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Apr. 18th, 2016


Avram - 4:12pm

Okay, two things I'd like to maybe discuss a little here.

First of all, from what I gather from the network posts today, I'm not the only one who's seen and heard things, so that's likely a house-wide thing. Not hard to believe, because They've done this before. The magpie rhyme, the notebook from Lana's room, the creepy toys, and the spray-paint on the hospital. Recording and replaying my father's cries for help was pretty shitty too. They've been asking about our childhoods a lot lately and attempting to make us conform to whatever Their idea of happy childhood fun is. So obviously, yes, They're trying to bother us, but I find this particular aesthetic choice interesting. I guess I'm just putting my Seinfeld blazer on to ask "What's the deal with the ghost story theme?" Does it mean anything? Do They think we'll start believing in ghosts? The standard answer is probably "They're just trying to scare us" but like...lots of things are scary! They had a lot of options, and this was the choice that made the cut. The magpie business especially is elaborate and specific, but the majority of us don't even come from places where magpies usually live, so it's not like it's playing on our own associations and memories. It should mean something.

I don't know what that is, I'm just wondering if other people have thoughts.

Second, completely different subject, but for those who've been to the hardware store since the restocking: very thin steel wire, a light gauge but hopefully as high-tensile as is practical, is that a thing they have there?

(I am, of course, assuming that they'll let us out as soon as they're done renovating out there or whatever the fuck. Maybe they're putting in an H&M or some shit.)

Apr. 17th, 2016


PM to Jack - 2pm

hey you, how are you doing? i'm wondering if this is how people feel in those places up north where it's nighttime for months on end. i'm all turned around. at least they have working clocks (i assume) but my own clock said it was lunch time so i just had lunch. i mean let's face it when do i ever need a set time to eat? plus i had breakfast food to even it out.

i don't know why i'm telling you this. i think i'm keeping busy to pretend i'm not in an ironclad box.

Apr. 16th, 2016


Aspen Hale - 2:23 PM

I don't know what to do, so I'm asking everyone for help. Maybe you know. I woke up here yesterday and Avram helped me, but the windows... everything being locked up, I feel like I'm losing my mind. I can't stand this. I don't know what time it is. I fell asleep for a while after I woke up in... I guess it was the morning, and I stayed in my room because I was scared. Not having the daylight... I'm scared.

I tried to explore. I really did. I got my courage up and tried find my way down to the kitchen a few minutes ago. I passed the lounge on the second floor and I heard someone crying. I tried to find who it was, I tried to help, but there was nothing. There was no one in there. I heard it, I promise I did, but there was no one there. Crying as if their heart was breaking. The kind of crying that makes you afraid of what caused it.

Am I hallucinating? Did they put something in the IV? Is this going to keep happening?

Apr. 17th, 2016


MadMac: 11am [Private to ExB]

Um. My exterior feeds aren't working. I imagine this is a general thing and not just some technical issue?

Also, who else is a) freaked out by how it feels like morning but it could be 6pm b) saw the chandelier in the foyer shake violently while the door wasn't open (because they can't be opened today, also, apparently) approximately...a while ago (I wanna say half hour)?

Apr. 16th, 2016


Private to Cecilia, Oliver, Owen - 3:30pm

Is anyone else having weird things happen to them today? Apart from the preexisting weirdness. I've been mostly between the foyer and the kitchen all day and I saw this... shadow? Like this tall shadow that turned the corner just as I was coming out of the kitchen, but when I looked there was nothing there. And I heard singing in the kitchen earlier today but when I went in there, it stopped and no one was around.

I've been stressed out before but I've never hallucinated anything. But I honestly don't know what's going on. Has anyone else had anything similar happen?
Tags: ,


Georgie - 2pm

Would anyone like to enlighten me as to what the fuck? Alternatively, anyone up for some games down there?

Apr. 15th, 2016


PM to Jack - 10:36am

Are you getting on alright? I'm sorry, but I've got some bad news. I was going to stop by but I didn't want to risk waking you up.


Cecilia Rynbë - 1:36pm

Everyone holding up okay?

Apr. 14th, 2016



Day 30.


Subject #4462UCO4, 4:10 AM



Apr. 13th, 2016


Filtered to Owen, Oliver, Kate, Chase - 7:56pm

There's something I'd like to do, and I would like to keep it as quiet as humanly possible in this place. We may need to involve more people, but for right now this seems like a good starting group.

Basically, that elevator bothers me. There is no possible way they could have slapped that up overnight and had in safe operating condition. The likeliest explanation would be that it was always there, and they just took a wall down, but that's not possible either. There was a closet there. I was in that closet, I know. I've worked it over in my mind all day in attempts of connecting any rational explanation to it, and I can't. So, I'm forcing myself to accept that I'm not going to be able to understand how they did it, and move past it. Which, in my head, has opened up a lot of other doors - no pun intended. If they can do this, what else are they capable? What other secrets are hiding in this house alone?

In my experience, most elevators have a safety hatch. A little panel door in the roof that rescue workers can get through if it were to ever get stuck. From the inside, I simply couldn't see one, but I suppose it's possible it's just seamless from the inside. So, I want to check from the outside. And while we're in there, I want to scale the elevator shaft - if possible. See for myself how far down it goes, and if it looks like there are any other secret floors.

What I propose is this. We have someone take the elevator down to the bottom (if it really IS the bottom), hit the emergency break, and prop the doors open so the lift can't leave the floor. Then from the ground floor we force the doors open. I can rig some harnesses with rope so we can scale down to the roof of the lift and take a look. I've got a great deal of climbing experience, and I'm pretty confident about that part. I don't want the whole house to know we're doing this, so I think it's best to go in the middle of the night when it's less likely to run into anyone, and only after making sure the basement is empty.

I don't want to wait for an emergency, or for someone to get stuck in there. I've been stuck in an elevator here once already, so I have no difficulty imagining them doing it again. I want to have a vague idea of what we'd do - if we can do anything at all - if something were to go wrong. I am not proposing we rush into this, and keeping everyone safe is my top priority. So, is anyone willing?