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Posts Tagged: 'true+blood:+eric+northman'

Jul. 7th, 2019




Had any run ins with our shitty new neighbors yet?

Jul. 5th, 2019



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Fangtasia and Brothel people]

Dilemma. Laugh at her or dismember her?

Or both?

May. 12th, 2019



text post: nora west allen

Please tell me I didn't do this...

Apr. 8th, 2019




So, I'm alive.

Mar. 11th, 2019



vampire authority

Alec Lightwood is missing (picture included). Apparently we have some new baddies and they're giving those who live at the prison some grief. They kidnapped him and they're keeping him somewhere, probably a hideout. Their names are Luke and Mark and they're twins. Crazy twins, if that helps. They're dangerous so they shouldn't be encountered or fought. If any of you want to keep an eye out or if you have any information it would help the search parties that are out there looking for them.

Mar. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

How did this happen?


Jan. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

Attention vampire citizens of Everett. For a while I have been wary of how to come about with this information that I have kept to myself. However, I realized a few days ago that I can no longer hide who I truly am from you. As vampires you all deserve someone of power and respect. Someone who has a bloodline that is untainted and pure. Thankfully, I come from a vampire lineage of great importance. I was born a natural vampire which is rare. I believe I am the only one fit for this role...

You may all refer to me as King David. I have begun recruiting followers and I have means to rule over the entire vampire race. All vampires will bend the knee - whether by choice or by force.

Now then - questions?

Dec. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

private to Vampire Academy, Clary and Nate except Lissa
Lissa is locked up in the county jail. Literally. I haven't left her and I'm keeping her here until Adrian decides to restore her. Because I won't give up on that.

private to Eric
Thank you for helping me. I'm going to keep watch on her because I don't trust my friends right now.

private to Stiles
... Are you okay? And thanks. For helping.

private to the Prison Council
I'm sure you all know what's going on with Lissa. I have her locked up in the county jail so she can't hurt anyone. I just wanted you to be aware.

Nov. 7th, 2018




I heard what Kai can do to vampires now. Are you and the others at Fangtasia doing alright?

Nov. 5th, 2018




Tara and I were talking about setting up a secondary home in the woods for us, you, and Nora.

In case some asshole crashes Fangtasia again.



[No Subject]

As you all know by know the Inn was attacked by Kai and his miscreants. What may not have been said is that Kai was not alone. His followers now include my sister. He is able to control any vampire that he wishes. Perhaps even myself if he wanted to. I'm not sure who else he has under his control but the number is great.

The Sodding Useless Vampire Authority
What are you lot doing besides absolutely nothing? I feel as if this matter is above your pay grade. It's well above mine.

Mystic Falls
Stefan was there. If any of you have seen or spoken to him I ask you to be wary. He is under Kai's control.

Sep. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

What the actual fuck is this?! You're going to tell me that first I'm fightin' off THEM idiots and now fuckin' this? Who's bright idea was this?

Sep. 19th, 2018




So, a scientist friend of mine showed up here yesterday. I was planning on showing him the building you showed me. Is that OK?

Aug. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

filtered to vampires

I would suggest being careful at the prison or running into anyone from the prison. Better safe. I don't know if more will receive this same dare.

filtered to Eric, Pam, and Nora

First off, there will be no retaliation of any kind. A young woman attempted to behead me.



[No Subject]

Holy shit. How much did I drink last night?

Aug. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

Well, this is a bloody surprise and not at all what I expected to find on the other side of the true death.

Jul. 27th, 2018



text post: lydia martin

I was attacked last night, and not by a zombie! Some kind of weird-ass vampire. Not okay! He didn't even buy me dinner first.

Jul. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

When things get stressful I usually want to bake. I wouldn't mind doing that for ya'll. I ain't that great of a cook I don't think but I'm not bad.

I worry for you. A lot of people died here recently Weren't we connected? Didn't you sense that I was in danger?

Are you alright?

Jul. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Is advertising a thing that we do now?

[Filtered to Katherine]

So. Klaus and Kol. How do you want to handle them being here? I saw the sister was around too.

I mean, if they cause trouble we can show them they're not the only unkillable immortals in town.

Jul. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello, citizens of Everett. For those who do not know me my name is Eric Northman. Myself and my progeny Pam run the bar Fangtasia.

I'm sure there are many rumors about what goes on here. I wish to assure any and all humans that you will be under my protection inside of my bar. Nobody will harm you or bite you without your consent. This is a promise that I make, to rip off the head of any vampire who dares to harm a human in my bar. My sincerest wish is to provide a mutual place for vampires and humans to socialize and create opportunities for mutually beneficial relationships.

I am currently hiring new bartenders, security staff, and dancers. Please inquire within.