February 2016




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Dec. 5th, 2015


[Every Hale/Argent 17+ will be receiving a mysterious gift box addressed to them signed A.A. Yes, even you Isaac(s), because Chris loved you, therefore you're on the Christmas list. All Argents will be receiving a handmade silver bullet and monogram of the first letter in their name on a silver chain, and all Hales will get a handmade triskelion pendant with the first letter in their name engraved on the other side on a black leather necklace.]

Nov. 20th, 2015



What are you doing right now? [She says with an unintentional urgency in her voice, she's not used to friends or siblings, just Chris and business associates. Being the daughter of two known serial killers left her an outcast with her peers so she never got to practice talking to people in a casual friendly manner]

Nov. 19th, 2015



[Anyone who considers themselves a Hale or Argent]
My name is Allison Argent. My father is Peter Hale and my mother is Kate Argent. I am a hunter and a werecat. I live by the new code:
Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes.


Family reunion spam for Derek

[She sits on the apartment bed, looking over the conversation with Derek. He didn't seem hostile, but with the multiverse being what it is, he could easily be a more violent alternate version of her cousin. Her mother did, after all, wipe out most of their family. She puts the tablet down because she doesn't want to be on edge when Derek comes. If he tries to attack her, she can probably outrun him anyway.

The thought that creeps back into her mind is the fact that she has two sisters here. Neither her mother nor her father seemed like the type to have kids in the first place, but in different universes they both settled down with people and had children with people. She has so many questions about everything here, but they'll have to wait. She looks over at the crossbow on her bed and slips it under the bedskirt so Derek doesn't think he's walking into a hunter's trap.]