May 2009

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July 19th, 2007

[info]reborn_serpent in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #6 - What makes You Lose Your Temper? [Open]

Ahaha. This is an interesting question to answer.

Well, I am one of those people who are quite notorious for their temper, but I do try to keep it under control for the sake of composure. However, there are times in which it makes me a bit reckless and it is under those circumstances that I can...make mistakes. Not something I would like to admit to often, but I suppose that's why Potter's been so lucky as to escape from me so many time. He simply angers me and causes me to lose my temper because he seems to always know precisely what annoys me whether it be his mere existence or his needling words.

He's not the only thing that causes me to lose my temper of course, but he's been the one that's been on my mind the most as of late. I know he's going to try and fight me again, it's inevitable and so I worry about it, especially since I'm not quite sure what he's doing anymore. Severus isn't much help, especially after Dumbledore's murder.

But as to other things that cause me to lose my temper? Well, such things as having incompetent followers and I tend to show that temper by torturing them with the Cruciatus curse. Dumbledore has also caused me to lose my temper in the past because he has the same ability as Potter to needle me with pointless talk about me. He never did quite get it through his head that I am not to be called "Tom" anymore.

...Now that I think about it, it is difficult for me to list all the things that make me lose my temper, but the ones I have talked about are the major ones.

[info]cass_marshall in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #6 [open]

Cassandra Marshall
Prompt #6: What makes You Lose Your Temper?

cut for mention of violence )

[info]sacred_quill in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #5 Fear.


What is my greatest fear?


My greatest fear is boredom. I am blessed or cursed with immortality, so it is an easy state to acquire. Humans are constantly able to fill their lives with new experiences; but elves have such long lives that new experiences rapidly run dry and we are beset by the tedium that is our existence.


Humans are so lucky that they have limited life spans, although they would not agree with me on that point.


The constant seeking out of new pleasures to alleviate our boredom leads to welcome excesses for which we are judged later, but I do not care.


Like any elf who has lived as long as I have, the escape of boredom is more important than considering the effects of my actions on others. I am not alone in this; the effects of another’s actions upon myself are of little consequence to them.


So long as life has something new each day, I am happy.


[info]sacred_quill in [info]voicesinmyhead

Prompt #6: What makes You Lose Your Temper?

Hardly anything makes me lose my temper. I have seen the destructive nature of long running feuds starting from something so simple as to not be a cause at all; just because someone did not hold their temper in check.


Rudeness, I dislike but one can always counter that with sarcasm. The selfishness of others and injustice makes me angry but not enough for me to throw a full-blown fit. I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes, tacitly plotting destruction and smirk with just happiness as they fall from grace.


No wonder everyone fears me. It is with good reason.
