February 2016




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Jan. 10th, 2016


Awesome. One more time, with feeling.

Sep. 16th, 2015


Please don't let this be another dome...

Sep. 6th, 2015


Reunited and it feels so good.

Proud Auntie )


21+ singles

I have spent all of this weekend so far studying, and it's just to get ahead. My life is sad.

This is not meant to knock couples, but is there anyone around here, of age, who doesn't have to check their schedule with anyone else, and looking to meet new people?

That's right, this is a post looking for friends. Talk to me, people.



[Rebekah, Vamp-Allison, Anna, Chester]
Guess who just got a job. Go ahead, guess.

Hey, how's it hanging?

Sep. 3rd, 2015


I'm changing my name to Jungle Gym, I swear to God.

[attached: picture of Cam in the pool at the Y with (and towering over) a handful of kids aged between five and thirteen taken just after one of his swimming lesson sessions. Among the group, there's an little girl sitting on his shoulders, a younger boy hanging from his back and two tween girls hanging off his arms while he's trying to walk from the shallow section of the pool to the edge so he can get out. He was ambushed, clearly.]

Aug. 31st, 2015


Working at Stark Industries? Amazing idea. Going to school while working at Stark Industries? Not so much.

My head hurts and I need you to bring me something to make it better. Preferably something that contains a lot of chocolate. Or only chocolate.

Just bring me chocolate.

Can we get together and do something? Anything? So I can remind myself that I'm still capable of having a barely functioning social life?

((*OOC: If you think you might be, you are, just go for it.))

Aug. 20th, 2015


Things I learned last night at the orphanage:

1. I am a giant.
2. That's okay, because giants are great for scaring away the monsters that like to hide under the bed at lights out.
3. I'm good for climbing like a tree when avoiding bed time.
4. It takes four children hanging from my arms and neck before my knees start to buckle under the moving weight.
5. I have the best job ever even if it doesn't pay.

Aug. 17th, 2015


As much as these realities suck, at least there are some familiar faces.

Right, hi, so I'm Cleo. This is my third round of alternate universes and I still don't like it, but at least there was a break between this one and the last. Any other twenty somethings around here married to their work/school? I was starting at UC Davis for my DVM. What I'm going to end up doing here is to be determined.

Aug. 14th, 2015



You guys better be ready for this party tomorrow. I'm collecting car keys at the door and keeping an eye out for people who are supposed to be a DD. Seriously, if you need to crash at my place, crash at my place and go home tomorrow morning. Don't be stupid.

Cut for image size. )

Aug. 13th, 2015


I'm really bad at thi
So for those of you that don't know, I've been working at an orphanage in the city since I got here, and we're not doing great, financially. I don't know a lot of people around here and the ones I do know don't usually like me but we're in serious need of help. Some of these kids are a little rough, some of them are shy, but they're all great and they all deserve to be able to be somewhere. We're like the middle ground between them being left and them getting to a foster home or an adoptive family, and some kids end up spending a lot of time here.

We're insanely understaffed, a lot of the employees haven't really been getting paid but we stick around because it's the right thing to do, but the place can't close down. We're getting little to no funding, and every place that closes down around us ends up dropping their kids off here; we don't have the room or the facilities to make it all work. The program that we run doesn't just take care of kids in foster care and in the orphanage, we go out of our way to make sure that no one 'ages out' of protection. We go out of our way to make sure that they all get into a high school and graduate which is a little ironic because I never did but that's beside the point and if we don't get funding soon, we're going to have to stop doing that.

Five bucks. A dollar. Anything. I'll clean your car for you.

Aug. 12th, 2015


You are all so welcome. It's a little NSFW, don't say I didn't warn you.

I wanted to thank you again for helping me find this place, you're amazing. If there's anything I can do for you just let me know.

Aug. 11th, 2015


Law Enforcement Types

Hey, I'm Mira. Back home I worked alongside the police kinda sometimes, helping track down fugitives and such and bringing them back to you guys. But I'm not at home anymore so I'm out of work, which I'd like to fix. Are you hiring?

[18+ (for people who like to have a good time)]
Who wants to explore weird dimension cities with me?

Aug. 10th, 2015


Yeah, no, that's cool. I didn't want to start law school in two weeks, anyway. Cranking out my bachelor's was just for shits and giggles, obviously. Thanks, multi-verse. Round two, ding.