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Feb. 3rd, 2016


TheImmatureSexSuperhero: [PMs Sent]

[private to Tobias]

Hey, how you doing? Feeling any better from this morning? I would've come and helped you

[private to Chase]

So I'm craving chocolate pie. Should I try to make one? Also, you still okay? :D

[private to Marco]

What's up???? You hanging in there?
ps - Juno's okay for now I think. She's in the theater with another chick.

Jan. 30th, 2016


[Private to Kiley - 4:35pm]

Jan. 29th, 2016


KateV - 12:32pm

Out of curiosity, how trustworthy truthful accurate is information disseminated to us through the filter of this psycho house facility? I.e. is there a way to verify if information I've received today is legitimate or fabricated?


Private to Evie - 10:40am

So using the very scientific Margolis Scale that ranges from shit to garbage, how bad was this morning on your end? You okay?

If you want to hang out today, I don't know how smart I'll be able to sound, but I'd kind of really love a distraction I'm up for it, but don't worry if you'd rather just have some time to deal with stuff.


Private to Evie - 10:10am

I'm heading out for a bit. I'll be back later though if you need anything, okay?


Private Message to Cecilia - 10:04am

Are you okay? I wanted to knock but wasn't sure you wanted company. Not sure what fresh hell they put anyone else through I'm going for a run. It's late, but I need some air. You're free to join me if you want to get away for a bit. I'm leaving in a few.

Even if you don't want to go, just shoot me a message and let me know you're all right.


Tobias - Private Message to Madison - 10:00am

hey. everything okay? checked in with my friends and they actually seemed all right. wanted to make sure you're the same okay too. I'll be out and around. [...] if you want to hang later.

Jan. 28th, 2016


Daphne - 9:40am


I'm glad I have the party tomorrow to look forward to.


Avram - 9:22am

You know, people keep speculating that this is a scientific experiment, and I know I've said this before, but you bunch of Mengele fucks are not doing science. And if I have anything to say about it, you're not going to die of a stroke in a Brazilian swimming pool like he did. But you're going to the same place he went to in the end, I can fucking guarantee.


Group PM [Kiley, Tobias, and Lennon] - 9:43am

You guys okay?


Jack - 9:10am

Who has paint? Lots and lots of paint?
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Day 19.