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Oct. 9th, 2007


Prompt 16 - Relive a moment

What moment from your life do you wish you could re-live again?

Are you kidding? Who'd want to relive anything? Maxie probably would. Something to do with Logan. What's the point? You can't change anything and if it's so great, you have the memory. I like to live in the moment. I don't think about the past or the future. I got Max for that.

[Locked Private]
Fine. If I was going to relive any moment it would be the time I spent with Rachel. Pick a moment any moment from then. It was the first time I felt human and not just a soldier for Manticore. It was the first time I felt.


Well, if I was going to relive a moment, it would probably be the Volkovitch job in Kezmekistan and Lola. I would definitely relive the time with Lola.


Prompt #16: What moment from your life do you wish you could re-live again?

Character: Cesare Borgia
Fandom: Cantarella/history
Prompt: #16 – What moment from your life do you wish you could re-live again?
Rating: PG


I cry you mercy; allow me not one, but two moments? They would depend on what version of my tale your prefer.

The first... )

As for the second, the real moment... )

May I have a third? I'm known to be greedy. )

Oct. 8th, 2007


Prompt #16

What moment from your life do you wish you could re-live again?

Make sure you read this announcement in the OOC community. And if you have any feedback, please share it!

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