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Jan. 20th, 2016


TheImmatureSexSuperhero: 10:40PM [private to Marco]

I'm moderately alarmed right now. What the hell did I miss tonight?

Are you okay?


PM to Chase - 11:23pm

are you sleeping? if you don't answer this, I will assume you are. obviously.


Private Message to Madison - 10:45pm

I hope it's not too late

are you sleeping?

I was just saying hi

I didn't see you today that sounds creepy so I was hoping you had a good one. Day. Good Day day.

is this weird?


private message to Cecilia: 9:47pm

thank you for everything, i mean it. you have no idea how thankful i am.

and sorry too, i didn't wanna drag you into that mess but i don't really have deep cut experience and okay he's a fucking dingleberry but he's my fucking dingleberry i don't think we're at the stage where he deserves to bleed slowly to death yet so i had to do something.

i think he's mostly okay now, last i left him he was gonna clean up that whole mess, replace my soggy cocoa puffs (because i was gonna have some for dinner when i got sucked into his spiral of what the fuck) and tomorrow he says he's gonna do laundry. mine too. and i'm gonna gently remind him of that. if you wanna add anything to the pile, i think you should. i don't really know how to teach responsibility so i thought i'd start small like that.

thank you again. earlier today i was talking to oliver and then owen and kept telling them you didn't need more shit on your head, and then i fucking added to it, i'm so sorry. i hope you get some good rest, you deserve it.

Jan. 19th, 2016


Private to Cecilia - 10:03pm

Do I want to know? Or is this a morning jog kind of topic?


Cecilia Rynbë - 9:03pm

There's blood on the floor of the second and third floors. Don't be alarmed. It's getting cleaned up. Or it better be Everything is fine.

[Private to Chase]
Marco broke into your room again, took a few good injuries from your traps. I had to pull one of them out of his foot and stitch him up. I still have it if you want it back. I've instructed him to clean up the bloody mess outside your room and leading up to his. He made the mess, so he needs to clean it up.

Jan. 18th, 2016


MarcoV: 6:43pm

Well, today has been terrible. Not just me, right? Please tell me it's not just me.


Cecilia Rynbë - 6:49PM

While working on the windows in one of the empty bedrooms today, Oliver and Juno found a couple of pages from a journal. We've all looked them over, and Juno and I seem to be in agreement that it's an accounting of the weird voice/poem we all heard the other day. It was made to look like it belonged to whoever was in that room before, but I want everyone reading this to keep in mind that it was very likely to have been planted and written by Them. Some of it's a little disturbing, and I think odds are good they want to freak us out. That said, I still think it's worth everyone taking a look and maybe figuring out what's behind it.

So, I've transcribed the pages. Anyone who wants to take a look at the original should ask Oliver, but the gist is:

One former soldier (Reginald?)
One paid their time ("lowliest of criminals" ?)
One born with (of?) two names
One perfect crime
Two for the faces (two names?)
Two for the wars
(two world wars? how long as this been going on??)
T(w)o end the bloodshed and the balance restores (???)
Three for the fathers (1 - Reg, 2 - Jack, 3 - ???)
and the heart that dropped?
Three for the killers
(three killers in the house???????????????)
and the stories they tell
Four ???????? children???
and the depths of their pain ?
of the five pairs of rings (five marriages?)
only two remain (three divorces?)
Six for the parents and the children they sold
Seven for their secrets sworn never to be told
Eight have left you (removals?)
Nine won't be stopped (???)
Ten for their keys (BIRDS)
And secrets unlocked
(Whose secrets? theirs? ours?)
Common themes: numbers, secrets, trauma? They want us to figure it out. Chosen for a reason. Birds have clues? Numbers, secrets, trauma, simularities. SUBJECT NUMBERS

Some of the birds DO have keys, and I can confirm the bits about Reginald.

Jan. 17th, 2016



My name is Beatrice and I'm an alcoh I woke up here this morning. I don't remember much. I was driving home from Madison, Wisconsin. I like long walks on the beach I'm a farmer and a beekeeper. Madison was kind enough to talk with me this morning and give me the overview...

