December 2017



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Dec. 31st, 2015


TheSexSuperhero: 10:57PM [private to Cecilia]

So hi, I know you don't really know me. But Marco told me what was up with him today (the schiz and the drug stuff) and I wanted to know what I should do for him. If anything.

I'm not gonna tell anyone else, but he told me you and Owen knew and I want him to be okay. I'm just kind of

Dec. 30th, 2015


TheSexSuperhero: 9:58PM [private to Tobias]

Hey, maybe if we don't wake up dangling by our ankles over a pit of fire tomorrow, we could meet up and do some sketching? I was gonna poke you earlier but I'm feeling kinda low

Dec. 29th, 2015


Subject #5231RCO1 - 11:54am

is there a way to get a better paint program on this thing? doesn't have to be Serif or anything. even Adobe.

or maybe some pencils and sketchpads.

does anyone know if they have those in town? I didn't think to look before

am I allowed to ask for stuff?

Dec. 27th, 2015


Private to Owen, 6:49am

I can't stop worrying about this. When you get a chance will you let me know how it went with Marco?


Jack - 10:10am

Alright, so. If the weirdness wants to chill the fuck out for a few minutes I've got something to run by people.

We don't talk enough. Like, as a group. It's kinda shitty that the one time we all see each other is when the assholes running this joint dictate it, and usually we're too busy trying to figure out what the hell they're throwing at us.

So, I submit for the approval of MZ Society a weekly group dinner. As in for everyone. Just a night where we can all be in one room, touch base on all the shit going on, and eat some good food. I don't mind doing the cooking, and I don't mind help if people want to offer, but this shit only works if we get everyone on board. If you want to be all minimalistic with your contact then just come and get food. Figure it'll be like having a town meeting, but better 'cause it's catered.

First thing, we've only got twenty seats in the dinning room, but we can probably move some crap around to get everyone in there.

Also, if people could give me a run down on what they like, if they have allergies or special preferences (Vegetarian, Vegan, Kosher, all that), let me know.

If we don't get messed up with one of those really shitty tests, I'm thinking of trying for the day after tomorrow if people are up for it.

Here, I'll make this easy. Just fill this out:

What do you like:
What don't you like:
Do you have any allergies:
Do you have any dietary restrictions:


#5301RCO5, 8:41am

Whoever put me here? I'll show you one for sorrow. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the rhyme, but the eleventh bird is a real smash. Storytime shall end with my team of attorneys finding a way for me to legally penetrate your every orifices with rubber cement. When I'm out of here your names will take their place as the ultimate taboo, and every last man woman and childing sharing a bloodline with you will be forced to live out their shame in exile from humanity. Am I perfectly clear?

With that bit of business out of the way, is there anyone in this asylum capable of giving me some goddamn answers?

Dec. 26th, 2015


Cecilia Rynbë, 6:08am

Did anyone pay attention to what that voice actually said?


MarcoV: 5:02am:

I think it's okay to stop freaking out. I caught the quiet thing in my bathroom. I trapped it in there. I haven't heard it whisper in a while.

Dec. 24th, 2015


MarcoV: 4:25AM [Private to Cecilia]

Hey, so, you told me that I could come to you when I need a sounding board? I think someone was in my room, but maybe not because I'm seeing other network posts about voices, but there was a poem in my computer and I just am having a problem right now because I don't know if I'm seeing things or hearing things, but I think there's someone in my room. I think they're in my bathroom.

Dec. 25th, 2015


juNOPE - 4:10am

what. the fuck. what the fuck. what the fuck is going on who the fuck is whispering creepy shit in my room and writing creepy fucking poems in my computer i will find you and i will kick your teeth into your throat.

Dec. 24th, 2015


Subject #5032RCO5 - 3:09am

Is anyone awake? Please tell me I'm not the only one who hears this shit. Please



Day 14.