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Posts Tagged: 'dark+angel:+alec'

May. 6th, 2019



Prison Council minus Faith

Alright, so Faith doesn't have a soul. She's out and she's locked up in an empty cellblock. Sam and Dean are still out there somewhere, right now, they're not really my concern. If we can work with them, maybe we can take this bitch down.

Have you all heard anything?

You busy?

Nice shot.

Apr. 29th, 2019



[No Subject]

[Filtered to the Prison Council]

As well as teaching my self defense classes, I want to take some sentry shifts. You've seen how well I throw knives. Who can put me on rotation?

[Filtered to Faith Lehane]

I don't know if you want me to apologise for what happened a few weeks ago.

Apr. 14th, 2019



[No Subject]

Do we know how far that storm spread?

[John Proudstar]

I showed my powers to someone. She didn't immediately try to kill me.

Mar. 17th, 2019




You need to find Faith.

Feb. 26th, 2019




We're closing down Cell Block E and these are your new room assignments. If you have any questions, let me know.

Prison Council
I'm thinking since there's two of these psychos, we need to put the prison on lockdown until we figure out what the hell is going on.

Jan. 20th, 2019



text post: lydia martin

Eww. That was absolutely humiliating.

Nov. 25th, 2018



Filtered; Prison

Wow, glad that's over. So I'm curious... with the threat of Evil Cobra Kai dealt with, the lockdown is lifted? Are we still Sentries or do we get back to raiding soon. Of course, I don't mind still filling in for Sentry if it's needed. Turns out I like serving in that role as well as raiding. I also like killing zombies and bringing down the wrath of me upon them And burning them, and breaking them Whatever needs doing, I'm always happy to serve.

[Ben + Isle + pirates]

I have news concerning someone that you all may know from your world. I haven't seen her on Sentry duty in some time, not like she normally would be. I checked her cell to make sure and it seems that Evie isn't here anymore. I know she wasn't kidnapped or left the prison on her own. Because.. well, I've been doing a lot of Sentry work and never saw her leave. So she's probably not here anymore. Any who were her friends, I'm sorry. She was a good friend to people here. I'd hoped to be able to get to know her too.


Hey, good job on Sentry. And helping take out zombies. Not sure when we go out again now that Kai's gone. But maybe soon. So... gotta ask, I wouldn't be a friend if I did not, but are you alright? I had the impression that you and her were close. Or at least getting there, anyway. But I want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk or anything.

Nov. 16th, 2018



Prison Council

Hello, I know that I am rather new here, but I would very much like to do more to help.

My name is Seven but I also go by Marina. I have a lot of abilities. They're not magic from what I have learned about here, but they are almost like magic. The only way they have ever been negated is by a damned evil asshole bastard planet killer the most powerful tyrant and killer I had ever known.

I'm a healer and can heal any person or animal as long as their body is not already dead. Among my other abilities is the ability to create, manipulate, and control any type of ice and I am telekinetic.

My other abilities have also proven to be useful in war many kinds of fights.

I'm currently assigned to medical, but please, put me where you think I can be the most useful and help the most people stay safe.

Nov. 6th, 2018



text post: kara danvers

[PRISON COUNCIL (viewable by Clark Kent & Alex Danvers)]
How can my cousin, my sister, and I help with this Kai situation?

Oct. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

I know the gist of how things work. However, what's the proper... etiquette when inviting someone over? What do you offer them? I've never done anything like this before.

Oct. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]


What is happening about this Kai guy? I want to be prepared if he ever turns up here.


Hey. I just wanted to reach out and see how you're doing.


I have to ask because it's driving me crazy. Do we know when, and more importantly how, Faith was taken? Did I someone on sentry duty screw up miss something?

Oct. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

[no kai]
For those who don't know, Faith was kidnapped last Friday by Kai Parker. If anyone has any information on Kai at all, let me or the prison council know. Faith was located by Magnus and we were able to bring her back to the prison. She's resting and healing in the infirmary.

[private to the prison council + liv parker]
Liv, meet the prison council, prison council, meet Liv. Kai's sister.

What I think we need to know is obvious. If your brother is capable of kidnapping the leader of the prison and torturing her for a week, what's your purpose here? Did you help him?

[private to the vampire authority]
Anyone got any info on Kai Parker?

Oct. 3rd, 2018



Prison Council

I've got a location on her finally. I can have a portal up to her in five minutes, but I warn you I don't know what is exactly on the other side waiting beside our missing Faith.

Oct. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

The lockdown is lifted.

[Derek and Chris]
Where's Faith?

The prison's off lockdown. The demon was exorcised.



Where the hell are you?

[Witches in the prison]
I need a location spell.

[Transgenics/Logan + Prison Council]
Faith is missing. She was supposed to go on some fucking trip with Chris and Derek and that's where I thought she was, but Chris said she never showed. But she's been gone. Something happened.

Sep. 26th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Prison Council + John Constantine]
I drew a picture of Allison, if you want to release it to the public so people know who to watch out for.
[Prison Residents inside + outside -Allison]
If you don't know who it is to avoid, this is what she looks like.

Sep. 25th, 2018



[No Subject]

When's the prison opening back up?

Sep. 24th, 2018



[No Subject]

As of right now, the prison is on lockdown. No one leaves, no one gets in. Period. I don't care who you are.

Those on sentry, gonna need you continue to do sweeps outside making sure nobody gets out or in the gates.

If anyone see's Allison Argent, keep your distance. She's dangerous and she's not herself. Don't be a hero. Don't approach. But comment here with her location.

Any other questions, you can @ the prison council.

How's it going?

Aug. 9th, 2018







Prison Council

I've already spoken to Wesley but wanted to talk with the rest of you as well.

I've completed the autopsy on the demon that Faith and Alec brought in. Wesley helped me to identify it as Der Kindestod, a demon who feeds on ill children. It must have been starving which is why it attacked Faith and Alec.

We believe the demon may have come through the portal from Wesley and Faith's world but we're not sure. We should all remain very vigilant.

We also think that maybe I should give up my raiding position and stay on full time as the medical examiner. I was needed after Z-Day to handle the influx of bodies and that's likely not the last demon that will be brought in for autopsy. I want to make sure that was something you would all find useful. Let me know.

Aug. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

Just a helpful hint in case you end up running into a half-dressed, crying zombie with a set of foot long claws instead of fingers: stay very, very quiet and very, very still and then back away very, very slowly. Whatever you do, don't spook her.


Still want that sword lesson?