August 2013




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Aug. 10th, 2013


LOG: Betty is eternally chained to the Rasmussmen.

WHO: Stu Rasmussen and Betty Braithwaite.
WHEN: Just after King's Cross.
WHERE: St Mungo's.
WHAT: Idk what you're talking about I always finish logs on time and then post them immediately.

Give Luke the veggies, he’ll hate it. )

Apr. 16th, 2013


Owl to Rupert Gordon. )

Feb. 17th, 2013


LOG: Love letters to Rupert Gordon.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Rupert Gordon, Gil Catchlove, Bilius Weasley, Marcus Lane, Lo Dunstan, Poldie Lochlin, and a large audience.
WHEN: Rupert's birthday party back in May!
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Unrestrained debauchery, basically.

Still, when Rhys had an idea, it was generally very difficult to dissuade him without stunning spells or Helen. )

Dec. 3rd, 2012


LOG: Idk what you're talking about cause Dolly and I are prompt.

WHO: Betty Rasmussen and Rhys Weasley.
WHEN: ...March? ...late February? A WHILE AGO.
WHERE: Fort Freedom, then an Ethiopian restaurant at which they are no longer that welcome.
WHAT: Best date to date, tbh.

You look fantastic! I knew I should’ve worn my stilts tonight. )

Nov. 27th, 2012


LOG: no one looks good in this fight.

WHO: Oliver Barnes and the illustrious ex, Graham Whitby-Spavin
WHEN: September 1975ish
WHERE: Fort Freedom, eventful party space.
WHAT: Oliver and Graham break up in Luke's bedroom.

You nearly broke the Statute of bloody Secrecy over his well-defined biceps. )

Oct. 4th, 2012


LOG: Luke and Betty

FORMAT: Loggy McLoggerson
WHO: Luke Rasmussen & Betty Braithwaite
WHEN: Early Dec. 1975
WHERE: Macbeth's
WHAT: Just your standard Luke/Betty encounter post-Bettybreakup
NOTES: Here, have some dysfunction. It's good for you.

Haven’t heard from you in a while. What was his name? )

Sep. 26th, 2012


LOG: Helen/Payton

WHO: Payton/Helen
WHEN: April 1976
WHERE: Payton's flat
WHAT: Helen fesses up.

I've been having an affair. )


LOG: Idk what you're talking about because I'm great at completing logs on time.

WHO: Barney Cauldwell and Payton Prewitt.
WHEN: Wayyy back when Fort Freedomers were all hospitalized and Jedediah was all recently dead and Gun was all planning Fort Freedom reconstruction.
WHERE: A Belfast pub.
WHAT: Barney and Payton are bros. In law. And also their heartsouls.

Read more... )

Sep. 18th, 2012


LOG: Just get Rupert drunk and he'll tell you everything.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Bilius Weasley, Payton Prewitt, and a sacrificial lamb. I mean Rupert Gordon
WHEN: April 19th. It's a vision of the fuuuutuuuure.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: A log of levity.

A pamphlet doesn’t have that human touch. )

Sep. 16th, 2012


LOG: Rupert/Poldie

WHO: Rupert Gordon and Poldie Lochlin.
WHEN: The night of April 15th.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: A symphony for the death of my heart-soul. And then porn.

It felt like that was all they could do, build those ineffectual sandcastles, and that the war was the oncoming tide. And what the hell was he doing? Making a fence? )

Aug. 21st, 2012


LOG: Hey check it out gay sex!

WHO: Poldie Lochlin and Jove Baddock.
WHEN: Uh. Right after Jove's first post so back in... December? WE STRUGGLED WITH THIS LOG OKAY.
WHERE: Jove's.
WHAT: Best sex log you'll ever read, tbh. Also, Poldie beat ALL OF YOU to the punch. xx


Jove had not been lying on the journals when he’d said he was hanging around his flat naked. )

Aug. 20th, 2012


LOG: Auditioning for Mr Friday.

WHO: Helen Greengrass and Poldie Lochlin.
WHEN: Wayyy back when. A few days after this post, so... tail end of January?
WHERE: Some wanky French restaurant where Poldie takes girls cause he's a wanker.
WHAT: An extended cocktease. I mean date.

Just because she didn't actually intend to sleep with him didn't mean it wasn't fun to tease him a bit. There were few things, in fact, that she had enjoyed quite as much as teasing him over the years. )

Aug. 13th, 2012


LOG: Helen/Rhys

WHO: BB Rhys and Helen
WHEN: 1962, beginning of the school year.
WHERE: Wee bb 69ers.
WHAT: Most awesome firsties ever.
NOTES: Optional.

Well, sod it. They would just have to put up with him and his newfound philosophy of DUDE, WE’RE IN A CASTLE. )

Jul. 26th, 2012


LOG: This was allegedly already posted but I can't find it so there.

WHO: Bilius Weasley, Rhys Barbary, Jove Lufkin, and Gun Kettleburn.
WHEN: Way back when at the first logged 69er party.
WHERE: Fort Freedom!
WHAT: Gunius has come a surprisingly long way, as a ship.

A stony expression in Bilius was just an intensified version of his usual expressionless visage, but anyone who knew him could recognize that look as a milder version of the face he’d get when he talked about the Falcons, or Bellatrix High Bitch of Cuntianity Black. )

Jul. 25th, 2012


LOG: Healthy coping mechanisms.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Bilius Weasley, Rupert Gordon, Helen Greengrass, Poldie Lochlin, Marcus Lane, Gun Kettleburn, Betty Braithwaite, Payton Prewitt, Gil Catchlove.
WHEN: February 21, the night of Jedediah's wake. Before all that business with the nearly sodomized Muggle Studies professor.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Ludo, you should really hire Fort Freedom at Lumos. They do great grief counseling.

