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Oct. 5th, 2016


Cecilia Rynbë - 10:13am

This is probably common sense, but common sense is lacking in this place a reminder never hurts. The fire could have been a lot worse this morning, but it was bad enough. Just because you don't have a room on the ground floor doesn't mean you couldn't be suffering from smoke inhalation. It's a nice day out, so I advise everyone to open their windows through-out the day if you're in your room. Get as much fresh air as you can, especially if you're doing clean-up in the kitchen. Jack, I will drag you outside later if I have to

If anyone is experiencing any abnormal coughing, chest pain/tightness, or shortness of breath, please let me know immediately. I can help you.


owen - 10:03am

I know TPTB think we ought to make our "argument" on the network before tomorrow, but I think there are more pressing matters right now than to have some kind of online debate about who is better suited for something we all ought to be involved in. all I can say is that no matter who is appointed to that position, I'm sure they'll maintain open dialogue and welcome suggestions from the house as a whole.

I'll be heading into town shortly to search for more fire extinguishers and could use some help bringing them back if anyone is available.

Oct. 4th, 2016


MarcoV: 5:40pm [Private to Lennon]

Juno said you were feeling down, so I wanted to say hey. I meant to say hey when we were out on the lawn last night, but my brain wasn't ready for late-night fires and shit. You doing okay? What's going on?


i<3Fletcher: 8:28am

I'm not saying we need to have another meeting or anything, but we for sure need to figure out if this was a Them thing or if someone else in the house did this. If anyone heard anything last night, they need to speak up. Just saying.

Also don't forget to vote today. All of us are good choices! And I think all of us want to find out what happened down there in the kitchen!

Oct. 3rd, 2016


PMs to Owen and Cecilia - 8:21am

With everything going on would you two be alright with postponing our trip into town until tomorrow? I think Simms will keep for an extra day.

Sep. 29th, 2016



Day 51.