December 2017



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Nov. 2nd, 2017



to Tobias

I'm sorry. I don't really remember much of yesterday, but I'm sorry you had to be the one to do it. But if I'm even half as bad as Owen's told me, you saved my life by mere hours. I won't pretend to know what's going on in your head right now, but if you want to talk to someone who had a somewhat similar experience, my door is always open.

To Juno

I'm sorry. I really failed you and can blame nothing but his evil and my own arrogance.

Sep. 4th, 2017



I don't know Downy laundry detergent

Jul. 30th, 2017


private to chase, kiley and lennon - 9:16am

so there was a dog in my bathroom. it's a beagle. it peed on me when I picked him up. Is this really a thing? did everyone get an animal? help what if it bites me

Jul. 28th, 2017


tobias - 8:59am

"Did you expect to receive Christmas presents yesterday?"
I guess so?

"What is your favorite present (or presents) that you received? Who gave it to you?"
Everything everyone got me (except for Simms) was great.

"Do you think you received more, or less, than your companions in the mansion? Does that bother you?"
It doesn't bother me either way. why would it?

"Did you enjoy getting an opportunity to 'shop' for gifts for people?"
Yeah. Visuals would be better next time. if there is a next time

"Is there anything you wanted that you did not get?"
Not really.

"Does it surprise or disturb you that multiple individuals in the house chose to give genuine gifts to Simms?"
Sort of. But people can do what they want.

Jul. 16th, 2017


DragonHeart - PM to Chase, Kiley, Tobias, Juno, Marco

So wonder which sicko set the landing Xmas tree on fire? They must've put it out pretty quick, because I didn't know anything about it til I went down to get some breakfast.

Anybody want me to ask for anything special for you that you didn't already list? If anyone needs an idea for me, I'd be down for one of those TVs that has a DVD player built in. Doesn't have to be a giant one either.

Jul. 10th, 2017


i am not a number \m/ - 1:49pm

Okay so

Like, you know what? Fuck it. Call me a millennial, that's fine, but shopping without the internet is GODDAMN HARD.

So when I was a teenager my brother was working at this shop where he didn't really like his co-workers but agreed to do Secret Santa anyway? And he had to fill out a little card about himself for whoever got him. And I think maybe we should do that. A few likes, dislikes, that kind of deal. Just to help guide us?

For example (and shameless whoring)

Five things I like: Music, video games, fashion, shiny objects, techie gadgets
Favorite Colors: All of them. The more, the brighter, the better. Also pink and purple.
Least Favorite Color: Cat-puke brown
Things I collect: "Japanese kawaii bullshit," as my sister lovingly refers to it. Also band t-shirts.

Do the thing.

Jul. 8th, 2017


MarcoV: 11:52am

[........] What do you think they mean by "the testing we do is necessary"?

Jul. 1st, 2017


PM to Tobias - 9:30AM

Hey. I saw Sorry about--

If you need to talk or anything, I'm around. =\

Jun. 29th, 2017


PM to Tobias - 8:22am

Hey, just saw Cecilia's message about Madison. You okay?

Jun. 26th, 2017


Private to Chase, Kiley and Tobias

So hey, seems like it's been a long time since we've all gotten together. We should do something to change that! We could celebrate the absence of scary cobbled-together videos today.

May. 16th, 2017


"What is your greatest talent or skill?" - 9:02am


May. 4th, 2017


PM to Tobias - mid-morning

Hey. You here? You didn't comment on the roll call post. Please tell me you didn't get removed

Mar. 31st, 2017


Subject 0 - 9:44am

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night residents of Zenith!

Hello! I am fairly certain I am not permitted to share my real name with you, so I've adopted the moniker of Subject 0. I am a prize winner in one of the other subject houses, and I have been here a very, very long time. I have requested contact with the outside world as my reward, and this is what I was given. Our keepers think they are very funny! There are certain rules I must follow, and certain information I cannot give, but I am looking forward to our interactions! We have been watching you for quite some time and it has been very enlightening so far! Some of us are great fans of some of you! <3

Did You Know? There are some questionable narcotics making an appearance in the Mount Zenith house. You may wish to check into that.

You'll note that the header of these posts may seem a little confusing. I do not know what time of day it is when this officially uploads to your network, only what time it is here when it is initially written. It also appears that you have not been coordinated enough to even claim an official date. It is December 7th according to the calendar we have established. You may wish to synchronize for future ease of communication and to make information potentially less confusing.

Did You Know? Subject #5032RCO5 has been hoarding and storing Mount Zenith supplies in a secret location.

Some of the missing residents in your house have shown up in ours over the past several weeks, however I am not allowed to state which ones are still here, or which have vanished again. Most of them are in good health!

Did You Know? Subject #5501UCO5 had voluntary intercourse with Subject #4431AUN1 the night he was first put into his cell for assault.

Ask 0!
In this section, residents of the Mount Zenith house may pose questions and inquiry either to myself, or to the residents of my house. In addition, questions from my house may presented here for the residents of Mount Zenith to respond to. No names are allowed to be shared.

Up to three questions presented in response to this post will be answered in the next. It is not first come, first serve. The questions can be about anything, even specifics pertaining to the people in your own house! We know a lot of things about you and the people around you that you do not! Please note that there are some subjects I will not be able to give answers to, but feel free to ask! You never know!

One question per post will be relayed from the individuals in my house. Anyone may respond, but please specifically label any answer for ease of communication. One response will be chosen to relay back. Again, this is not first come, first serve!

See you next time, Mount Zenith! : )

Mar. 30th, 2017


Private to Tobias - 10am

Hi. We haven't had compatible schedules lately, apparently. You wanna do something together? Clothes optional? (I don't just mean that, I just think the jacuzzi with you would be fun!)

Mar. 8th, 2017


Lots and lots of PMs

Tobias )

Chase )

Kiley )

Juno )

Marco )

Jan. 28th, 2017


PM to Lennon and Tobias - 9:31am

TPTB are making Owen release Simms at 1. Says he's going to try to keep him away from people until some sort of trial tomorrow. Going home now. Get stuff to protect yourselves.

Need to cancel tonight.

Jan. 23rd, 2017


private messages to lennon and chase

want to grab a drink soon??? I have a bit of money for it.

like tonight? tomorrow??

Jan. 16th, 2017


PM to Chase, Kiley and Tobias - midday

So. This happened. Everyone okay?

Nov. 19th, 2016


various PMs - 8:45am

to lennon, kiley and chase

oh my god it's snowing. guess I shouldn't be surprised. it's november right?? we should probably help with stuff like... wood and things, yeah? but like, I haven't had a snowball fight in a long time. so... we should do that too?

PM to Madison

hey!! so... weather. snow!! :) I hate being cold but it's actually kind of cool, other than being like stuck up here for now. may want to go out soon and play around. or whatever. if you want to hang? if not, we can stay inside where it's warm at least, and find something to do :)

Oct. 28th, 2016


PM to Chase - 12:01pm

so I kind of found something in the game room? it's kind of dirty I feel weird telling Lennon about it. and you, actually I'm not sure

can I bring it over to show you? is kiley there?

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