Oh hell. I know what happens when Rhys starts pouring my drinks. )


LOG: Gun/Rupert

WHO: Rupert Gordon and Gun Kettleburn, with guest appearance by Poldie Lochlin.
WHEN: February 22, the morning after Jedediah's wake.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Just a little confession between friends.

That sounds even more complicated than my sudden identity crisis. )

Jul. 24th, 2012



WHO: Rupert Gordon and Poldie Lochlin.
WHEN: February 21, the night of Jedediah's wake.
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Much-needed stress relief.

A lack of thinking would be good. )

Jul. 21st, 2012


LOG: Helen/Payton

WHO: Helen/Payton
WHEN: February 1976
WHERE: Payton's. Then a bike. Then a bar.
WHAT: ZOOM.... went Payton's motorcycle.
NOTES: idk bro words

I suppose necking in public isn't exactly polite, hm? )

Jul. 20th, 2012


LOG: Here, have some more feels.

WHO: Gun Kettleburn and Bilius Weasley.
WHEN: The early hours of February 21/very late hours of February 20, ie Friday night, some hours after the last log.
WHERE: Fort Freedom, Bilius's room.
WHAT: Holy crap, Bilius is acting like a person.

Seeing him so hurt had, unexpectedly, reminded her in full force why she liked him so much: the several layers beneath the deadpan expression and the utterly tactless comments; how much he loved his friends; the fact that he’d use the words facsimile and artifice alongside cuntshit and fuckrags. )


LOG: You're welcome, Tim.

WHO: Poldie Lochlin and Rupert Gordon. Sexually.
WHEN: ~early 1973ish?
WHERE: Fort Freedom, of course.
WHAT: Well, you're about to learn some very valuable things about your Muggle Studies prof, kids.

Poldie had never previously suspected that, lurking beside that considerable nose, there would be a pair of cheekbones you could cut yourself on. )

Jul. 18th, 2012


LOG: Have some more 69er feels, world.

WHO: Rhys Barbary and Rupert Gordon.
WHEN: This morning!
WHERE: Rhys's room in St Mungo's.
WHAT: Ew, someone got Hufflepuff everywhere...

Rhys! I've had it with this bollocks and have decided to run off and join the circus! My act will consist of throwing aqueducts at people and giving them prizes if they survive. Also, I am deeply in love with Bilius and think it's high time I confessed, before he goes and has a relationship or something. )



WHO: Gun Kettleburn and Bilius Weasley.
WHEN: THE FUTURE. Slash Feburary 20th.
WHERE: The front porch of Fort Freedom
WHAT: In the midst of rage issues and feelings, the neighbours must realize that the boys are back.

She was pretty sure she'd seen him do basically that at at least six parties, and while she supposed he had his reasons, she was neither drunk enough nor in possession of adequate emotional fortitude to handle such an undertaking tonight. )

Jul. 12th, 2012


Package for Rupert Gordon, sent from the 3B. )

Jul. 8th, 2012


LOG: I like you so much better when we're snogging.

WHO: Gun Kettleburn and Bilius Weasley, with a brief appearance from another Fort Freedom resident.
WHEN: Maybe a bit earlier in the weekend?
WHERE: Fort Freedom.
WHAT: Trufax: Barney and Biddy are a point of bewilderment for most 69ers, as they represent one of the only forays into successful, semi-sane romantic relationships in the group.

Er. Bad choice, that? he managed, displaying the prowess with the opposite sex legendary amongst Weasley men. )

Jun. 19th, 2012


LOG: Marie/Helen

WHO: Marie and Helen
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Fort Freedom Party
WHAT: Famous last words
NOTES: Marie, you failed at your designated task.

Is there anyone in particular you shouldn’t shag? )


LOG: Dorcas/Jove

WHO: Dorcas and Jove
WHEN: December 1975
WHERE: Fort Freedom party
WHAT: Two words: Booze fountain.
NOTES: Jove hits on the world.

Ma talents are legion. Ma hobbies are vast. Occasionally, Ah save children fae drownin in wells and the like. )


LOG: A snapshot of 69.

WHO: Rhys Barbary, Bilius Weasley, Gun Kettleburn, and Payton Prewitt.
WHEN: December 11, 1975.
WHERE: The Hogwarts Theatre.
WHAT: Bit of 69er &co. banter from Midsummer.

Rhys was thrilled. Rhys was giddy. Rhys vaguely hoped they didn’t actually make Rupert cry (though it’d be kind of funny if they did, after the fact). )

May. 25th, 2012


Anonymous Christmas gift sent to Crysta Larch. )

May. 24th, 2012


LOG: Rhys is an enabler of drunken ex-sex.

WHO: Helen Greengrass and Rhys Barbary.
WHEN: The night of the Larch fiasco.
WHAT: Rhys and Helen drink each other under the table. Or, well, onto the floor. You're welcome, Payton.

Promise me I wasn’t a pill like that girl when I was at Hogwarts. )

May. 23rd, 2012


LOG: Helen and Payton

WHO: Helen & Payton
WHEN: The Morning After the 16-year-old girl fiasco
WHERE: Payton's flat
NOTES: I got roped into more porn. Payton is v. v. pleased with this development, you all should know.

Alright, so she was in bed with her ex. Her very attractive ex who she was pretty sure she had some feelings for.  )

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