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January 4th, 2019



delinquents, pirates, david, selene and karolina

Are you guys alright? People are acting off.



[No Subject]

Attention vampire citizens of Everett. For a while I have been wary of how to come about with this information that I have kept to myself. However, I realized a few days ago that I can no longer hide who I truly am from you. As vampires you all deserve someone of power and respect. Someone who has a bloodline that is untainted and pure. Thankfully, I come from a vampire lineage of great importance. I was born a natural vampire which is rare. I believe I am the only one fit for this role...

You may all refer to me as King David. I have begun recruiting followers and I have means to rule over the entire vampire race. All vampires will bend the knee - whether by choice or by force.

Now then - questions?



[No Subject]

It's almost like people are going a new type of insane.

Maybe we should get away for awhile?



Aria & Molly

Patrol tonight. 7 sharp. Be ready.




I'm disappointed. Are you even trying?



[No Subject]

For all the ones out there feeling off, have you tried the naked approach? Feels fucking fantastic.




How are you holding up?



[No Subject]

What the hell just happened? Did we lose?



[No Subject]

Circle -melissa & faye
Check in, Melissa and Faye have obviously taken a hit of whatever is being passed around. Everyone else okay?

Have we figured out what the hell is going on with everyone yet?



[No Subject]

I don't think this is where I was meant to be sent..



[No Subject]

I don't get why people make such a big deal about alcohol? It's ahhhmayyyyyzing! Wine. Tequila. Rum. If anyone wants to jam and drink nonstop, I'll be in my cell. I have enough alcohol for a few peeps! Blame it on 'tron! Got you in the zone! Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol!