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Mar. 17th, 2016



Family camping trips, or summers on the lake. The one summer I read Lord of the Rings for the first time, especially.

Mar. 18th, 2016


jujube: 9:03am

oh, that one time i went out to the tool shed to check what was in there and found a creature who ran away but i left it reese's pieces all the way to my bedroom to lure him into it and the next day i pretended i was sick so we could stay home and play all day. then i introduced him to my sister, and we discovered he was from space. it's a long story, i don't wanna bore ya.

Mar. 11th, 2016


Dr. Maurya Chambers - 10:09am

Hello, all. I understand there's a get together a bit later, but I figured an introduction here would be easier. My name is Maurya Chambers, and I was kidnapped placed here yesterday. I'm still trying to come to terms with our situation. Does not compute, does not compute

At Damon's suggestion, I've been reading back on the network to see everything I've missed. That [...] really didn't help me make sense of this event, but from what I gather it's about as much sense as I'm going to get here. I'm still not prepared to rule out the severe head trauma.

I guess, if anyone wants to know more about me, I'm an archaeologist from Michigan. I was taken in St. Louis at a cemetery walking to my car. I don't really know what else is considered important information, so if you want to know, please feel free to ask.


Subject #5422UUN5: 10am

Right so because I'm not from here (...I think. depending on where 'here' is, really), what kind of shit can we get 'over the counter' in terms of painkillers and the like?


I get headaches sometimes, so I thought I'd ask.


Edwin: 8:48AM

So I found this great little troll under my sink. He's got judgey eyes, but I think I like this little guy. He's ugly, but it makes him cute. Like pugs.

Anyway, my point is, if anyone has ugly toys that they haven't destroyed yet, I can take them off your hands. My room is already spooky, so they'll just add character. Just leave them outside my door, and I'll grab them when I get back from making pizza.

Mar. 6th, 2016


#4448UCO2 - 8:18am

Open sesame?