Why am I here? What do you want?


Private to Cecilia -3:35pm

I'm sure you're busy putting out fires today, but I had a few things to keep you posted on.

Broke up a little altercation between Billy and Marco this afternoon. No injuries. Nothing worth fretting too hard about at the moment. Just something to keep an eye on.

Juno and I painted up the window in the third floor bedroom. Your map guy did a good job with the stencil. We found something hidden in the window frame. Looks like some notes for translating that poem you guys heard before I got here. If you've got anyone who could make use of them I'd be happy to hand them off. If not, and you've got not preference, I'll keep them safe and sound.

Juno and I are making some plans to go into town tomorrow. Mostly to the hardware store. If there's something you need thereabouts just say the word.

I'm under orders to make sure you're not pulling this load all by yourself. You need anything at all you just let me know.

Jan. 15th, 2016


Private to Billy - 12:25pm

what are you up to? haven't seen you skulking about the gym. but to be fair, I almost never go to the gym. also, fuck those guys on the questionnaire if they said anything shitty about you.


Various PMs

[11:49am, to Owen]

Sorry about earlier. You okay?

[11:51am, to Jack]

Hey, Mr. Congeniality. I have a favor to ask.


Tobias - 12:03pm

So, here's the subject numbers and who they correspond to. I don't really know what the significance of them are. I don't know if there is *any* significance. But there must be some kind rhyme or reason to it. I guess we could brainstorm as a whole unit.

4091ACO1 - Owen
5020ACO1 - Cecilia
4250ACO2 - Avram
5221ACO5 - Pam
4290ACO5 - Oliver
5310ACO5 - ?
5335ACO5 - ?

5231RCO1 - Tobias
5261RCO3 - Juliet
5060RCO4 - Kiley
5072RCO4 - Jack
5150RCO4 - Lennon
5320RCO4 - Madison
5032RCO5 - Chase
5301RCO5 - Daphne

5240AUN1 - Juno
4271AUN5 - Walt
5173AUN5 - Billy
5361AUN5 - Kate

5343UCO4 - Beatrice
5111UCO5 - Marco
5160UCO5 - Evelyn


[Private to Tobias] - 10:22am

Wanna hang out with me, Lennon and Kiley later? Play some cards or darts or something? Not sure what time yet. Have a few projects to work on first.


PM to Juliet, 12:03pm

Best. Day. Ever.


private message to Marco: 9:47am

so. i was right wasn't i?

i don't wanna push answers out of you because those fuckers made everything public again but if i ignored it...i can't pretend, next time i saw you i'd ignore you and walk away because i wouldn't ask either.

as your honorary alma gemela, which any other day would leave me very confused because no one’s even called themselves my bff before let alone that, even as a joke like, not that I think you mean it like THAT but it’s still kind of a big deal which i know was a joke but i guess by context it means we're friends, (god fucking knows why you’d subject yourself to that), which i have very little experience with i'm asking. because friends worry don't they? i'm worried anyway. i guess i've been a while. i don't know how to do this but i'm gonna do it anyway.

you're not ok are you? what did cecilia mean about 'condition'? why is owen convinced you're gonna OD? why did you do that shit to chase?

i know the answers don't i? i'm terrified. just fucking say it so i can let the shoe drop.

Jan. 14th, 2016


Private to Lennon - 10:34am

hey. you. me. chase. tobias. poker? darts? let's claim the billiards room later, yeah? do something to blow off some steam or whatever.


MarcoV: 9:20am

So, ignoring for now how the survey went, and I know that's hard but just fucking do it for a second...

This is the first time I've seen all the subject numbers all together, since we all changed our handles so quickly. I didn't realize there'd be patterns. I don't know what they mean, and I'm not trying to figure it out today, but I wanted to make a note of it before I forgot. So there. Note.

I don't really want to talk about anything else.


KateV - 9:24 am

Hello, I'm very sorry that my first impression is going to be me swearing, but I've had a hell of a morning. Is there anyone who could perhaps fill me in on what the fuck is going on around here?


Private Message to Chase - 9:25am

how does it feel to know you're quiet and adorable?

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