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Posts Tagged: 'true+blood:+lafayette+reynolds'

Jul. 22nd, 2019



text post: claire bennet [backdated to her rescue]

I'm back, I'm safe. Damien got me out. But he's still there and others too. He um...turned some of the guards to our side, they have white bands on their arms. He also sent a bunch of weapons back with me for our use. I was abducted in the prison but I don't recall by who, sorry. The bottom line is, we're not safe here. Not until we know who among us is working for them.

He also told me to tell you he's the snake in the garden and John Creasy is about to paint his masterpiece. The location is underground and Jill is still there.

He stayed behind so he could rescue incoming prisoners, but the men on our side could be discovered at any time so we can't rely on that.

He wrote all of this information down on a paper if anyone wants to see it. We've gotta get them out.

Jul. 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

Isn't it hilarious that the military come here, claiming to be about things getting better and helping humanity, and yet they don't seem to be doing a damn thing to help repairs after that earthquake. Too busy kidnapping people, I suppose. Shows what their priorities really are, doesn't it.

Jul. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

Happy 4th, everyone. Happy Independence Day. A day to celebrate the brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom, for America. A moment of silence to remember and honor their sacrifice. Of course, I realize not all of us are from a place where America exists, having your own countries, but I'm fairly sure that war is universal. As is the reasons for fighting, as is freedom. Everyone deserves to be free. To have life, liberty, and happiness for all.

So.. anyway. Really looking forward to that party tonight! Reminds me of the ones I had at college. Or the ones I used to hold in my mansion. Damn, I miss that place. Is there any mansion here, hmm There is the important matter of safety. Getting to and from the party. Some people can fly, others teleport, or have super speed, and I think they'd help anyone with this who needed. I volunteer as well. If anyone needs a teleport taxi, let me know and I'll have us there in less than 2.8 seconds. Also? If at any time you need to leave the party and get back to your homes or someplace else, even if it's early? Come find me and I'll take care of that for you immediately.

Jun. 24th, 2019



[No Subject]

The Prison
Eric Northman has so graciously given me permission to use Fangtasia for a 4th of July party. I know that parties don't always go our way. Let's all remember that whole ship fiasco which was really embarrassing for some of you. Everyone is invited obviously from here. I'm sure those not at the prison will catch wind of it as well.

Mystic Falls - no Liv
I was thinking that we should have a baby shower for Liv and when I say think I mean I kind of already have it planned in my head and all of you have jobs to do.

Jun. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

Goddamn, it is so nice to have my powers back! I can regenerate and heal again, and teleport. And do all the fun, destructive things against zombies that I used to. But can we please not have any more crazy stuff for a while? My birthday is on the 6th later this week, and I'd really like to have a party thing without anything ruining it. Fucking please.

Weird, got something from home too. Work shirts. Not suits, just.. a few T-shirts with my company logo on it. I guess it's okay. Clothes are clothes. I really like the photo album I got the last time more, though.


Hadn't expected to say it but.. I miss my roommate Kit. It was nice having a roommate. And he was a cool one too. Wish I could have seen him fight But he's gone and now I have the cell to myself again. Kinda curious what my next cellmate will be like. Hopefully they don't mind metal, or 80s music. But for now it's just me.

May. 31st, 2019




So, one of the lovely raiders found some cans of shrimp, so I've decided to make some shrimp and grits tonight to celebrate the craziness of May being over.

PS - Let a boy know if you have shellfish allergies and I'll make sure to make you something else.

May. 27th, 2019



[No Subject]

Ugh, I'm me again.

May. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Oh, I'm high!

Wait, no I'm not. Am I? Did I get high and not notice?

Where did the dead go?



[No Subject]

Damn. This is totally fucked and not in a good way. I can't teleport or make anything move. Or fire Or heal either, which means I can't heal others too. I'll have to be really careful to not get myself injured, then. But I'm really hoping no one got my powers. Being the Antichrist isn't an easy life, though I can make it look that way

So, if anyone out there has telekinetic and healing abilities? And explosive pyrotechnics. And teleportation. And maybe if you can also change water to alcohol, or walk on water, or have dreams about past history events Then you probably got what I have- err, had. Just try not to be in stressful surroundings, or get angry, or agitated... just trust me on that. It won't be good.


Hey there, handsome chef. So are you affected too? Did you wake up different today? My powers are gone. Everything. But hey.. I still got my looks, right? So I'm curious if you might want to have lunch again, since last one was nice. Or we could always do some exercise together. Even when I had powers, I still did workouts to keep myself fit.

May. 14th, 2019



text post: shuri

Hello! Please show me some good American movies.

Hello, I am Princess Shuri of Wakanda. And I will be joining you in your endeavors here. Wakanda is very advanced technologically and in many other ways. I am hoping to be able to assist with some of that here as well, though I do admit I don't currently have any vibranium.

I am looking forward to working with you all.

Wakanda Forever!

Apr. 17th, 2019




Pam sent me a message. Looks like Tara got caught up in the latest disappearances.

Mar. 26th, 2019



Filtered Away From the Terror Twins

Anyone else find it weird that the thing we barely gotta worry about here sometimes is the zombies?

Feb. 22nd, 2019



Tara and Sookie

Looks like a lot of people went poof in the night.

You two still around?

Jan. 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

Please, fucking tell me that the people I care about the most haven't lost their fucking minds.


You've got some fucking explaining to do. BIG fucking time.

Dec. 18th, 2018




Lost a couple friends. Vanished, I think. The first is Jay from the Isle. My raiding partner. The second person is King Hottie Ben Florian. Sentry and former King of Auradon. This is why I don't get close to people, you always lose them We hadn't even f Oh, and I probably should mention since there was some mystery about who Ben's boyfriend is. Or was. It was me, I'm the guy. Though I'd imagine some might know already, if they saw our kissing fest outside my cell the other day

Ben also told me he'd never heard of Pacino, to which I said, "WTF, dude?" They don't seem to have them in Auradon. So no Scarface, Godfather, HEAT, Devil's Advocate, none of that. I'd hoped to watch some with him. But at least Jay got to watch a few. I'm guessing the kingdom frowns on anything with fighting, explosions, or cursing? Which is a shame, they're missing out on some good stuff.

Anyway. I'm going out to raid soon for a couple days. Really need to be alone right now I'm keeping an eye out for the usual - food, clothing thread, spices, medical. Any special requests you'd want me to add to my list, feel free to tell me here, or text me [phone number] anytime.

Dec. 13th, 2018




Okay. Raiding update.

Hannah, we got a few rolls of thread. Mostly blue, couple red. I also have some yarn too.. not sure if you need it, but might be good for making sweaters or something. But there's definitely some threads. We'll also keep looking for more.

Liam, good news. My two friends said yes to football. Oh, and if any other guys might like to play, I'm sure we can use numbers. I also found a football last week too, so we have that at least for practice throwing if anybody might want to borrow it.

Other. Well, the usual. Brought back more canned food. Auto tools. And medical stuff like bandages, aspirin, tylenol, vitamins, the basic stuff. Oh, and more spices! Planning to get more though.

And the rec room has a few more movies. I hope the guys from the Isle will like watching them There's some of Seagal, Van Damme, Bruce Willis. Oh, and the classic-- Scarface! The 1983 Pacino version.

Dec. 6th, 2018




So, I know you raiders got important things to get, but can someone snatch up some spices next time they go out? Because if I'm gonna cook for you people, then I need more than salt and pepper to make things taste good.

Nov. 29th, 2018



[No Subject]

To whoever obviously spiked my drink with acid, the joke is not funny and I'm gonna kick your ass as soon as I find you.