, 1976.
WHERE: The office of Les Amis, London.
WHAT: Daryl died, Pollo was sad, Richard was drunk.

If you want to talk about a lack of productivity, we should discuss you wasting your time with pamphlets no one will ever read. )

Mar. 31st, 2013


LOG: The most UST-ridden grieving log you'll ever read.

WHO: Apollo Crumb and Richard Chambers.
WHEN: Mid-September 1974.
WHERE: Pollo's place.
WHAT: Seriously though it is legitimately impressive how dense both these assholes have been about each other.

He’d just had to keep it together long enough to identify the remains. )

Mar. 9th, 2013


LOG: In which Pollo wants to make vertebrates invertebrates.

WHO: Richard Chambers and Pollo Crumb.
WHEN: May 1973.
WHERE: Random Area of London (tm).
WHAT: Homophobia is fun, guys! Bigotry is awesome! Self-destruction is the best!

Tonight, as with most every night he’d ended up in a pub, it had been suggested after two long hours of planning a protest at the office that the meeting would be better continued in the pub (a suggestion to which Richard, hanging on the edges of the meeting to provide his entirely unwanted commentary, seemed all too amenable). )

Feb. 21st, 2013


LOG: In which Mary is repeatedy sorted and Sirius is either less or more of a cad than usual.

WHO: Sirius Black & Mary Macdonald, with brief guest appearance by James Potter.
WHEN: September 1, 1976.
WHERE: The Hogwarts Express.
WHAT: I'd say Sirius is having a better year with girls than Regulus is but HAHAHAHAHA.

There were pranks to pull. Slytherins to take down. Girls to snog. )

Jan. 10th, 2013


Howler to Mary Macdonald. )

Dec. 8th, 2012


LOG: Fucken Fenwicks.

WHO: Robbie and Dianne Fenwick.
WHEN: A while back, probably... Mayish? Early June? WORDS?
WHERE: The McKinnwick residence.
WHAT: Father/daughter bonding.

They’re scared you’ll go public with your story and accuse them of slave labour. )


LOG: Hahaha I give up.

WHO: Sirius Black and Mary Macdonald.
WHEN: June 23, 1976.
WHERE: The Hogwarts Express.
WHAT: Sigh.

As confident in her ideals as she was, there was no small part of Mary that felt the constant dread looming around every corner. )

Nov. 27th, 2012


LOG: well, this is fun.

WHO: Lily Evans and Mary Macdonald
WHEN: Todayish.
WHERE: St Mungo's
WHAT: Mary wakes up.

Do you remember anything? There was an attack at King’s Cross. )

Nov. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Arthur Moseley and Charity Burbage
WHEN: June 23, 1976 - Pre-Trauma
WHERE: The Hogwarts Express
WHAT: Arthur and Charity on their final patrol.

Arthur Moseley you have not lived! )

Oct. 26th, 2012


LOG: Idefk with these boys.

WHO: James Potter and Sirius Black, with guest appearances from alcohol and Hazel Morton.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: ...boys are weird.

D’you figure this is what living in Hufflepuff’s like? )


LOG: A snippet of awkward purist bros.

WHO: Doug Parkinson, Merlin de Mimsy-Porpington, and Sebastian Wilkes.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: Party dungeon.
WHAT: A snippet of awkwardness. Where's the chamber music in this party, yo?

Call it what you will, it’s horrid and I can assume only rots the brain after so much exposure. )

Oct. 23rd, 2012


LOG: Devin gets more sex than James and Sirius combined. Just sayin'.

WHO: Devin Lyle and Hestia Jones.
WHEN: The Love-In.
WHERE: The cheeriest party dungeons ever.
WHAT: I guess they wanna bang each other and stuff.

Jeana definitely knows what she’s doing. )

Oct. 10th, 2012


LOG: Remus/Sophie

WHO: Remus Lupin/Sophie Campbell
WHEN: Day after That Death, over Hols.
WHERE: Sophie's Room at Granparents' House
WHAT: God damnit, Adrian.

Until then? We’re together, in a bubble. )

Oct. 4th, 2012


LOG: Luke and Betty

FORMAT: Loggy McLoggerson
WHO: Luke Rasmussen & Betty Braithwaite
WHEN: Early Dec. 1975
WHERE: Macbeth's
WHAT: Just your standard Luke/Betty encounter post-Bettybreakup
NOTES: Here, have some dysfunction. It's good for you.

Haven’t heard from you in a while. What was his name? )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Lance MacDougal & Vivian Rosier
WHEN: May 2, 1976
WHERE: Hogwarts Grounds
WHAT: Lance and Vivian take a walk to talk out that whole... arranged marriage thing.

I'm not unhappy about it. )

Sep. 30th, 2012


LOG: Marina/Arthur

WHO: Marina and Arthur
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: The Love-in
WHAT: Marina's issues are bigger than Arthur, not that he knows it.
NOTES: Sigh.

I don’t think I like you. )


LOG: Emotional damage in two different styles

WHO: Lexy Lane and Marina Hayes.
WHEN: April 1976, during the Love In Party.
WHERE: The party dungeon.
WHAT: Lexy tries to be nice; does it wrong.

Nothing’s wrong, Lexy. Not everyone is hiding something. )

Sep. 26th, 2012


LOG: All I'm getting from this is Charlemagne and Wendy are the best bros ever.

WHO: Charlemagne de Mimsy-Porpington, Wendy Turpin, and Tristan Skeeter.
WHEN: Uhh. Mondayish?
WHERE: The Ministry of Magic Atrium, then a fancyass French restaurant in Tinworth.
WHAT: Tristan still isn't entirely sure whether or not this was a date.

I would like nothing better than to romance you and take your mind off the perils of this world, but the Death Eaters’ victims need me more than any maiden. )


LOG: Arthur/Fiona

WHO: Arthur and Fiona
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: Hogwarts Express
WHAT: Prefect/kittenlover bonding.

Cats and dogs, Gryffindors and Slytherins. Everyone needs something to disapprove of, I suppose. )


LOG: Amelie/Matt

WHO: Amelie and Matt
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: Hogwarts Express
WHAT: Safari time!
NOTES: Hey, remember when Matt was alive and Amelie was happy?'

A fire-breathing unicorn with wings. )

Sep. 18th, 2012


Owl to Camden Shepherd )


Owl to Doug Parkinson )

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