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Posts Tagged: 'r+%2A+jaclyn'

Nov. 25th, 2017



WHO: Jade Reed, Mateo Huerta, NPC!Kevin
WHEN: November 18/19, late
WHERE: Reed house, at Jade's birthday party
SUMMARY: Mateo rescues Jade from an overzealous boyfriend and the two connect, including a memory.
WARNINGS: Some forced behavior from Kevin to Jade, intentions implied, but it is stopped quickly.

Where have all the good men gone / And where are all the gods / Where's the street-wise Hercules / To fight the rising odds / Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed / Late at night toss and turn and dream of what I need / I need a hero / I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night )

Nov. 24th, 2017




Hola, Señor Lancelot. Don Lancelot? Oo, Don Quixote?

[added after this]

Nov. 20th, 2017



It's days like these I'm most proud to be a veteran...



slipped under Jade's bedroom door just after midnight )

Nov. 18th, 2017



network;; 2017 11 18

You three are some of my closest friends, so I wanted to make the announcement to you first before the news becomes public. Alee and I are expecting a child. She's due in early July.

This is unrelated, but I have a project I've been meaning to discuss with you, but I haven't wanted to distract from your nuptials.

I have a question for you, pretty girl. I could just ask you, but Oren fell asleep on me and I don't want to wake him to come up to you yet.

Nov. 14th, 2017



WHO: Aleida Grant and Lennox Archer
WHEN: November 14th
WHERE: Lennox’s Cabin
SUMMARY: Alee has something life-changing to tell Lennox
WARNINGS: Pregnancy, mentions of intimacy, but nothing graphic.

Do you believe in fate? )

Nov. 13th, 2017



WHO: Cal & Elle Marshall
WHEN: Today
WHERE: ... lol probably Wilkerson's
SUMMARY: Siblings do some early Thanksgiving shopping and a joke turns into a fight about Elle's romantic life :(
WARNINGS: A lot of cussing, a bit of shaming Elle about her life, a lot of sads.

'Oh, so the boyfriend /is/ coming.' )



Okay, pretend these went out last week at least. They would've gone to all her friends, obv, as well as all the Dunhaven cheerleaders; most of the DHS soccer players, football players, and basketball players; Charlie and a handful of Athena cheerleaders; and a select handful of Athena and Aurelius sports players. Because the town is small, it's not a huge number. Mama and Papa Reed did set a limit and she mostly abided by it, but she won't be at all surprised if people bring friends and whatnot. More details on the party will be in a post Saturday, but the "dress code" is expected to be black and gold with white. It won't be enforced, though lol.

Cut for invitation images )

Nov. 11th, 2017



network;; 2017 11 11; late morning

History lesson for Dunhaven today.

We've been celebrating this day for 98 years now. The first Veterans Day, in 1919, was actually Armistice Day, signed into existence by Woodrow Wilson on the anniversary of the signing of the World War I armistice agreement. World War I was the war to end all wars and Armistice Day was meant to celebrate world peace.

Well, that didn't fucking work.

So in 1954, Eisenhower signed a bill changing the name to Veterans Day to be more inclusive since we'd managed to have both World War II and the Korean War in that span of time. Many other countries observe the day as well in some form, still called Armistice Day or Remembrance Day.

As a kid growing up, there were a lot of celebrations for this day. I remember a lot of barbecues, red poppies in lapels, sales at stores or places being closed, Mom shopping for red, white, and blue outfits for all of us, and hearing stories about war or seeing movies and documentaries on TV. There was nothing more glorious or glamorous to my boyhood self. By eight years old, if not earlier, I knew what I was going to do with my life and I dedicated every day to becoming worthy of joining the ranks of those heroes.

Now I know that the military, while glorious, is not glamorous, and war is neither of those things. My body and mind are etched with scars. I've lost men I knew as well as, or even better than, my own brothers, too many of them lost due to my own orders. I was the only survivor from my vehicle in the explosion that took my leg. There are too many men and women that should be here today to be honored in person, but we won't get to do that ever again. Instead, I must do my best to honor their memories.

But I feel it's important to state here how little I regret. I don't regret my eight-year-old self's decision. I don't regret JROTC or West Point or OCS or my eighteen years as an active duty soldier. Because we did not achieve world peace. We did not end all wars.

