February 2016




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Dec. 18th, 2015


» Hey. So. What are you doing right now?
» And just a heads up, the answer should be. Well, Laura, I'm gonna pop over the library real quick to see you because you're a little on edge and can't go into a final wanting to punch someone so we're totally gonna do it in the bathroom.


I'm sorry to everyone who's having their lives put on display right now. This is really shitty.

I feel like we should talk. I don't know if any of you have been watching these video's but it's obvious that there are a lot of people who are more dangerous than we had originally thought. I'm not saying that we should take immediate action but I think we should stay vigilant, and since there are so many Alpha's here, and packs, we should work together to make sure that our communities are safe. It's out job to protect those that are weaker than us, and to protect each other and our families. We're stronger if we work together and communicate than if we try to keep to ourselves.

Dec. 2nd, 2015


As an employer, yes. I can vouch for this. I'm willing to take the hit of a sixteen hour day here and there because I know that my employees would do the exact same thing for me if I needed or wanted it. And while I only have two employees right now (pssst, we're hiring if you can show valid legal identification showing you're eighteen or older), I've managed at least twenty over the past four years and every last one of them treated being at work like a privilege in spite of the fact that they're literally doing one of the most awkward things people can do to earn a paycheck. I'm pretty sure it's because I don't ride their asses every five minutes. I trust them to do their jobs and if they can do that, they're welcome to have fun and dick around during or afterward. And if they need vacation time because they don't feel well or their bff/significant other/family member got sent back or they just need a mental health break from the parade of pervs hiding in the smaller cross section of normal people we have for a customer base, then they should take it. Who the hell am I to dictate whether someone should be at work? I don't know how they're feeling or whether having them there any given day will help or hinder my business in respect to that. You treat your employees like people and they'll be there when you need them. Always.

So hey retail hell, especially during the holidays? Take a page out of Adult World and Netflix's books (side note: Netflix has some of the best customer service out there and I like to think that we do, too. Probably not a coincidence). Your attrition rates will plummet, trust me, and it'll be worth it.

Just had to get that out of my system because I was legit in the middle of reading that article when a couple of college kids were perusing in here and bitching about having to miss Christmas with their families because they couldn't get the time off work and that really pissed me off for them. Anyway, sorry, carry on.


Fun trip, but it's good to be home.

Nov. 23rd, 2015


...and we were doing so well... :(

Nov. 19th, 2015


...really, I take my dog for a walk and when I come back, the tablet says I lost two fucking months? Cool, my brother probably didn't have an aneurysm at all thinking I was dead, Powers That Be, thanks for that.

Nov. 17th, 2015


Oh man, I'm the biggest sucker. I never should've come down here by myself. I should just make my girlfriend do all the decision-making in this relationship; I'm the worst.

Close the store and come down here if you gotta do a scenting thing or whatever, otherwise I'm bringing this guy home tonight, I can't not. Look at his little face and the paw...he's killing me.

Nov. 16th, 2015


This is why I should never be allowed to close the store alone.

((pls to pretend that's laura's vine account and voice and not some rando))

Nov. 11th, 2015


Really, guys?

Passed this in the hall in the science building this morning on the way to anatomy. )

Nov. 10th, 2015


This weather has been bullshit all day. The Munchkin and I have literally spent the whole day in my bed, watching Disney and Pixar movies and then this happened. So...good times.

My agent called, though...I have an offer. It's a month-long gig, but it's out in the Canary Islands. I'd have to leave Friday morning. Are you and Mika up for a family trip? Think your manager could handle the club for a month? Or maybe other you could get Barry to come get you and bring you back once a week or someth Or should I just turn it down...?

Nov. 9th, 2015



Youtube is the worst...shit, why do I do this? It's slow as fuck tonight. Someone come buy a dildo or something, Jesus...

...I just realized that I miss that stupid ass dog of your brother's. Can we get a d I want a dog. Yea/Nay?

Oct. 21st, 2015


Well. My morning has been on big oh hell no.

Oct. 3rd, 2015


I'm pretty sure the lead singer for #19 might be the dude from Creed. I can't decide if that makes it more sad, or more funny.

Sep. 7th, 2015


Ooohhhh, God bless HBO for reminding me of one of my favorite movies I haven't seen in forever.

Aug. 27th, 2015



Jul. 28th, 2015


This. So much this.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


I have a double in this world, who likes to show off his abs and collects shoes.

Me? I think I'll go for a run and try to recognize places that I've been. Probably. It's hard to tell when the buildings aren't crumbled, burnt out husks.

I had to do some googling

That's back home. This is here.

Am I supposed to know fall out boy?

Dad's so proud of this.

Jul. 21st, 2015


I should listen to the radio more often. Even when I'm caught up, I'm behind. Screw you, Laura, Captain America likes them, too. They are not lame. I officially win at life.

1, 2, 3. I'm still getting used to the fact that these guys are back together and are releasing new stuff all the time, so these aren't as new to everyone else as they are to me...and now you. I'm still marveling at the Save Rock and Roll album. Jesus, the one thing I'm good at and I'm still behind the times with it.

Jul. 17th, 2015


That moment when you wake up and look at the clock, see you don't have to be up for another three hours, and can't fall asleep again when you try so you have to begrudgingly start your day with four hours of sleep. DNW.

Jul. 16th, 2015


Thankfully #throwbackthursday did not include me literally throwing it back. But it is damn well including this gem. You're welcome, everyone.

It was awesome. Seriously.

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