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November 22nd, 2007

[info]george_carter in [info]voicesinmyhead

prompt #21

"There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you." - Maya Angelou

Yeah, well keeping secrets is hard. Especially when your wife is looking at you and you know she knows. And I won't tell her, never. What she thinks happened isn't nearly as bad as what is still happening so I'll leave her with her small hate and put up with the barbs and hostility. Jack, the evil bastard, he thinks its funny. He winds her up every chance he gets. I've told him to stop. The more he winds her up the more she's going to figure out.

She just thinks Jack is covering for my playing around. I'll take that over the truth right now.
The only thing is that Alison isn't stupid. She'll twig eventually and then? I don't know. I just don't know.

Sgt. George Carter
The Sweeney

[info]schu1dig in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #21: Maya Angelou

"There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you." - Maya Angelou

Oh I agree, I do agree. Don't you?
I can help you with that, you know. It's so hard to keep it inside, isn't it?
I can help you let that secret out, pry the ice off your soul and shove you into action. Do something about those terribly burdensome, sneaky little hidden desires.. Go ahead, go on, do it~ Pick up the gun, pick up the keys, pick up that letter not addressed to you and open it, whatever it is, do it. You'll feel better, isn't it better to have these things settled once and for all? Don't suffer, don't keep it inside, you poor poor thing.

... I on the other hand, have nothing left of my own inside, hidden or not. They didn't leave me so much as a name. I wouldn't call it agony, what I feel. I'd call what I'll do to them in return agony and then some.
