May 2009



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Aug. 25th, 2007


Prompt 3 - Kasia Redstar

What are your thoughts on love?

Had I been born 100 years earlier, perhaps my views on love would be different. Jedi were told that love was forbidden. This belief always confused me. As a Jedi, I look for ways to help others. I offer advice. I give of myself to perform anything I can to protect and save lives. This is the love a Jedi shares for those they do not know. There are ways to balance being a Jedi and loving another intimately, the same as anyone would balance their professional and private lives. Sharing love with a beloved is one of the ultimate expressions of life and connection within the Force. I could not imagine my life without the daughter this love has brought to me. I would never give up this part of myself.

Kasia Redstar, Jedi Master

Jul. 30th, 2007


Prompt 2 - Kasia Redstar


Family is very important to me. Some believe that Jedi aren't supposed to love or have families. Thankfully, those beliefs existed years before my time. I have a young daughter who is the center of my life. Raising a Jedi child can be a challenge. Some days I can't be sure if what Arianna sees while she sleeps are just a dream. If she gets upset over something, I have to make sure the objects hovering over her aren't breakable. Though everything else is pretty much the same.

There are moments when I've asked myself 'which is most important?' Being a Jedi or being a mother? I will always be a Jedi, no matter what other roles I take. That will never change. Having a family to care for and who care for me is part of what gives me my strength. The Force thrives where there is life. What can be a better way to represent life than love and children? I can't think of anything better.

Kasia Redstar, Jedi Master


Prompt 1 - Kasia Redstar

My name is Kasia Redstar and I am a Jedi. I am not from a Star Wars universe as most people may know it.
Who Am I? )
