December 2017



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Mar. 22nd, 2017


Edwin: 7:29pm [Private to Oliver]

Hey handsome. Did you go to town today with all the new people? Or did you actually have a chill day for once?

Also, I just read "chill", a word I typed myself and knew what I meant, as "chili", and now I want chili. So that's great.

Mar. 16th, 2017


Edwin: 1:13pm

Georgie, Kai, Felix, do you guys want to meet outside Felix's room and see if we know any of the same songs?

Everyone else, we're going to be playing in the hall, so if you want to watch, you can, but I'm pretty sure we're just going to be fucking around today. Or if you feel like being musical with us, come meet us. Maybe in an hour?

Mar. 15th, 2017


PM to Chase : 10:19AM

What're you doing? Are you busy?


noah richardson : 9:36AM

is this real?

am I here? I don't kn

Is anyone still here who was in the house from days 1 to 15?

Mar. 14th, 2017


PM to Felix - 8:24am

It appears Christmas has come early for one naughty little boy.

Or, perhaps it hasn't. Who knows about the date.


Subject #5554ACO1 - 9:31am

Someone want to open the fucking door?

Mar. 15th, 2017


Sterling - 9.06am

Precisely who do I have to fornicate with to get out of

Look, I like a bit of roleplay as much as the next bloke. Though generally, I prefer to be doctor and the I.V. is taking it a bit far. Seven out of ten for authenticity. I probably shouldn't detract points for putting comfort over realism, but the door is locked and I have no idea how I got here.


Temple - 10.39am

This isn't where it should be.

"Open Me" is missing "Drink Me" and "Eat Me", but there are no mirrors in here so it has nothing to do with a Looking Glass.

This isn't right.
My arm won't stop bleeding. Charming.

Mar. 14th, 2017


Cecilia Rynbë - 8:14am

[...] Reginald's been removed again. [...] I hope he's safe back in his cottage. I hope [...] Sorry, guys.



Day 70.