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Jul. 10th, 2017


i am not a number \m/ - 1:49pm

Okay so

Like, you know what? Fuck it. Call me a millennial, that's fine, but shopping without the internet is GODDAMN HARD.

So when I was a teenager my brother was working at this shop where he didn't really like his co-workers but agreed to do Secret Santa anyway? And he had to fill out a little card about himself for whoever got him. And I think maybe we should do that. A few likes, dislikes, that kind of deal. Just to help guide us?

For example (and shameless whoring)

Five things I like: Music, video games, fashion, shiny objects, techie gadgets
Favorite Colors: All of them. The more, the brighter, the better. Also pink and purple.
Least Favorite Color: Cat-puke brown
Things I collect: "Japanese kawaii bullshit," as my sister lovingly refers to it. Also band t-shirts.

Do the thing.

Jun. 24th, 2017


Simms: 8:55am

Well shit, don't I feel like Mr. Popular? Good thing for you fuckers that this game wasn't about accuracy.

Jun. 23rd, 2017


Ishaan - 8:21am

What is "you will be able to roam more freely tomorrow" supposed to mean? They shoving us somewhere else?

Jun. 14th, 2017


Kiley - 8:54am

so today's theme is who's the murderer?

Apr. 29th, 2017


Oliver - 8:03am

Everybody sound off.

Apr. 20th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 9:04am

Lord, here we go again. So what's everyone thinking?

Apr. 7th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 9:02am

This is not something I want to do, nor something I should have to do - and yet I feel that I do. Because if it's going to come out in any way, it needs to be from me.

Two years ago, I was abducted. A man had been stalking me for a little over two years at that point, and despite the police telling me I was doing everything correctly, he still got in my house one day, knocked me out, and put me in the trunk of his car. He intended to kill me, and had documented as much in the journals the police later found. He drove me out into the middle of nowhere and held me at gunpoint, and I managed to disarm him. We struggled over the weapon, and in that struggle, I killed him.

I was never charged with anything. It was ruled an act of self defense. It was a very painful time in my life, and I don't like to talk about it. But They've made a point of calling me a murderer in the past to get a reaction out of me, so I decided to try and take that weapon away from them.

Apr. 6th, 2017


Simms: 8:55am

There are fucking mice down here. What the fuck are you people doing up there that there are fucking mice down here? Clean the fuck up.

[Private to Felix:]
Really? The pig joke?

Apr. 1st, 2017


PM to Sterling - 10:16am

Was gonna send this to you yesterday but shit came up.

Talked to someone the other day who gave better info than the welcoming committee.

Don't make a mess without cleaning it up. The people in charge give out serious punishments.

Don't try to leave the town area or you get zapped. There's an implant in your neck.

The guy in the cell apparently tried to rape a girl. got his ass kicked.

People keep breaking into other people's rooms and stealing their shit.

Someone keeps setting fires.

No one's actually gotten off their asses and tried to escape.

Write your name on your door so when you disappear they'll know.

Read the network. Every once in a while there's useful shit mixed in with the stupidity.

Mar. 14th, 2017


Subject #5554ACO1 - 9:31am

Someone want to open the fucking door?