December 2017



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Jan. 25th, 2017


Reginald Woodward; 8:48PM

I am looking to hire a few strapping young men for a home project. My knees have been troubling me as of late, and I've come to realize there's really no need for one such as myself to have a dining room. I'd like to hire a couple of lads to move the dining room furniture out into storage at the library, and my bedroom furniture down to that room. I can't imagine this taking more than a couple of hours, but I'll pay well and perhaps provide a spot of food. Any interested parties may contact me here, or at the library tomorrow.

Dec. 10th, 2016


Reginald Woodward; 7:47AM: Private Message to Gemma and Kai

This meeting that Cecilia is calling is so that I can tell the house of my experiences while I was away. I was told something rather important in that time, and it may be upsetting to some people. I don't want either of you to have to walk into that blindly. It is inevitable for our companions to group us together -- to this point, we are the only three 'returns.' Assumptions will be made that our experiences were similar.

I want you both to know that I intend to start by dispelling that notion. I have no reason to believe either of you underwent anything like what I did, and I will tell everyone that -- and that no one has a right to hassle you for information you don't have, or to pry into what is likely to already be an upsetting time for you both. I do not know that people will listen, but I intend to try. We are connected in a way, even if our experiences aren't the same.

There are good people here, and they're willing to step in and help out in any way they might be able to. Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to express on your behalves today.


Felix - 10:12am

So, just to warn people, apparently the prize machine in the basement is giving out STDs. I now have Chlamydia. You guys might want to keep an eye out if you're planning cashing in tickets for prizes.

Nov. 30th, 2016


PM to Kai and Reginald from Gemma, 2:46 PM

I have no idea why I'm making this private, since the whole house could probably benefit from the knowledge, but I guess it's because I don't know either of you and I don't know how you feel about what happened to you.

But um. Hi. I was kind of hoping to ask if either of you remember me being around, or anything? I have zero memory of anything that happened, and you both seem to have one, so I'm hoping against hope that somebody has some clue, because I'm afraid of the worst.

I'm really, really doing my best to keep it together here. Anything you can tell me, I really want to know.


Owen - 2:01pm

Based on who sent me a vote via PM, Erran and Cecilia will be helping Oliver, Kate and I with security. let me know if you have any questions. thanks everyone.

eta: if you volunteered to help with patrols/guard duty, I appreciate it and I'm working on a schedule. I've taken into consideration requests for certain times/days, but if anyone has any other requests, let me know.

Nov. 26th, 2016


Reginald Woodward; 10:49AM

It appears as though I have a lot of reading and catching up to do.

How is everyone holding up?

Dec. 13th, 2015


Reginald Woodward; 9:05am

My wife, my children, and my grandchildren, of course. Am I expected to pick some material thing? All the longings of familiarity are collecting into one great pang, but I think you know that. I expect the point isn't to get an honest answer, but rather to see who chooses to answer honestly. Who takes it as bait to snap. Who gives away as little as possible. It's all another game. If you want us to play, the least you can do is provide us with a proper copy of the rules.

To all the newcomers in the house, I am so truly sorry that we cannot provide you with adequate information, for we have none. I can say only that mine is an open door, if any of you have need for anything that someone under these circumstances might be able to provide. Anything I can share, I will.

Nov. 25th, 2015


Alistair - 8:17pm

My name is Alistair Barnes. I suppose I would be the aforementioned "new arrival". I couldn't quite follow much of anything that transpired today, nor do I fully understand the situation in general. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Cecilia, I apologize for grabbing you as I did, and I hope that your duress has somehow eased. It was very kind of you to offer assistance this morning.

Nov. 10th, 2015


private conversation; viewable to Cecilia, Chase, Lana, Eddi, Noah, Valerie, Billy, Pamela, JD

Does anyone find it curious that the two break-ins (or attempted break-ins) both occurred among the lot of us?

It's very likely the workings of our wardens; an attempt at stirring up paranoia, but I believe it to be worth our consideration. If it is 'them,' then I think we all need to be especially on our guard. More could be coming. At the very least it seems likely that there's some attempt at dividing the house in the works.

At the same time, I cannot rule out the possibility that one of our companions did it. Desperate people are easily manipulated. I don't like it, but I haven't forgotten the mention of 'lowliest criminal.'

Nov. 2nd, 2015


Reginald Woodward; 1 p.m.

I was going to hold my tongue on the subject but it seems that many of us are struggling with the charming greeting we all received today. Just when it seems their particular brand of snide cruelty can sink no lower, they find a way to hit below the belt -- and on both sides.

As one of the persons singled out, I can only say that in no way do I feel more deserving or commendable than any other individual here. We have all been challenged in ways no individual can ever expect to be, and we have all dealt with the experience to the best of our varying abilities. Everyone has done their best to cope in whichever way suits them best, and it is my belief that no one should fault another for their coping process. We might not always agree with each others methods, but we can at least respect our differences. Or I hope we can.

