December 2017



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Nov. 12th, 2017


IOU (or u o me) // NOT PUBLIC // viewable to TPTB only

I'm ready to cash in.

Oct. 15th, 2017


Filtered to ExB

My first fucking day in the cool kids club and I'm stuck in a cell.


Sep. 3rd, 2017


That mix of rain and fresh cut grass.

Aug. 10th, 2017


Private to Audrey - 9:09am

I wonder if I might recruit your aid, love.

Jul. 18th, 2017


Filtered to ExB - 9:59AM

Owen will never trust me, but it's worth it to further hammer that wedge between him and Pam. Definite bonus points. Thank you, Felix.

Jul. 13th, 2017


PMs - 4:15pm

[PM to Simms]

Need a favor, big guy. Mind me using your passage from the batcave into your bedroom? I need a way back into the house tonight, so if I can unlock your window before I go to the party I can get back in, then use the passage to get to the cave, then my room. I'll remember to lock up afterwards, but there are probably going to be footprints outside. Even if they figure out somehow that someone got into your room, they'll still have to figure out how they got out considering it's still all locked and barricaded. You cool with that?

[PM to Daphne]
Evening, my queen. Are you on shift tonight?

Jul. 10th, 2017


i am not a number \m/ - 1:49pm

Okay so

Like, you know what? Fuck it. Call me a millennial, that's fine, but shopping without the internet is GODDAMN HARD.

So when I was a teenager my brother was working at this shop where he didn't really like his co-workers but agreed to do Secret Santa anyway? And he had to fill out a little card about himself for whoever got him. And I think maybe we should do that. A few likes, dislikes, that kind of deal. Just to help guide us?

For example (and shameless whoring)

Five things I like: Music, video games, fashion, shiny objects, techie gadgets
Favorite Colors: All of them. The more, the brighter, the better. Also pink and purple.
Least Favorite Color: Cat-puke brown
Things I collect: "Japanese kawaii bullshit," as my sister lovingly refers to it. Also band t-shirts.

Do the thing.

Jul. 8th, 2017


MarcoV: 11:52am

[........] What do you think they mean by "the testing we do is necessary"?

Jun. 29th, 2017


Filtered to ExB - 8:31am

Well, shit. We lost Mads. :/ Who am I going to start housefires with now?

May. 16th, 2017


"What is your greatest talent or skill?" - 7:34am

Not a superhuman bladder, apparently.

My mad kazoo skillz.


"What is your greatest talent or skill?" - 8:14am

I would certainly hope it's my writing ability, though I've had a few critics and boyfriends that would tell you otherwise.

Apr. 20th, 2017


Daphne - 9:16am - LOCKED TO EXB

It may be in our best interests to store some of these things in the bat cave, if it can be done. Dead or not. We may have a use for them later.

Also, I wanted to keep a snake. I haven't had one since I was a little girl. :(

Apr. 13th, 2017


Filtered to ExB - 8:04am

If anyone needs me, I'm relocating to the secret lair and going the fuck back to sleep until we're done going through plagues. I'll get 0 post up later. Do not let these fucking things into the passages.

Mar. 14th, 2017


PM to Felix - 8:24am

It appears Christmas has come early for one naughty little boy.

Or, perhaps it hasn't. Who knows about the date.

Feb. 21st, 2017


Filtered to ExB - 8:14pm

Just want to throw out a resounding round of applause to our two lovely ladies for their super successful shenanigans today!

Feb. 16th, 2017


i<3Fletcher: 7:16am

Are you freaking serious right now? Like, seriously? I'M SO DONE.

Feb. 3rd, 2017


Simms: 7:09am [Filtered to ExB]

So, I don't suppose any of you nice folks who are a little more eloquent than me might want to volunteer to help me out?

Jan. 28th, 2017


Filtered to ExB - 9:49am

Oh, my. Look at them all scurry.

Jan. 19th, 2017


Jack - 7:24am

Never Fear! The Diner is keeping its old prices! Because fuck that shit

For your convenience, here are our Hours of Operation!

7am - 2pm for the breakfast and lunch crowds
5pm -8pm for dinner!

Today's Special
1/2 price soup and sandwich deal from 11am to 2pm!

Jan. 15th, 2017


Private to Jack and Daphne - 10am

Mornin what time am I supposed to start cleaning and what time am I supposed to stop and is it an everyday thing?

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