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Jul. 22nd, 2019



text post: claire bennet [backdated to her rescue]

I'm back, I'm safe. Damien got me out. But he's still there and others too. He um...turned some of the guards to our side, they have white bands on their arms. He also sent a bunch of weapons back with me for our use. I was abducted in the prison but I don't recall by who, sorry. The bottom line is, we're not safe here. Not until we know who among us is working for them.

He also told me to tell you he's the snake in the garden and John Creasy is about to paint his masterpiece. The location is underground and Jill is still there.

He stayed behind so he could rescue incoming prisoners, but the men on our side could be discovered at any time so we can't rely on that.

He wrote all of this information down on a paper if anyone wants to see it. We've gotta get them out.

Jul. 21st, 2019



Buffyverse Filter - no Renfro/Walsh

I wish I could do something. Anything to stop people from getting taken. So are we any closer to finding out where they're being held? I wish we could just take the initiative and go out, keep kicking some army ass til they tell us what we need. Ha, see what I there. I heard that word once or twice, something about X-files shit and messed up science, but that's all I know.

Also, something else. I'm really, really not keen on getting captured while trying to raid. I mean, I'm not scared. I can knock down five guys easily, hell, I've taken out monsters. But I think they use tasers too? And I'm not really good with electric shock. So.. if any Slayer raiders need to go out too, I could use the company. Maybe even three of us. Who knows, maybe we'll also find some clues while looking for supplies.



[No Subject]

Being cooped up is driving me crazy.


You're doing alright, right?



[No Subject]

I found a basket of fruit at the entrance of the prison. Note said that an Abby Arcane would know who they're from.



Alec Holland

Where are you, Alec?




I think I should leave the prison. The last thing we need is those guys to find out what I am and storm in here. If what people are saying are true, it's very likely they already know.



[No Subject]

And this is exactly why the pirate angel shouldn't allowed to touch the navigation system on the Milano! He gets us lost!

Where am I and the more important question is where is the Milano?



text post: tani rey

How is everyone doing after...all that? I know some people have come back, but it seems like more have been taken too. I don't know what we're gonna do



text post: myrcella baratheon

I do hope nothing like that earthquake happens again.



[No Subject]

This shouldn't surprise me, but it does so can someone explain what just happened?

Also, what's up with the military?

Jul. 20th, 2019




So, there's something we need to talk about. Nothing bad, so get your mind away from those thoughts. I know you.




What the hell is happening?



[No Subject]

Isn't it hilarious that the military come here, claiming to be about things getting better and helping humanity, and yet they don't seem to be doing a damn thing to help repairs after that earthquake. Too busy kidnapping people, I suppose. Shows what their priorities really are, doesn't it.



[No Subject]

Well one thing I can say about this place, there's never a dull moment...

Miles and Peter

We should do something.

Jul. 19th, 2019




So, I hear that you're going to be head of security at the second location.



[No Subject]

I spent years on Earth and my old man does everything he can to get me to return to Hell. I finally return to Hell and my old man may or may not have brought me here to Everett. The earthquake and the tsunami were a bit overkill, Dad!

I swear I am going to get whiplash from his indecisiveness one of these days.



[No Subject]

Does anyone need anything? Doesn't matter if you're at the prison or elsewhere. If you need anything, let me know. I'll see what I can do to help.


Do we need anything specifically?




What kind of damage was done to both estates?



Viewable to Hope Mikaelson's family (backdated to last night)

Please tell me that Hope is with you at the inn. We were supposed to meet up but she hasn't showed yet.




Babe, we need new dressers and I need new clothes from the flood. :(