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Sep. 18th, 2012


LOG: The Lane Orphan Asylum

WHO: Camden Sheperd and Isaac Lane.
WHEN: Prior to the spring holidays, post the death of Cam's parents.
WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron, London.
WHAT: Isaac has a lot of orphan feelings. The Lanes get a new member.

Ultimately, what drove him to his decision was the simple truth that Isaac didn’t know Cam’s life story, her favourite subject, her most prized possession, but he knew exactly what her nightmares were like. )

Jul. 16th, 2012


IC/OOC: Order meeting

WHO: The Order of the Phoenix.
WHEN: February 15, 1976, before Hull got all explodey.
WHERE: The Order safehouse in Hogsmeade.
WHAT: Of recruitment and coups.

Once everyone had arrived, Moody took a seat at the heavy wooden table where they usually sat — not quite round, but oval — trying to clear his head of the buzz of frustration it typically entertained. That Caradoc had had a recruitment suggestion was a blessing — so far as he knew, no one else had names to put forward. It had occurred to Alastor, several times, to bring up Gawain Robards, but with the boy the closest thing to parents his siblings had, it wasn't a good fit. Besides, Alastor wasn't entirely sure he could stand to sign Robards's death warrant any more than he could Petra's — the two had both signed up for the DMLE of their own accord, but if Alastor recruited them and they ended up on the worse end of a killing curse, that was on him.

Besides, Dearborn would probably strangle him.

Speaking of Dearborn, Alastor was particularly pleased with the Polyjuice he'd secured for their mole tonight. Instead of looking at that Welsh prat's giant nose, tonight their mole — known by no name to any of the Order save himself and Dumbledore — was wearing Madam Rosmerta for the meeting. She was, all told, infinitely easier on the eyes than Caradoc could ever hope to be.

Comment below if your character showed up to the meeting, with anything they brought up with/if they became overcome with a sudden urge to have Dumbledore, right there, right now, and made sweet love to him on the table while the rest of the Order looked on in horror. Threads will be started for the following topics:
  • recruitment! suggestions? bans?

  • recon! any news to report, good members?

  • the coup! we should stage that thing!

Feel free to start new threads for other topics, etc.

Jun. 3rd, 2012


LOG: Lee's icon makes me sad Clarissa and Lee weren't naked for this.

WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Clarissa Crouch... and Alastor Moody, Bartemius Crouch Sr, Isaac Lane, and Nigel Darring. WELL DONE, GIRLS.
WHEN: December 27, 1975, starting at The Best Party Ever.
WHERE: Steal These Records and then a perfectly logical next stop.
WHAT: Gryffindor parties breed the strangest friendships.

Getting into the building won’t be a problem. )

May. 29th, 2012


LOG: Lexy, Sirius and history almost repeating itself.

WHO: Lexy Lane and Sirius Black, with guest appearances by Marcus Lane, Isaac Lane and Orion Black.
WHEN: December 1975, prior to Narcissa's holiday party and the Steal These Records party.
WHERE: Steal These Records, Camden Town, London.
WHAT: Sirius makes an escape.

If it were up to Marcus they would have kept purists in cages and made them dance for Muggle money. )

Apr. 22nd, 2012


LOG: The trouble with Lanes

WHO: Alastor Moody, Lexy Lane, and Isaac Lane.
WHEN: Nowishly, whenever nowish is.
WHERE: A Classroom, then Petra and Moody's house in London.
WHAT: Another interrogation, and then a meeting of grumpy old men.

Write that down, there. ‘Crazy. Eyes.’ Very persuasive argument. )