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Posts Tagged: 'mcu:+stephen+strange'

Sep. 14th, 2022



[No Subject]

Listen, I will take magical cuddling bears, being late all day, and days of friendly exchanges and gestures over the other thing any day.

Should we worry about anything left behind by our visitor? Physically-speaking. Residual magic or energies?

...And I would ask why I even know these things but then I just look at my fiance and it all makes sense.

Sep. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

Dr. Strange & Dr. Palmer

I am so sorry

I promise I am on my way in right now

I have no idea how I lost track of time

I'm so sorry

Please don't fire me!

Aug. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

It's over ... For real?



[Stephen and Christine]

How long do you think my leg is going to be useless?


Thanks for letting me camp out in your room...

Aug. 26th, 2022




I think I’ve got something. Does anyone have eyes on this thing? If I’m right, I think it’ll work better if I can get close to it.

Aug. 22nd, 2022




Christine was hurt. America was hurt. Emily is okay, except the huge guilt complex. The last three counterspells I tried did nothing to contain this thing and one only stunned it for a second. I feel like I'm no closer to banishing it entirely and half my texts are in a location I can't even get to.

I'm exhausted and this is the fucking worst

I'm not even sure how to tell you all to stay safe anymore. Even being in groups doesn't seem to be helping.

Apparently animals and sentient magical artifacts can get in and out of the building. Cloak has been taking Emma for walks. I'm voluntelling him to walk the other dogs in the building as well, if any of the residents here need that.



[No Subject]

{Backdated to last night, during the America/Wanda thread}

Mr strange!

Mom said to let you know that America is here and she is very safe except for the part that's bleeding on the couch!

Aug. 21st, 2022



Network: Nancy Wheeler

Everyone, I think I figured out a way to slow it down!

If you play music, it stops- not forever, but it was long enough for me to get away before things got worse. Soft music! Like, Phil Collins or Kate Bush.

Aug. 19th, 2022




If you are going to be stupid and patrol, do not go alone.

[ filtered; Professional Medical Types ]
Murdock is down and it is bad. Are we getting any assistance from outside? Do we have a way to get blood and supplies if we can't get him out?

[ ooc; posted earlier in the day - I was at work and wanted to confirm with Tory first. Also that filter is purely for "Danika would forget someone but Yelena would not" reasons ]



[No Subject]

[Filtered Against the Under 16 Crowd]
I think it might be best if we start tracking what we know about this thing. It's not a creature I'm familiar with but I still suspect it's from my world, or at least Emily's, not Albus'.

- We believe it to be some sort of demon, conjured by magic.

- It definitely wants to hurt, perhaps even kill. (Has Murdock been located and assisted?)

- The building is completely blacked out. Electricity in general does seem to work. Also flashlights, candles, and spells that summon light still seem to work

- We can't leave the building. I'm uncertain if others can come in and if they can, will they be trapped with us. Someone should likely contact Ms. Smith and the other officials.
- Ms. Smith has been contacted, they will be attempting to send supplies until this passes or we figure out how to stop it.

- Medical assistance can come in but we can't follow it out. Still uncertain if this demon can hurt them while they're in here.

- Soft music can soothe it. I do not recommend Kate Bush. Not when Adele exists.

I'll try to add anything else we find.

Magic Users Over 18 )

Apartment Filter )



Network: Albus Potter

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Be careful. I'm sorry.

Aug. 10th, 2022




[Filtered Away from Tommy and Billy & the kids under 18]

I'm sure you've met the twins in some capacity at this point. I'm sure some of you may have some questions, so I will do my best to...explain the situation.

vague wandavision spoilers and such and talk of death and sad things )

Aug. 9th, 2022




At the time, a lot was happening, and trying to find a moment to mention it wasn't coming easily.

In any case, since hangover day has come and gone (thanks, mysterious world boss?) -- for those who haven't heard, a certain sorcerer may have asked me to marry him when he got back.

I may have accepted.

Aug. 6th, 2022



[No Subject]

Mother fucker.

Aug. 3rd, 2022




I hear tomorrow is Taco THORSday.

Jul. 21st, 2022




I have been thinking long and hard about this. And because everyone else is so kind and open with their powers and how they can help other people.

My hair is magic. It glows and heals people. And I cannot ever cut it because the magic will go away.



someone arrives again and they are injured, please come get me. I will be happy to help.

But please keep it to yourselves. To the people in the Station. I do not know that I would be able to do so much at a place like where Claire works. And maybe I shouldn't have said anything-



[No Subject]

Hi. I guess.

I'm America Chavez.



[No Subject]

So. I'm home. Thanks for not letting Emily break the Multiverse trying to get to me. That would be bad. Apparently it would be even worse if you gave Christine enough time to work on it so let's not do that visit home thing again, yeah?

I feel like I should go thank the government people for being much better multiverse hosts, too.

You and I need to talk.

I should have added this, my bad, MOM spoilers ahead.

Jul. 16th, 2022



[No Subject]

Singing. Why does it always have to be singing??

I hate street preachers as much as anyone else but starting a street wide singalong of Bohemian Rhapsody wasn't how I'd planned on dealing with them.

....yes, we did the head banging during the instrumental break.

Jul. 9th, 2022



Network: Carol Danvers


If anyone needs me, I won't be around for a few days. I need some space.



[No Subject]

The shop will be closed today most definitely.

Tomorrow, we're leaving that up to Ned.

Ned, you'll be paid extra and, if you want to bring in help tomorrow, they'll be paid as well.

We appreciate your understanding.

I know I shouldn't ask this because the others might need us, but can we just go anywhere that isn't here? Just for today.