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Jan. 10th, 2016


TheSexSuperhero: 12:20PM [private to Tobias]

So hey, Chase was thinking maybe it might be fun to dress up a little for this dinner thing. You wanna? You went down to Cassi's already, right?


Private to Lennon - 12:01pm

Going to the dinner tonight? Kiley and I thought it would be fun to dress in something nice for the hell of it. Want in?

Think Tobias would be interested?


PM to Chase - 11:12am

I only said nice things about you.

Jan. 9th, 2016


Cecilia Rynbë, 10AM

Well that was stupid

As a matter of curiosity, how many people have found some of their own things at Cassi's? Or other recognizable things? Apparently a couple of people have found things that belonged to family members.

I found a few of my things, but that's honestly not so weird for me. I mean, I was abducted inside my house. The things I found in Cassi's, they already had access to. They were in my closet. Compared to some of the other stuff that's happened, that's nothing to me. But I realize the situation's pretty different for everyone else. So who has found something they shouldn't have had access to?

Everyone else, be mentally prepared when you go looking, I guess.

Jan. 8th, 2016


Subject #5310ACO5: 9:50AM

anyone care to enlighten me as to what the fuck?


PM to Juliet, 9:49am

UGH I can see what they meant about Madison, I can see her zoning in on that priest. I already can't wait to have her on the team.

Speaking of, I'd love to bounce ideas around. That survey was interesting. Do you have a strategy yet?


Subject #5335ACO5 - 9:24am

A fun fact is that I've actually been forbidden to blog by my Ordinary, but since I'm not here on purpose I might get away with it.

And look, I'm just going to be indelicate and say it, is this a sex thing? Because if it's a money thing, I have some bad news for whoever was hoping for a ransom.


Private to Juno and Lennon - 10:35am

Hey! You two still up for helping me before dinner today? Wanna meet up in the kitchen around three? I'm gonna start prepping the meat in a little bit, but I could definitely use both of you later! There's a shiny nickle in it for each of you if I can find two nickles.

[Private to Avram]

Hey hey! I could use some help getting the dining room set up for later if you're up for it. Still gotta find space for a few people. Let me know!


[Private to Juliet] 11:18

Hey, do you still want to go down to the lake today?


[Private to Evie] - 9:45am

Hey, what was your answer to number 12?

Jan. 7th, 2016


Subject #4290ACO5 - 9:12am

Open the door.


PM to Owen, 12:33AM

You went birdhunting with Pam? That sounds like a fun story.

Also, I went to Cassi's. Found some of my stuff, but nothing they couldn't or shouldn't have access to.



Day 16.