I will also say that, had it been up to me, I would not have been 'rewarded,' unless we were all to be treated equally. To my knowledge, none of us asked for special treatment or additional acknowledgements of our suffering. "Easy for you to say, old man," you might think, "at least you got something." Yes, I realize how insensitive it would be for me to gripe on about how I didn't ask for this, so I don't intend to continue in such a vein. I will only say that it is my best guess that they're trying to distract us, to divide us, and to dismay us. Anger is one of the greatest adversaries of rationality, and at current I place a great price on good, common sense.

These are just the rambling opinions of an old scholar. Make of them what you will.

Oct. 22nd, 2015


4:34 A.M.

As our incarcerators have seen fit to deprive my sleep, I thought I might get a bit of work done. Over the past few days I have been searching for patterns among us, as I'm sure many of you have been doing. While discussing the matter with Cecilia, we both agreed that this attempt – however improbable success may seem – is a touch more difficult with the very limited information we all have on each other. Of course the obvious answer would be to make every effort to get to know one another, and I believe such an endeavour to be of the utmost importance, for more than perhaps just the obvious reasons. We are all in this together; allies, comrades, companions. . . whatever you may desire to call it, there is comfort in fellowship. At any rate, there may be those among us who desire to keep to themselves, or find it difficult to engage socially.

I digress. I am proposing a census. An intake of information about ourselves, available for all to go through and search for whatever patterns or similarities there may be. With Cecilia's aid, I have developed a list of what I believe to be some of the most useful or necessary information to our situation. And of course, the obvious standards. I would like to request that everyone fills this information out, though of course participation is entirely nonobligatory, as I would not ask that anyone shares with any information they are not comfortable in parting with. Likewise, if anyone feels I have left something vital out of the list, please don't hesitate to add it.

My proposed database of information is as follows:


(Of course I understand that not everyone is comfortable parting with this information. I hope you will forgive my rudeness; my mother raised a man to never ask a woman her age. If you would please give even the vaguest grouping, 'twenty-something' perhaps, it may be of use. I think it could also be useful to know who the youngest and oldest amongst our numbers are, though I certainly believe myself to be the oldest.)


Current Hometown:
(If different than birthplace)

Abduction: (Though much of this information has been shared already, I encourage everyone to be as detailed as possible. Where were you taken, what were you doing, were there any possible witnesses, when were you taken? And so forth.)


Loved Ones:
(If I may be so bold, I would suggest listing any and all potential family members left behind, especially immediate family. Spouses, significant others, room-mates, friends . . . how many people would notice your absence? How many people would fight to see you found?)

Economic Value or Prominence: (A bit odd, I know, and perhaps overly personal to some standards, but I believe it to be important. Are you of some sort of rank, position, or celebrity? A public figure? Have any claim to fame, no matter how obscure? Are you a particularly wealthy individual? Are you in any way linked to someone who is? Again, forgive me for the depth of intrusion on a private matter, but I believe sharing this information is the only way to rule out the possibility that we are being held for some sort of ransom.)

Known Enemies: (Is there anyone in your life that would desire to see you come to harm, or simply disappear?)

Again, I invite anyone who believes I have missed something important to add it to the list. I apologize for any invasive questions, and assure you all that I would not list them if I didn't believe them to be of import to our current situation. Rest assured I will be the first to complete this questionnaire.

On a personal note, I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to those who helped me during yesterday's trials. I am in your debts, and shall not easily rest until I may see that debt even partially fulfilled.

Oct. 9th, 2015


Public Post, 9:26AM

Does anyone else feel as though we need a strategy going into this?

Oct. 8th, 2015


Rhett - PMs

To: Reginald - 9:06 AM
Hey, I found a walking stick if you still need one,just let me know.

To: Cecilia - 9:08 AM
Sorry I missed you yesterday. Did you find what you were looking for?


Private Messages

[To Marco, 9:04am]
How are you doing?

[To Reginald, 9:05am]
I have a walking stick for you. Chase found it and gave to me to give to you. I would have done last night, but I was exhausted. I'm sorry.

Oct. 1st, 2015


8:29 A.M.

Am I to understand that you're locking doors now? That is very cruel, and ill done. You've already displayed your power -- and quite vulgarly, I do say.

If you want regular updates, I'll give them to you. You'll have a grand time trying to shut me up.

I want my cane back. I suppose any would do, but I would prefer mine own. It was with me when you took me, it shouldn't be much of a problem.


Subject #5032RCO5 - 8:33am



I don't even know what I'm expected to say at this point. I've got nothing.


I lied, I have a hell of a lot to say. Very little of it would achieve anything at this point.

Others are reading this? Good. If anyone's willing, I think it's a good idea to figure out how many people are here. Is anyone planning on exploring the town? Did anyone else try yesterday? Owen and I did, and it didn't end well.

Where was everyone taken from? How? And when? Maybe we can establish some sort of a pattern. I was taken from my home in the middle of the night on September 14th. I live in Ogunquit, Maine. I'm originally from New York. My name is Cecilia Rynbë. I'm a registered nurse.

I want to go back today and look through some of the other buildings. If anyone else has a similar mind, perhaps we could compile a list of items to look out for?