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Nov. 22nd, 2015


I'm simply here to offer a friendly reminder that I offer tarot card readings for a low fee at almost all hours of the day. Even if you don't believe that the cards can offer you any sort of insight, surely one reading wouldn't do any harm.

[ooc: It's Christmastime and Vanessa really wants to be able to afford to give gifts. Don't mind her.]

Nov. 21st, 2015


I have definitely been #11 multiple times in my life.

Hey, can I ask you something?


Do all of you take what everyone says at face value here, or is it simply because you're in an unfamiliar place that you feel so eager to trust people you don't know? I'm curious.

Nov. 20th, 2015


10 minutes of posing for my son, and finally my portrait is finished. I think he really captured my essence.

Nov. 18th, 2015


Never going to IKEA again, I always knew that place was bad news -
Kidnapping day two and if things weren't already weird enough apparently my parents are fictional and dead in one case and I don't exist, joy -. So there's that. So much for Google, there are some things a girl should not have to see about her Dad and her Uncle. People suck. So is this really it, we all just sort of hang around until we get sent home. Because that doesn't work for me, I can't be here alone, it's not a good idea - They could have at least sent me with my PS4 because I can see sitting around waiting to get sent home getting boring real quick.


...really, universe?! Really, I'm two minutes from meeting Kendra on the roof and I end up here? I knew I shouldn't have stopped to tie my shoe WORST timing. Why is it morning? It couldn't even just still be night time so I could sleep off my disappointment?

Nov. 17th, 2015


[Video post]


[Ann's now peering curiously at her device, nose slightly wrinkled, trying and failing to look a lot less concerned than she clearly is – after all she read that letter.]

This has got to be one of those things where they film you reacting to some weird, crazy scenario- practical joke type thing, right?

[There's a small stutter of an awkward laugh. She pauses, looking gradually more worried.]

Kidnapping people completely unaware seems kinda extreme even for reality television.


So I'm about to test this prototype that I've been working on for the past month or so and there's a 50% chance that it's going to literally explode.

Unrelated, if my eyebrows are burned off tomorrow, is anyone willing to show me how to draw those back on?

I'm dying here, please tell me some of you are still around.

When I test this thing labs 2A and 4A should probably be evacuated just in case, so if you're working in one of those either move or tell me when you aren't going to be around so I can do this safely.


Alright, so I don't have anywhere to go for Th
This Thanksgiving I'm finding myself somewhat alo

Any soup kitchens or anything need volunteers for Thanksgiving? Any info is appreciated.

Nov. 16th, 2015


I'm afraid I'll never understand the hype surrounding American Thanksgiving.


Babe, I found a whole bunch of videos about how awesome we are on Youtube. Like a WHOLE bunch. Youtube is cooler here than back home.


Quick question: how many of my favorite shows and movies am I going to have to stop watching/re-watching before this place decides to slow its roll? It's just...like, seriously, I'm looking on Netflix and I'm like "can't watch that, can't watch that, probably shouldn't watch that, used to watch that but had to stop watching that."

It's been one of those kinds of days.