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

I can't stand ready anymore, but I stood for eighteen years and would have until the day I died. I lost my leg so that no one else had to, just as my brothers in arms lost their lives so no one else had to. I don't pray much, but I do pray that a day will finally come that the original purpose of this day, honoring world peace, arrives. Until then, we stand ready.

And I need a drink.

Nov. 10th, 2017



WHO: Aleida Grant and Lennox Archer. Mentions and a brief line by Lyllianna Stone.
WHEN: THURSDAY ; Nov 9, 2017
WHERE: Northwind Stables
SUMMARY: Lennox shows up with a gift, Alee has a memory.
WARNINGS: Brief mentions of violence in her memory, but nothing at all graphic.

She’s a long term investment in us. )

Nov. 9th, 2017



Less than two weeks until pretty much the best holiday ever and no, Finn Solomon, it is not Thanksgiving. I hope you're all prepared for the magnificence and splendor!

Which, of course, means the most bitchin' birthday bash ever. Mom and Dad are gonna both be out of town the weekend before my birthday and agreed to let me have my party at the house while they're gone anyway! I've got a list of rules, of course, (ugh) but I'm not letting that get in the way of having the best birthday ever. Who's in?

Nov. 7th, 2017



delivery to alee grant - cut for image )

Nov. 6th, 2017



texts;; 2017 11 06; evening

» Well
» Alee was listening to us in the stable
» So that was fantastic
» I had to convince her that I was not two-timing or planning to and that you were not my accomplice
» I'm also fairly certain that there was a minute where she had to talk herself out of shooting me



WHO: Lennox Archer and Aleida Grant. Brief cameo by their usual sidekick, Lyllianna Stone.
WHEN: Monday, November 6th, afternoon.
WHERE: Northwind Stables, then Camp Sylvester Archery Range.
SUMMARY: Alee finds out about Nina, makes some serious assumptions, and it leads to a very serious talk and some startling realizations.
WARNINGS: Lots of feels. Improper weapons and vehicle safety.

She’d never suffered a broken heart quite like this before. )

Nov. 5th, 2017



log;; 2017 11 04; late morning

WHO: Francis Lyon, Kiera Malone
WHEN: November 4, 2017
WHERE: Francis' house
SUMMARY: Francis is working on Lucy's Christmas present (a carved lion statuette) when Kiera comes over for a stay-in date because she's actually not a vampire, but then the universe decides they can't have nice things and Francis has his first seizure in front of her. However, he recovers the happy mood with three very big little words. 😮
WARNINGS: Flirty innuendo, description of seizure

“I love you…” “Francis?” “If I've said too much and made you panic, sweetheart, I can convincingly pretend it was delirium from the seizure.” )

Nov. 4th, 2017



texts;; 2017 11 03; morning, during literature class


» Hey
» So
» Why were you all slow and sore this morning?
» It wouldn't have anything to do with your visitor last night, eh?
» 🍆🍆🍆

Oct. 29th, 2017



WHO: Jade Reed and Finn Solomon
WHEN: Backdated; evening of October 27
WHERE: Rowena's Halloween party
SUMMARY: Chatting among friends! This is a placeholder and will be updated when we finish.
WARNINGS: Underage drinking?

... )

Oct. 28th, 2017



network;; 2017 10 28; morning

When tomorrow's headlines read "Dunhaven Mother Strangles Eight-Year-Old," just know that it was justified.

Just a few more hours! Are you excited?!

Oct. 20th, 2017



log;; 2017 10 17

WHO: Francis Lyon, Kiera Malone
WHEN: October 17, 2017; after 10pm
WHERE: Francis's house
SUMMARY: Kiera comes over to cook for National Pasta Day, but has a memory. Idk what happens next yet.
WARNINGS: So far so good!




log;; 2017 10 20/21

WHO: Gwyn Waters, Nick Waters → Ginny Weasley
WHEN: October 20/21, 2017 → December 1994
WHERE: Gwyn's bedroom → Hogwarts, 12 Grimmauld Place
SUMMARY: Gwyn has a memory dream of Arthur being attacked. This transitions into a modern memory of Lachlan’s death. Nick comes over.
WARNINGS: Aftermath of snake violence. Talk of it and the car accident that killed her father.